The goal of the Summit Software INSPIRE is to provide a consistent software stack for BIP178 project members. Note however, we are not an authoritarian project and you can use whatever software you desire.
Run the following command:
** source /gpfs/alpine/proj-shared/bip178/Inspire_Project_Software/bin/ **
This will set two key environmental variables and modify your module file path to make the Summit INSPIRE binaries available. The 2 key environmental variables are
One should now be able to load the Summit INSPIRE software. Do the following command to see what is available
** module avail Summit **
The core software sets the environment for the gcc compiler, swig, python, and other software to build and run in an consistent environment.
To load the core software stack do
** module load Summit/inspire_project_environment **
This command need only be done once.
To load a production software load the core software module then load the desired module. For example to load AutoDock Vina do the following
** module load Summit/inspire_project_environment **
** module load Summit/autodock_vina/1.1.2 **
Recall that one need only to load the core software stack once.