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File metadata and controls

442 lines (324 loc) · 13.1 KB


nwb will look for an nwb.config.js file in the current working directory for project-specific configuration.

This file should export either a configuration object or a function which creates a configuration object when called.

If a function is exported:

  • it will be called after nwb has ensured the appropriate NODE_ENV environment variable has been set for the command being run.
  • it will be passed an object containing the following properties:
    • command: the name of the nwb command currently being executed.
    • webpack: nwb's version of the webpack module (for use if you need to add extra Webpack plugins to the generated configuration).

Configuration Fields

The object exported or returned by your nwb config can use the following fields:

type: String (required for generic build commands)

nwb uses this field to determine which type of project it's working with when generic build commands like build are used.

It must be one of:

  • 'react-app'
  • 'react-component'
  • 'web-app'
  • 'web-module'

Babel Configuration

babel: Object

Use this object to provide your own options for Babel (version 5) - see the Babel 5 options documentation.

e.g. to use async/await transforms, you will need to configure Babel's stage and optional settings:

module.exports = {
  babel: {
    stage: 0,
    optional: ['runtime']

nwb commands are run in the current working directory, so if you need to configure additional Babel plugins, you can just use their names and let Babel import them.

e.g. to install and use the babel-plugin-react-html-attrs plugin:

npm install [email protected]
module.exports = {
  babel: {
    plugins: ['react-html-attrs']

If provided, Babel config will also be used to configure the babel-loader Webpack loader if there isn't any other configuration specified for it in webpack.loaders.

Webpack Configuration

webpack: Object

Webpack configuration must be provided in a webpack object.

loaders: Object

Each Webpack loader configured by default has a unique id you can use to customise it.

To customise a loader, add a prop to the loaders object matching its id with a configuration object.

Refer to each loader's documentation for configuration options which can be set via query.

e.g., to enable CSS Modules:

module.exports = {
  webpack: {
    loaders: {
      css: {
        query: {
          modules: true

If a loader supports configuration via a top-level webpack configuration property, this can be provided as config. This is primarily for loaders which can't be configured via query as they have configuration which can't be serialised, such as instances of plugins.

e.g. to use the nib plugin with the Stylus preprocessor provided by nwb-stylus:

var nib = require('nib')

module.exports = {
  webpack: {
    loaders: {
      stylus: {
        config: {
          use: [nib()]

Alternatively, you can also add new properties directly to the top-level Webpack config using extra

Default Loaders

Default loaders and their ids are:

  • babel - handles .js and .jsx files with babel-loader

    Default config: {exclude: /node_modules/}

  • css-pipeline - handles your app's own.css files by chaining together a number of loaders:

    Default config: {exclude: /node_modules/}

    Chained loaders are:

    • style - (only when serving) applies styles using style-loader
    • css - handles URLs, minification and CSS Modules using css-loader
    • autoprefixer - automatically adds vendor prefixes to CSS using autoprefixer-loader
  • vendor-css-pipeline - handles .css files required from node_modules, with the same set of chained loaders as css-pipeline but with a vendor- prefix in their id.

    Default config: {include: /node_modules/}

  • graphics - handles .gif and .png files using using url-loader

    Default config: {query: {limit: 10240}}

  • jpeg - handles .jpeg files using file-loader

  • fonts - handles .otf, .svg, .ttf, .woff and .woff2 files using url-loader

    Default config: {query: {limit: 10240}}

  • eot - handles .eot files using file-loader

  • json - handles .json files using json-loader

Test loaders

When running Karma tests with coverage enabled, the following loader will be added:

  • isparta - handles instrumentation of source files for coverage analysis isparta-loader

    Default config: {include: path.join(cwd, 'src')} (where cwd is the directory you ran nwb test from).

    You may need to tweak this loader if you're changing where Karma looks for tests - e.g. if you're colocating tests in __tests__ directories, you will want to configure isparta-loader to ignore these:

    module.exports = {
      webpack: {
        loaders: {
          isparta: {
            exclude: /__tests__/
plugins: Object
plugins.define: Object

By default, nwb will use Webpack's DefinePlugin to replace all occurances of process.env.NODE_ENV with a string containing NODE_ENV's current value.

You can configure a plugins.define object to add your own constant values.

e.g. to replace all occurrences of __VERSION__ with a string containing your app's version from its package.json:

module.exports = {
  webpack: {
    plugins: {
      define: {
        __VERSION__: JSON.stringify(require('./package.json').version)
plugins.install: Object

Configures options for NpmInstallPlugin, which will be used if you pass --auto-install flag to nwb serve.

The default options used by nwb are:

  save: true
extra: Object

Extra configuration to be merged into the generated Webpack configuration using webpack-merge - see the Webpack configuration docs for the available fields.

Note that you must use Webpack's own config structure in this object - e.g. to add an extra loader which isn't managed by nwb's own webpack.loaders config, you would need to provide a list of loaders at webpack.extra.module.loaders.

var path = require('path')

module.exports = function(nwb) {
  return {
    type: 'react-app',
    webpack: {
      extra: {
        // Allow the use of require('images/blah.png') to require from an
        // src/images from anywhere in the the app.
        resolve: {
          alias: {
            'images': path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/images')
        // Example of adding an extra plugin which isn't managed by nwb
        plugins: [
          new nwb.webpack.optimize.MinChunkSizePlugin({
            minChunkSize: 1024

Karma Configuration

Karma defaults to using the Mocha framework and reporter plugins, but it's possible to configure your own, as well as where it looks for tests.

karma: Object

Karma configuration is defined in a karma object, using the following fields:

tests: String

By default, Karma will attempt to run tests from 'tests/**/*-test.js' - you can configure this using the tests property.

e.g. if you want to colocate your tests with your source:

module.exports = {
  karma: {
    tests: 'src/**/*-test.js'
frameworks: Array<String | Plugin>

You must provide the plugin for any custom framework you want to use and manage it as a dependency yourself. Customise the testing framework plugin(s) Karma uses with the frameworks and plugins props:

npm install --save-dev karma-tap
module.exports = {
  karma: {
    frameworks: ['tap'],
    plugins: [

nwb can also determine the correct framework name given the plugin itself, so the following is functionally identical to the configuration above:

module.exports = {
  karma: {
    frameworks: [

If a plugin module provides multiple plugins, nwb will only infer the name of the first plugin it provides, so pass it using plugins instead and list all the frameworks you want to use, for clarity:

module.exports = {
  karma: {
    frameworks: ['mocha', 'chai', 'chai-as-promised'],
    plugins: [
      require('karma-chai-plugins') // Provides chai, chai-as-promised, ...

If you're configuring frameworks and you want to use the Mocha framework managed by nwb, just pass its name as in the above example.

reporters: Array<String | Plugin>

Customising reporters follows the same principle as frameworks, just using the reporters prop instead.

For built-in reporters, or nwb's versfon of the Mocha reporter, just pass a name:

module.exports = {
  karma: {
    reporters: ['progress']

For custom reporters, install and provide the plugin:

npm install --save-dev karma-tape-reporter
module.exports = {
  karma: {
    reporters: [
plugins: Array<Plugin>

A list of plugins to be loaded by Karma - this should be used in combination with frameworks and reporters as necessary.

npm Build Configuration

build: Object

By default, nwb build creates an ES5 build of your React component or vanilla JS module's code for publishing to npm. Additional npm build configuration is defined in a build object, using the following fields:

umd: Boolean

Determines whether or not nwb will create a UMD build when you run nwb build for a React component or web module.

global: String (required for UMD build)

The name of the global variable the UMD build will export.

externals: Object (for UMD build)

A mapping from peerDependency module names to the global variables they're expected to be available as for use by the UMD build.

e.g. if you're creating a React component which also depends on React Router, this configuration would ensure they're not included in the UMD build:

module.exports = {
  build: {
    umd: true,
    global: 'MyComponent',
    externals: {
      'react': 'React',
      'react-router': 'ReactRouter'

package.json UMD Banner Configuration

A banner comment added to UMD builds will use as many of the following package.json fields as are present:

  • name
  • version
  • homepage
  • license

If all fields are present the banner will be in this format:

 * nwb 0.6.0 -
 * MIT Licensed
jsNext: Boolean

Determines whether or not nwb will create an ES6 modules build for tree-shaking module bundlers when you run nwb build for a React component or web module.

module.exports = {
  build: {
    jsNext: true