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was-gradle-plugin Build Status

This plugin is the gradle version of was-maven-plugin

Plugin Page on Gradle Plugin Portal


Gradle plugin to deploy a single war or ear to one or multi local or remote WebSphere Application Server (WAS) at a single build.
Tested on WAS 8.5
Requires: WebSphere Application Server installation on host box! But no need to be configured, nor running.

Requires: JDK 7 or later


Name Type Description
wasHome String WebSphere Application Server home. Default: ${env.WAS_HOME}, required
applicationName String Application name displayed in admin console. Default: ${}
applicationNameSuffix String Will be appended to applicationName, as applicationName_applicationNameSuffix, property file only
host String Local/Remote WAS IP/domain URL. e.g.,, default: localhost
port String Default: 8879 (when cluster not empty); 8880 (when cluster empty)
connectorType String Default: SOAP
cluster String Target cluster name, required if target WAS is a cluster
cell String Target cell name
node String Target node name,
server String Target server name,
webservers String Target web server(s) name, comma-separated.
virtualHost String Target virtual host name
user String Account username for target WAS admin console, if global security is turned on
password String Account password for target WAS admin console, if global security is turned on
contextRoot String required for war deployment
sharedLibs String Bind the exist shared libs to ear/war, comma-separated (,)
parentLast Boolean true to set classloader mode of application to PARENT_LAST, default false
restartAfterDeploy Boolean true to restart server after deploy, false to start application directly. Default true
webModuleParentLast Boolean true to set classloader mode of web module to PARENT_LAST, default false
packageFile String The EAR/WAR package that will be deployed to remote RAS, Default value is been calculated.
failOnError Boolean Default: false Whether failed the build when failed to deploy.
verbose Boolean Whether show more detailed info in log
script String Your own jython script for deployment. Double braces for variables, such as: {{cluster}}
scriptArgs String Args that will be passed to the script
javaoption String Sample -Xmx1024m, -Xms512m -Xmx1024m
deployOptions String Sample -precompileJSPs, -precompileJSPs -deployws
preSteps Ant tasks Ant tasks that can be executed before the deployments
postSteps Ant tasks Ant tasks that can be executed after the deployments
deploymentsPropertyFile File Configuring above params (except those in bold) for multi targets. Default:

Generally, you need to specify at least

  • cluster for a cluster
  • server and node for a non-cluster


Gradle 2.0 or older

buildscript {
	repositories {
		maven {
			url ""
	dependencies {
		classpath ""

apply plugin: "com.orctom.was"

Gradle 2.1 or newer

plugins {
	id "com.orctom.was" version "1.1"


Single Target Server

was {
	applicationName = 'my-app-name'
	host = 'localhost'
	server = 'server01'
	node = 'node01'
	virtualHost = 'default_host'
	verbose = 'true'
gradle build was

Multi Target Servers

Please create at your project root, and put configurations into it. The section name (inside the spare-brackets, such as dev-trunk) will be used to identify the target WAS.

And you don't have to have was {...} section configured in build.gradle in this case.





Deploy to dev-trunk1 and dev-trunk2

gradle was -Ddeploy_targets=dev-trunk1,dev-trunk2

Deploy to dev-trunk2 and dev-trunk3

gradle was -Ddeploy_targets=dev-trunk2,dev-trunk3

Customized Jython Script File

This plugin also supports customized jython script if you need to tween the installation options, such server mappings.

You can copy-create it from the built-in one, or write a totally different one of you own.

Double braces for variables, such as: {{cluster}}, properties in are all available as variables.

Continues Deployment with Jenkins

We could move this plugin to a profile, and utilize Extended Choice Parameter plugin to make this parameterized.

Sample Jenkins Job Configuration


Jenkins Job configure


Jenkins Job Trigger

With Global Security Turned on

When Global Security is enabled on remote WAS (not under a same deployment manager), certificates of remote WAS need to be added to local trust store. We could configure WAS to prompt to add them to local trust store.

  1. Open ${WAS_HOME}/properties/ssl.client.props
  2. Change the value of to gui or stdin
  • gui: will prompt a Java based window, this requires a X window installed.
  • stdin: when using ssh, or on client linux without X window installed.

Change Log

  • Added support for IHS webserver mapping for standalone WAS.


  • Fixed issue for workspace path includes whitespaces.


  • Fixed issue of NullPointerException when some property is not configured.


  • Fixed issue of not starting application on standalone WAS (restartAfterDeploy=false)


  • Fixed server mapping issue with cluster. Apps will be deployed to all servers that managed by the specified cluster.
  • Web servers support, use webservers to specify the web server(s) that you want to bind. (but you still have to 'update web server plug-in configuration' by your self.)
  • Added parameter deployOptions, expecting space-separated options such as -precompileJSPs -deployws, which will be prepended in the deployment options.
  • Fixed issue about failOnError.