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Terraform module to deploy production-ready applications and services on an existing ECS infra.

Architecture Diagram

ECS Deployment Architecture Diagram


Name Version
terraform >= 1.6.0
aws ~> 5.0


Name Version
aws ~> 5.0


Name Source Version
acm ./modules/acm n/a
alb ./modules/alb n/a
capacity_provider ./modules/capacity-provider n/a
s3_bucket ./modules/s3-bucket n/a


Name Type
aws_ecs_service.this resource
aws_ecs_task_definition.this resource
aws_elb_service_account.this data source


Name Description Type Default Required
acm_certificates ACM certificates to create.
domain_name = string
subject_alternative_names = optional(list(string), [])
validation_method = optional(string, "DNS")
key_algorithm = optional(string, "RSA_2048")
validation_option = optional(object({
domain_name = string
validation_domain = string
tags = optional(map(string), {})
record_zone_id = string
record_allow_overwrite = optional(bool, true)
{} no
capacity_provider_default_auto_scaling_group_arn ARN for this Auto Scaling Group. string null no
capacity_providers Capacity Providers to associate with the ECS Cluster. any {} no
cluster_name (Required) Name of the cluster. string n/a yes
create_acm Creates the ACM certificates to use with the Load Balancer. bool false no
create_alb Creates a new Application Load Balancer to use with the ECS Service. bool true no
create_capacity_provider Creates a new Capacity Provider to use with the Autoscaling Group. bool true no
create_s3_bucket_for_alb_logging (Optional) Creates S3 bucket for storing ALB Access and Connection Logs. bool true no
default_capacity_providers_strategies (Optional) Set of capacity provider strategies to use by default for the cluster. any [] no
load_balancer Configuration for the Application Load Balancer.
name = optional(string)
internal = optional(bool, false)
subnets_ids = optional(list(string), [])
security_groups_ids = optional(list(string), [])
preserve_host_header = optional(bool)
enable_deletion_protection = optional(bool, false)
access_logs = optional(any, null)
connection_logs = optional(any, null)
target_groups = optional(any, {})
listeners = optional(any, {})
listener_rules = optional(any, {})
tags = optional(map(string), {})
{} no
s3_bucket_force_destroy (Optional, Default:false) Boolean that indicates all objects (including any locked objects) should be deleted from the bucket when the bucket is destroyed so that the bucket can be destroyed without error. bool false no
s3_bucket_name (Optional, Forces new resource) Name of the bucket. string null no
s3_bucket_policy_id_prefix (Optional) - Prefix of the ID for the policy document. string "ecs-deployment-alb-" no
s3_bucket_tags (Optional) Map of tags to assign to the bucket. map(string) {} no
s3_elb_service_account_arn (Optional, Default:null) ARN of the ELB Service Account. string null no
service Configuration for ECS Service.
name = string
deployment_maximum_percent = optional(number)
deployment_minimum_healthy_percent = optional(number)
desired_count = optional(number)
enable_ecs_managed_tags = optional(bool, true)
enable_execute_command = optional(bool)
force_new_deployment = optional(bool, true)
health_check_grace_period_seconds = optional(number)
iam_role = optional(string)
propagate_tags = optional(string)
scheduling_strategy = optional(string)
triggers = optional(map(string))
wait_for_steady_state = optional(bool)
load_balancer = optional(any, [])
network_configuration = optional(any, null)
service_connect_configuration = optional(any, null)
volume_configuration = optional(any, null)
deployment_circuit_breaker = optional(any, null)
service_registries = optional(any, null)
tags = optional(map(string), {})
n/a yes
task_definition ECS Task Definition to use for running tasks.
container_definitions = any
family = string
cpu = optional(string)
execution_role_arn = optional(string)
ipc_mode = optional(string)
memory = optional(string)
network_mode = optional(string, "awsvpc")
pid_mode = optional(string)
skip_destroy = optional(bool)
task_role_arn = optional(string)
track_latest = optional(bool)
runtime_platform = optional(any, null)
volume = optional(any, null)
tags = optional(map(string), {})
n/a yes
vpc_id The ID of the VPC. string n/a yes


Name Description
acm_certificate_validation_id Identifiers of the ACM certificates validation resources.
acm_certificates_arns ARNs of the ACM certificates.
acm_certificates_ids Identifiers of the ACM certificates.
acm_route53_records_ids Identifiers of the Route53 Records for validation of the ACM certificates.
alb_arn ARN of the load balancer.
alb_dns_name DNS name of the load balancer.
alb_listener_rules_arns ARNs of the Listener Rules.
alb_listener_rules_ids Identifiers of the Listener Rules.
alb_listeners_arns ARNs of the Listeners.
alb_listeners_ids Identifiers of the Listeners.
alb_target_groups_arns ARNs of the Target Groups.
alb_target_groups_ids Identifiers of the Target Groups.
alb_zone_id Canonical hosted zone ID of the Load Balancer.
capacity_provider_arns ARNs for the ECS Capacity Providers.
capacity_provider_ecs_cluster_capacity_providers_id Identifier for the ECS Cluster Capacity Providers.
capacity_provider_ids Identifiers for the ECS Capacity Providers.
ecs_service_arn ARN that identifies the service.
ecs_task_definition_arn Full ARN of the Task Definition.
s3_bucket_arn ARN of the bucket.
s3_bucket_id Name of the bucket.