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Day 63 - Sample Pipeline For Azure Network Pattern

Today's post comes from guest contributor Tao Yang @MrTaoYang. Tao is a Microsoft MVP who from 9-to-5 focuses on DevOps and governance in Azure for enterprise customers. You can find Tao blogging at Managing Cloud and Datacenter by Tao Yang.

It is time to get practical. Today I am going to show you a pattern I have developed for my lab environment.

DOWNLOAD: The entire pattern (templates, parameter files, tests, scripts, etc.) can be found at my GitHub repository HERE. Feel free to download / fork it.

When setting up a new Azure environment, networking is probably the first pattern you need to design and implement. The pattern and pipeline I'm showing you today deploys the following resources to multiple subscriptions within a same Azure AD tenant:

  • A hub VNet in the management sub
  • Multiple spoke VNets across multiple workload subs
  • VNet peering between the hub and all spoke VNets
  • (Optional) Site-to-Site VPN to on-prem network, which consists of VPN gateway, local network gateway and VPN connection.
  • (Optional) A subnet dedicated for Azure AD DS in the Hub VNet. - AADDS itself is not part of this pattern.
  • Various Bastion Hosts for several VNets
  • An NSG for each VNet
  • A Private DNS Zone that is linked to all the Hub and Spoke VNets

IMPORTANT NOTE: This pattern does not include any advanced network resource such as firewall, User-Defined Route (UDR), or Application Security Groups (ASR). Although this is sufficient for my lab environment, it may not be production ready.

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Pattern Overview

This network pattern consists of a hub VNet and multiple spoke VNets spanned across multiple subscriptions within a same Azure AD tenant (as shown below) 001)

Hub Networks

Subscription VNet Name Type Address Space Location Resource Group Bastion Enabled
Management Sub vnet-hub01 Hub Australia East rg-network-hub Yes

Spoke Networks

Subscription VNet Name Type Address Space Location Resource Group Bastion Enabled
Workload Sub #1 vnet-spoke-w0101 Spoke Australia East rg-network-spoke-101 Yes
Workload Sub #1 vnet-spoke-w0102 Spoke Australia Southeast rg-network-spoke-102 No
Workload Sub #1 vnet-spoke-w0103 Spoke Southeast Asia rg-network-spoke-103 No
Workload Sub #2 vnet-spoke-w0201 Spoke East US rg-network-spoke-201 Yes
Workload Sub #2 vnet-spoke-w0202 Spoke West Europe rg-network-spoke-202 Yes

Pipeline Configuration

A YAML pipeline (azure-pipelines.yml) is included in the repo. The Pipeline requires the following objects need to be created in Azure DevOps project:

Marketplace Extensions

This pipeline uses tasks from the following extensions that can be installed via Azure DevOps Marketplace:

Name Link
Pester Test Runner Build Task

Service Connections

Name Type Target
sub-mgmt Azure Resource Manager Management Sub
sub-workload-1 Azure Resource Manager Workload Sub #1
sub-workload-2 Azure Resource Manager Workload Sub #2

Variable Groups

test - network


NOTE: The following variables in variable group test - network are used by the Pester test. Do not modify the values unless you have updated the ARM templates for hub VNet, Spoke VNet and VNet Peering.

Variable Name Value
hubParameters 'hubVnetName', 'deployVpnGateway', 'gatewaySku', 'hubVnetPrefix', 'dmzSubnetPrefix', 'mgmtSubnetPrefix', 'sharedSubnetPrefix', 'gatewaySubnetPrefix', 'aaddsSubnetPrefix', 'bastionSubnetPrefix', 'localNetworkAddressPrefixes', 'localGatewayIpAddress', 'vpnConnectionType', 'vpnConnectionProtocol', 'IPSecSharedKey', 'deployBastion', 'deployAaddsSubnet'
hubResources 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks', 'Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses', 'Microsoft.Network/bastionHosts', 'Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups', 'Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups', 'Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses', 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways', 'Microsoft.Network/localNetworkGateways', 'Microsoft.Network/connections'
hubVariables 'dmzSubnetName', 'mgmtSubnetName', 'sharedSubnetName', 'gatewaySubnetName', 'aaddsSubnetName', 'gatewayName', 'gatewayPIPName', 'localNetworkGatewayName', 'vpnConnectionName', 'subnetGatewayId', 'nsgName', 'aaddsNsgName', 'bastionSubnetName', 'bastionPipName', 'bastionName'
peeringParameters 'localVnetName', 'remoteVnetName', 'remoteVnetSubscriptionId', 'remoteVnetResourceGroup'
peeringResources 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/virtualNetworkPeerings'
spokeParameters 'nsgName', 'spokeVnetName', 'spokeVnetPrefix', 'spokeResourceSubnetPrefix', 'spokeBastionSubnetPrefix', 'deployBastion'
spokeResources 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks', 'Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups', 'Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses', 'Microsoft.Network/bastionHosts'
spokeVariables 'spokeResourceSubnetName', 'spokeBastionSubnetName', 'nsgName', 'bastionPipName', 'bastionName'
dnsZoneParameters 'zoneName', 'LinkedVNetResourceIds'
dnsZoneResources 'Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones', 'Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/virtualNetworkLinks'

variables - network


NOTE: Modify the following variables in variable group variables - network to suit your requirements. The values provided are samples only.

Variable Name Sample Value Comment
deployAaddsSubnet No Specify if you want to deploy a subnet in the Hub VNet for Azure AD Domain Services (created separately)
deployVpnGateway No *Specify if you want to deploy a VPN gateway (for site-to-site VPN)
hubLocation Australia East *Specify the location of Hub VNet. if This location does not support Azure Bastion Host, change the 'deployBastion' parameter value to false in the file.
hubResourceGroup rg-network-hub-01 specify the resource group for the Hub VNet
hubVnetName vnet-hub01 specify the Hub VNet name
localGatewayIpAddress specify your on-prem VPN gateway IP i.e.*
localNetworkAddressPrefixes ["",""] specify your on-prem network addresses i.e. ["",""]*
spokeLocation0101 Australia East Location for Spoke Vnet 101 in workload sub #1. If This location does not support Azure Bastion Host, change the 'deployBastion' parameter value to false in the spoke.sub1.network1.azuredeploy.parameters.json file.
spokeLocation0102 Australia Southeast Location for Spoke Vnet 102 in workload sub #1. If This location does not support Azure Bastion Host, change the 'deployBastion' parameter value to false in the spoke.sub1.network2.azuredeploy.parameters.json file.
spokeLocation0103 Southeast Asia Location for Spoke Vnet 103 in workload sub #1. If This location does not support Azure Bastion Host, change the 'deployBastion' parameter value to false in the spoke.sub1.network3.azuredeploy.parameters.json file.
spokeLocation0201 East US Location for Spoke Vnet 201 in workload sub #2. If This location does not support Azure Bastion Host, change the 'deployBastion' parameter value to false in the spoke.sub2.network1.azuredeploy.parameters.json file.
spokeLocation0202 West US Location for Spoke Vnet 202 in workload sub #2. If This location does not support Azure Bastion Host, change the 'deployBastion' parameter value to false in the spoke.sub2.network2.azuredeploy.parameters.json file.
spokeResourceGroup0101 rg-network-spoke-101 Resource group name for spoke VNet 101
spokeResourceGroup0102 rg-network-spoke-102 Resource group name for spoke VNet 102
spokeResourceGroup0103 rg-network-spoke-103 Resource group name for spoke VNet 103
spokeResourceGroup0201 rg-network-spoke-201 Resource group name for spoke VNet 201
spokeResourceGroup0202 rg-network-spoke-202 Resource group name for spoke VNet 202
spokeVnetName0101 vnet-spoke-w0101 Spoke VNet 101 name
spokeVnetName0102 vnet-spoke-w0102 Spoke VNet 102 name
spokeVnetName0103 vnet-spoke-w0103 Spoke VNet 103 name
spokeVnetName0201 vnet-spoke-w0201 Spoke VNet 201 name
spokeVnetName0202 vnet-spoke-w0202 Spoke VNet 202 name
vpnConnectionType IPsec VPN Connection type
vpnConnectionProtocol IKEv2 VPN connection protocol
IPSecSharedKey wjEf7n599CuY3wbf IPSec Shared key, you will also need to use this key when creating your on-prem VPN connection

Pipeline steps

The pipeline contains 2 stages:

  • test_and_build
  • lab_deploy

NOTE: The lab_deploy stage includes steps to deploy all required resources across multiple subscriptions (management sub and workload subs), because my lab environment consists multiple subscriptions within a single Azure AD tenant.


test_and_build stage

This stage consists of the following steps:

  • Pester-test all three (3) ARM templates in the solution
    • Hub VNet template
    • Spoke VNet template
    • VNet peering template
  • ARM deployment validation
  • Publish build artifacts

lab_deploy stage

This stage consists of the following ARM deployment tasks

  • Deploy Hub VNet in the Management subscription
  • Deploy all spoke VNet in multiple Workload subscriptions
  • Create VNet peerings between the Hub VNet and each Spoke VNet
  • Create an Azure Private DNS zone and linked it to all the hub and spoke VNet that were deployed in this pattern.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The deployment for VPN gateways and Bastion hosts can take very long time to finish. In my lab, this pipeline takes more than one (1) hour to execute. When using free Microsoft hosted agents, the maximum pipeline execution time is 60 minutes. Depending on your pipeline, if you are using Microsoft hosted agents, you may need to purchase an additional parallel job in order to increase the maximum execution time to 6 hours.


In this article, I have demonstrated how was the fundamental networking pattern deployed in my lab environment using ARM templates and Azure DevOps YAML pipeline. Although in my opinion the pattern is only designed for a lab / dev environment, I hope you have learned something from this example.