With Azure DB for PostgreSQL, you can deploy the Postgres version of your choice, with the compute . We've talked repeatedly about the flexibility of using Azure CLI (bash) in your day-to-day, non-prod releases. Today, we offer a script, designed to run in a release pipeline in Azure Pipelines, and by request, we've left in Azure KeyVault integration for storing secrets related to the Postgres instance. I've used this in a release pipeline with great results.
This performs the following configuration of your Azure PostgreSQL instance, including:
- Logs in as a service principal
- Switches context to the Azure sub
- Checks for the prerequisites needed on the build agent
- Deploys the Azure DB for PostgreSQL instance for version you specify
- Sets the SKU
- Enables geo-redundant backup storage, if desired
- Sets whitelisted IP addresses for remote access
- Stores the connection endpoint in Azure KeyVault
- Retrieves and stores the Postgres user and password in Azure KeyVault
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The script, and command line syntax are shown here, well-commented so you know what's happening at every stage. The full script is shown below, as well as in the day57 folder in the resources in this Git repository.
./createpostgres.sh -i 5345deaa-0037-4785-8ce9-7c6a3c43k48t -t e7453b1c-6356-4cc1-a495-d74eccd3kf83 -l eastus -r MyResGrp -u svcprncpl -p 'MyPassword' -d postgres -x 'MyPassword' -c cust1 -v 9.6 -k GP_Gen5_2 -b 7 -y Disabled
# Name: Create Azure DB for PostgreSQL instance and databases
# Author: Pete Zerger
# Description: This script is responsible for deploying an Azure DB for Postgres instance.
# Sample: see parameter documentation and example at the head of the script below.
# Parse Script Parameters.
while getopts ":i:t:l:r:u:p:d:x:c:v:k:b:y:" opt; do
case "${opt}" in
i) # Azure Subscription ID.
t) # Azure Subscription Tenant ID.
l) # Azure Location.
r) # The Resource Group name for the File Share & related resources.
u) # Management Service Principal Username. This is used for managing all Postgres DBs in an Azure Subscription.
p) # Management Service Principal Password.
d) # Postgres Username. This is used for managing all Postgres DBs in an Azure Subscription.
x) # Postgres Password.
c) # The naming prefix for associated environment.
v) # Major and minor PostgreSQL version number.
k) # Azure DB for Postgres SKU.
b) # Set backup retention (days)
y) # Enable geo-backup
\?) # Unrecognised option - show help.
echo -e \\n"Option [-${BOLD}$OPTARG${NORM}] is not allowed. All Valid Options are listed below:"
echo -e "-i AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID - The Azure Subscription ID."
echo -e "-t AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_TENANT_ID - The Azure Subscription Tenant ID."
echo -e "-l AZURE_LOCATION - The Azure Location where the File Share will be deployed."
echo -e "-r POSTGRES_RG - Azure File Share name for PostgreSQL."
echo -e "-u MGMT_SP_USERNAME - Management Service Principal Username. This is used for managing all Postgres DBs in an Azure Subscription."
echo -e "-p MGMT_SP_PASSWORD - Management Service Principal Password."
echo -e "-d DB_USERNAME - Postgres Username."
echo -e "-x DB_PASSWORD - Postgres Password."
echo -e "-c ENVIRONMENT - The naming prefix for associated environment."
echo -e "-v POSTGRES_VERSION - Postgres version nubmer to deploy."
echo -e "-k SKU_NAME - Azure DB for Postgres SKU."
echo -e "-b BACKUP_RET - Backup data retention (in days)."
echo -e "-y GEO_BACKUP - Enable or disable geo backup of postgres data."
echo -e "Script Syntax is shown below:"
echo -e "An Example of how to use this script is shown below:"
echo -e "./createpostgres.sh -i 5345deaa-0037-4785-8ce9-7c6a3c43k48t -t e7453b1c-6356-4cc1-a495-d74eccd3kf83 -l eastus -r MyResGrp -u svcprncpl -p 'MyPassword' -d postgres -x 'MyPassword' -c cust1 -v 9.6 -k GP_Gen5_2 -b 7 -y Disabled \\n"
exit 2
shift $((OPTIND-1))
# Verifying the Script Parameters Values exist.
if [ -z "${AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID}" ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] The Azure Subscription ID must be provided."
exit 2
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] The Azure Subscription Tenant ID must be provided."
exit 2
if [ -z "${AZURE_LOCATION}" ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] Management Service Principal Username must be provided."
exit 2
if [ -z "${POSTGRES_RG}" ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] Resource group name for Postgres instance must be provided."
exit 2
if [ -z "${MGMT_SP_USERNAME}" ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] Management Service Principal Username must be provided."
exit 2
if [ -z "${MGMT_SP_PASSWORD}" ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] Management Service Principal Password must be provided."
exit 2
if [ -z "${DB_USERNAME}" ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] The Postgres Azure Storage Account Name being created must be provided."
exit 2
if [ -z "${DB_PASSWORD}" ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] The Postgres Azure Storage Account Name being created must be provided."
exit 2
if [ -z "${ENVIRONMENT}" ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] The K8s naming prefix must be included."
exit 2
if [ -z "${POSTGRES_VERSION}" ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] The PostgreSQL Azure Resource Group must be included."
exit 2
if [ -z "${SKU_NAME}" ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] The PostgreSQL Azure Resource Group must be included."
exit 2
if [ -z "${BACKUP_RET}" ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] The PostgreSQL Azure Resource Group must be included."
exit 2
if [ -z "${GEO_BACKUP}" ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] The Azure Location where to deploy the Cluster must be provided."
exit 2
# Logging in to Azure as the Management Service Principal.
/usr/bin/az login --service-principal -u "http://$MGMT_SP_USERNAME" -p $MGMT_SP_PASSWORD --tenant $AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_TENANT_ID > /dev/null 2>&0
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---success---] Logged into Azure as the Management Service Principal [$MGMT_SP_USERNAME]."
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] Failed to login to Azure as the Management Service Principal [$MGMT_SP_USERNAME]."
exit 2
# Setting the Azure Subscription to work with.
/usr/bin/az account set -s $AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID > /dev/null 2>&0
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---success---] Azure CLI set to Azure Subscription [$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID]."
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] Failed to set Azure CLI to Azure Subscription [$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID]."
exit 2
# Step 1: Create the Resource Group
/usr/bin/az group show \
--resource-group $POSTGRES_RG \
--subscription $AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID > /dev/null 2>&0
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---info---] Resource Group [$POSTGRES_RG] already exists."
echo "[$(date -u)][---info---] Resource Group [$POSTGRES_RG] not found."
# Create a resource group
# az group create --name $POSTGRES_FILE_RG --location $AZURE_LOCATION > /dev/null 2>&0
az group create \
--name $POSTGRES_RG \
--location $AZURE_LOCATION > /dev/null 2>&0
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---success---] Created the Resource Group [$POSTGRES_RG] for the Postgres instance."
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] Failed to create the Resource Group [$POSTGRES_RG] for the Postgres instance."
exit 2
# Step 2: Deploy the Postgres Server
az postgres server create \
--location $AZURE_LOCATION \
--name "$ENVIRONMENT" \
--version "$MAJOR_VERSION" \
--sku-name "$SKU_NAME" \
--admin-user "$DB_USERNAME" \
--admin-password "$DB_PASSWORD" \
--resource-group "$POSTGRES_RG" \
--backup-retention "$BACKUP_RET" \
--geo-redundant-backup "$GEO_BACKUP" \
--storage-size 51200
# > /dev/null 2>&0
# Step 3: Configure a firewall rule for the server
# The ip address range that you want to allow to access your server
az postgres server firewall-rule create \
--resource-group "$POSTGRES_RG" \
--server "$ENVIRONMENT" \
--name AllowIps \
--start-ip-address \
--end-ip-address > /dev/null 2>&0
# Step 4: Add database connection info to Azure Key Vault
# Server FQDN
# Postgres User
# Postgres Password
# Adding the Postgres Server FQDN to Azure Key Vault.
/usr/bin/az keyvault secret set \
--name "${ENVIRONMENT}-postgres-fqdn" \
--vault-name "$KEYVAULTNAME" \
--subscription "$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID" \
--value "$POSTGRES_FQDN" > /dev/null 2>&0
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---success---] The ${ENVIRONMENT} Postgres FQDN has been added to Key Vault [$KEYVAULTNAME]."
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] Failed to add the ${ENVIRONMENT} Postgres FQDN to Key Vault [$KEYVAULTNAME]."
exit 2
# Adding the Postgres User to Azure Key Vault.
/usr/bin/az keyvault secret set \
--name "${ENVIRONMENT}-postgres-username" \
--vault-name "$KEYVAULTNAME" \
--subscription "$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID" \
--value "$POSTGRES_USER" > /dev/null 2>&0
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---success---] The ${ENVIRONMENT} Postgres Username has been added to Key Vault [$KEYVAULTNAME]."
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] Failed to add the ${ENVIRONMENT} Postgres Username to Key Vault [$KEYVAULTNAME]."
exit 2
# Adding the Postgres User Password to Azure Key Vault.
/usr/bin/az keyvault secret set \
--name "${ENVIRONMENT}-postgres-password" \
--vault-name "$KEYVAULTNAME" \
--subscription "$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID" \
--value "$POSTGRES_PASSWORD" > /dev/null 2>&0
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---success---] The ${ENVIRONMENT} Postgres User's Password has been added to Key Vault [$KEYVAULTNAME]."
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] Failed to add the ${ENVIRONMENT} Postgres User's Password to Key Vault [$KEYVAULTNAME]."
exit 2
If you've been holding back from using Azure CLI in your Infrastructure-as-Code practice, here's another reason to give it a try. Hope you find it helpful.