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Day 101 - Deploying an AKS Cluster FAST from Azure Cloud Shell

Welcome to the first installment of "100 MORE Days of Infrastructure-as-Code in Azure"! In today's article we will be covering how to deploy an AKS Cluster from Azure Cloud Shell, but with a new facet - Youtube video! The code and related artifacts for each new installment will be here with a link to the video on our YouTube channel.

Today, we're covering quick and effective AKS cluster deployment with Azure Cloud Shell. While our demonstration is not recommended for a Production Environment, we hope it will provide a way to quickly deploy and AKS cluster for study and exam prep! Additionally, we have opted to use a walkthrough video instead of an article. In order to make things as easy as possible, all commands in the video are able to be copy and pasted from the Video Walkthrough Commands section.

Find the code and reference links below!

Video Walkthrough (YouTube)

TO VIEW: Click HERE to view the walkthrough video on Youtube at!

TO SUBSCRIBE: Click HERE to follow us on Youtube so you get a heads up on future videos!

NOTE: All content for this article was tested and written for use with Azure Cloud Shell.

SPONSOR: Need to stop and start your development VMs on a schedule? The Azure Resource Scheduler let's you schedule up to 10 Azure VMs for FREE! Learn more HERE

Video Walkthrough Commands (aka "the code")

All commands used in video are in the document below.

# Enabling the aks-preview Extension so we can use the [--node-resource-group] parameter.
az extension add \
--name aks-preview

# (Optional) Retrieving the Azure Active Directory Tenant ID.
AAD_TENENT_ID=$(az account show --query tenantId --output tsv)

# Generating a Random Number to give our AKS Cluster a unique name. (At least good enough for this demo)
RAND=$(shuf -i 1-9999 -n 1)

# Creating the Azure Resource Group for the AKS Service.
az group create \
--name "aks-iam-${RAND}" \
--location "westeurope"

# Deploying our AKS Cluster.
az aks create \
--name "aks-iam-${RAND}" \
--dns-name-prefix "aks-iam-${RAND}" \
--node-resource-group "aks-iam-${RAND}-nodes" \
--resource-group "aks-iam-${RAND}" \
--location "westeurope" \
--generate-ssh-keys \
--enable-cluster-autoscaler \
--enable-aad \
--aad-tenant-id "${AAD_TENENT_ID}" \
--admin-username "lxadmin" \
--nodepool-name "primarypool" \
--kubernetes-version "1.18.8" \
--node-count "2" \
--min-count "1" \
--max-count "2" \
--node-osdisk-size "100" \
--node-vm-size "Standard_DS2_v2"

# Retrieving the [admin] credentials as a [kubeconfig] file to use to login to the AKS Cluster.
az aks get-credentials \
--name "aks-iam-${RAND}" \
--resource-group "aks-iam-${RAND}" \
--file "aks-iam-${RAND}-admin-kubeconfig" \

# Setting the [kubectl] command to point at our [kubeconfig] file.
export KUBECONFIG=./aks-iam-${RAND}-admin-kubeconfig

# Retrieving information about the AKS Cluster.
kubectl cluster-info

# Listing the Worker Nodes on the AKS Cluster.
kubectl get nodes

# Removing the AKS Cluster.
az aks cluster delete \
--name "aks-iam-${RAND}" \
--resource-group "aks-iam-${RAND}"

# Removing the [kubeconfig] file from our Azure Cloud Shell session.
rm -rf ./aks-iam-${RAND}-admin-kubeconfig

# Removing the AKS Service Principal Information from our Azure Cloud Shell session.
rm -rf .azure/aksServicePrincipal.json

SPONSOR: Need to stop and start your development VMs on a schedule? The Azure Resource Scheduler let's you schedule up to 10 Azure VMs for FREE! Learn more HERE

Resource Links

AKS-Engine on Github

Quickstart for Bash in Azure Cloud Shell

Enable Azure Monitor for Containers


We're REALLY excited to continue this series! If there's a specific scenario that you wish to be covered in future articles, please create a New Issue in the starkfell/100DaysOfIaC GitHub repository.