diff --git a/inception/inception-doc/src/main/resources/META-INF/asciidoc/admin-guide/metrics_monitoring.adoc b/inception/inception-doc/src/main/resources/META-INF/asciidoc/admin-guide/metrics_monitoring.adoc index b8f98aa5688..052afde6534 100644 --- a/inception/inception-doc/src/main/resources/META-INF/asciidoc/admin-guide/metrics_monitoring.adoc +++ b/inception/inception-doc/src/main/resources/META-INF/asciidoc/admin-guide/metrics_monitoring.adoc @@ -81,6 +81,42 @@ that this memory is available to the JVM. and others. +== Sentry +In order to use Sentry as an error tracker, you will need to provide the Sentry SDK your Sentry project's Data Source Name (DSN) and other settings in {product-name}'s `settings.properties` file. The Sentry SDK will be deactivated unless a DSN is provided. + +|=== +| Setting | Description | Default | Example(s) + +| `sentry.dsn` +| The DSN tells the Sentry SDK where to send events. +| `null` +| https://examplePublicKey@o0.ingest.sentry.io/0 https://examplePublicKey@sentry.your-org.com/N + +| `sentry.environment` +| Set the application environment that will be sent with each event. +| production +| prod + +| `sentry.enable-tracing` +| Enable transaction tracing used for performance monitoring. +| false +| true + +| `sentry.traces-sample-rate` +| Adjust the procentage of transaction sent to Sentry. +| 1.0 +| 0.2 + +| `sentry.send-default-pii` +| By default, the Sentry SDK do not purposefully send Personally Identifiable Information (PII) to your Sentry server. +| off +| on +|=== + +By default, only unhandled exceptions are sent to Sentry. This behavior can be tuned through configuring the `sentry.exception-resolver-order` property. For example, setting it to `-2147483647` (the value of `org.springframework.core.Ordered#HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE`) ensures exceptions that have been handled by exception resolvers with higher order are sent to Sentry - including ones handled by `@ExceptionHandler` annotated methods. + +More option that can be overwritten are listed in https://docs.sentry.io/platforms/java/guides/spring-boot/configuration/[the official Sentry SDK ducumentation]. + == Scheduling The default schedule for pulling of Prometheus is 10s, however it is necessary to make this a longer interval to avoid overwhelming your {product-name} instance with requests for metrics.