We touched on the basics of what it means to write clean code all the way back in Foundations. In that lesson, we discussed how you might get lost in your own code. It might have felt like a silly notion at the time, but probably by now, you've probably already had experience with that.
This lesson is an opportunity to learn some cool new tricks that can make your code cleaner and just better.
Sound good? Let's go!
This section contains a general overview of topics that you will learn in this lesson.
- How to apply SRP to functions
- Why and how to limit number of arguments in functions
- Understand the value of reusability
- Explore the balance between brevity and readability
Last time we mostly covered functions from the perspective of naming them. But there is much more to what makes a good function (or a method for that matter).
We have just discussed one of the most important principles in an earlier lesson - The Single Responsibility Principle. The discussion there was in the context of Object Oriented Programming, or classes. But the same applies to functions.
A function that does one thing will be easier to read than one that does many things. This will not only make your code more readable but it will make it easier to refactor, to add new features and maintain. Let's look at an example:
function processUserData(user) {
if (!user || !user.name || !user.email) {
throw new Error("User data is incomplete");
const savedUser = database.save(user);
logger.logActivity("User registration", user.name, new Date());
This function is responsible for the following tasks:
- Validates user data.
- Saves user data to the database.
- Sends a welcome email to the user.
- Logs user activity.
Our poor function is just absolutely burdened. While the code isn't hard to read, violating SRP can make life difficult when fixing bugs down the line.
Let's imagine that there will be a bug in step two, where the user data is added to a database. Will your first instinct to be to look at the function named processUserData
? Probably not, it's not referring to saving the user to the database but as our function has so many responsibilities, the problem might be there.
So how would we align this function to respect the SRP? By dividing it to smaller functions, something like this:
function validateUserData(user) {
if (!user || !user.name || !user.email) {
throw new Error("User data is incomplete");
function saveUserToDatabase(user) {
return database.save(user);
function sendWelcomeEmailToUser(email) {
function logUserRegistration(name) {
logger.logActivity("User registration", name, new Date());
And finally we can wrap it up by calling these smaller functions in one place, where the magic really happens:
function addUser(userData) {
const savedUser = saveUserToDatabase(userData);
Now we can safely do changes to each of the steps needed for the process of adding a user. Many of these functions could also come in handy in other parts of the application, if needed. Any errors encountered will specifically pinpoint the related function. Convenient, modular and reusable.
Passing arguments to a function is the bread and butter of programming. At the start, you probably had pretty simple stuff to pass in - you might have had something like this in your calculator:
function operate(operator, num1, num2) {
// Perhaps a switch statement that executes operations
One or two arguments is often considered ideal and three is pushing it. In this case, it's fine - the function is simple enough that the arguments won't cause confusion.
But let's move onto Todo, where something like this might happen:
function renderTask(task, project, dueDate, priority, completion, info) {
// Code that creates the task in the DOM
"Do Groceries",
"You don't really need additional info for this do you?"
Now we are passing in all kinds of variables into this function and it's getting messy.
There's few ways to make this a bit more comfortable. One option is to assing the task as an object variable, like this:
function renderTask(taskObject) {
const taskName = document.createElement("div");
taskName.innerText = taskObject.name;
//more stuff that uses the other values from the object
Here we are only passing in the object and it's values or methods are accessed with dot notation. It looks a lot cleaner but there is a caveat - the reader has to look elsewhere to get a feel of what does taskObject
contain. In a todo app this won't likely be a problem - it'll be easy to find what variables this object is expected to have. But if we have a larger codebase, the search can actually take a good while.
One way to make things immediately obvious is to use ES6 destructuring syntax:
function renderTask({
completion = false,
}) {
// Code that creates the task in the DOM
And we can now pass in an object with the same structure. Javascript allows you to create objects on the fly, so the object passed in doesn't necessarily have to exist before being passed in.
// Here a object is created in the fly
task: "Do Groceries",
project: "Chores",
dueDate: "11-10-2023",
priority: "high",
info: "You don't really need additional info for this do you?",
Or if you have a function that has created a taskObject
from information gathered from a form field, you can just pass it in without explicitly destructuring it in your code. As long as the object has the same structure, your function will automatically destructure it.
// Simply like this:
Did you also notice above how completion
wasn't passed in at all? This is because it has a default value, which is set to be false
. We are adding a todo item, so it makes sense that it will be incomplete when added, so we let the default value be used.
Most developers pride themselves on avoiding repetative tasks. Writing code once is hard enough. At their heart any function is a reusable piece of code but there's much more to this.
One of the things you might have noticed with the Restaurant Page and Todo is that doing vanilla DOM manipulation can lead to a lot of repetition. So let's again use the Todo list as an example to illustrate how to avoid repetition.
Here we see a simple DOM manipulation function that creates a task card.
function createTaskCard(title, description) {
const taskCard = document.createElement("div");
const titleElement = document.createElement("h3");
titleElement.textContent = title;
const descriptionElement = document.createElement("p");
descriptionElement.textContent = description;
We have three instances of createElement
and a few appendChild
methods. Nothing terrible but then again, this task card only displays a title and a description. With a more complex task card this function will balloon real fast. You might end up with rows of just createElement
, textContent
and appendChild
Abstraction can help us to keep this function focused on the high-level logic. One way to achieve this is the use of helper functions, like this:
function createTaskCard(title, description) {
const taskCard = document.createElement("div");
appendElement({taskCard, "h3", title});
appendElement({taskCard, "p", description});
// Helper function
function appendElement({ parent, elementType, textContent }) {
const element = document.createElement(elementType);
element.textContent = textContent;
Isn't that much nicer? We only need one case of adding textContent
in the helper and just one appendChild
. We also have nice little separation of concerns here - the main function delegates the creation of it's children to the helper, which are created with a clear interface of passing in destructured objects.
Our helper function is is of course very simple and for a real Todo you'd need something that does a bit more. But is should illustrate the point nicely.
A word of warning is in place: There is such a thing as too much abstraction. Having several levels of abstraction can make code hard to read, as anyone reading it needs to trace the chain of abstractions to understand what is happening.
We are getting back to controversial territories. Other coders appreciate code that is terse and brief, while others find a more verbose approach to be more readable.
While there are more than enough of hot takes on this, most developers agree that excessive brevity will make code harder to read.
A classic example is the case of if statements versus ternary operators. Ternaries are pretty sweet - being able to make a conditional with one line feels good. And maybe if statements can feel a bit basic.
But for many, ternaries can be hard to grok, especially if there are more than one condition. Let's illustrate by comparison:
function determineSportsEligibility(age, hasMedicalCondition) {
return age >= 18
? !hasMedicalCondition
? "You are eligible for all sports."
: "You are eligible for non-contact sports only."
: "You are not eligible for any sports.";
The code above does the same as this, slightly longer piece:
function determineSportsEligibility(age, hasMedicalCondition) {
if (age >= 18) {
if (!hasMedicalCondition) {
return "You are eligible for all sports.";
} else {
return "You are eligible for non-contact sports only.";
} else {
return "You are not eligible for any sports.";
You probably can understand both but it is likely that the latter is much more immediately understandable. We have two factors that determine whether a person is eligible for sports - age and a health condition. To handle three possible outcomes, the ternary needs to be nested. The nested if statement is longer but the structure of an if statement makes it straigthforward to read.
We are not going to give you hard set rules on this, as we aknowledge that this issue is also a matter of taste. And it might be that in your future job, your team will have an established conventions and style guides in place - in those cases, the correct choice is to writ code that aligns to those rules.
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