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- Title:MLP-Mixer: An all-MLP Architecture for Vision
- Authors: Ilya Tolstikhin∗ , Neil Houlsby∗ , Alexander Kolesnikov∗ , Lucas Beyer∗ , Xiaohua Zhai, Thomas Unterthiner, Jessica Yung, Andreas Steiner, Daniel Keysers, Jakob Uszkoreit, Mario Lucic, Alexey Dosovitskiy
- Link: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2105.01601v4.pdf
- Year: 2021
MLP Mixer is based on multi layer perceptron it does not use modern days CNN , It has two kinds of multi layer preceptrons one is directly applied to image patches , which are created original image then we transpose the layer and apply MLP layer across patches In the extreme case, Multi layer perceptron architecture can be seen as a very special CNN, which uses 1×1 convolutions for channel mixing, and single-channel depth-wise convolutions of a full receptive field and parameter sharing for token mixing. However, the converse is not true as typical CNNs are not special cases of Mixer. Furthermore, a convolution is more complex than the plain matrix multiplication in MLPs as it requires an additional costly reduction to matrix multiplication and/or specialized implementation. If you want to see training of cifar10 dataset using above architecture you can refer here
Figure depicts the macro-structure of Mixer. It accepts a sequence of linearly projected image patches (also referred to as tokens) shaped as a “patches × channels” table as an input, and maintains this dimensionality. Mixer makes use of two types of MLP layers as told above one is applied to image patches , which are created original image then we transpose the layer and apply MLP layer across patches . The channel-mixing MLPs allow communication between different channels; It is similar to attention models.
Modern deep vision architectures consist of layers that mix features (i) at a given spatial location, (ii) between different spatial locations, or both at once. In CNNs, (ii) is implemented with N × N convolutions (for N > 1) and pooling. Neurons in deeper layers have a larger receptive field [1, 28]. At the same time, 1×1 convolutions also perform (i), and larger kernels perform both (i) and (ii). In Vision Transformers and other attention-based architectures, self-attention layers allow both (i) and (ii) and the MLP-blocks perform (i). The idea behind the Mixer architecture is to clearly separate the per-location (channel-mixing) operations (i) and cross-location (token-mixing) operations (ii). Both operations are implemented with MLPs.
data - cifar 10
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
Rearrange-1 [-1, 32, 96] 0
Linear-2 [-1, 32, 512] 49,664
LayerNorm-3 [-1, 32, 512] 1,024
Linear-4 [-1, 512, 512] 16,896
GELU-5 [-1, 512, 512] 0
Dropout-6 [-1, 512, 512] 0
Linear-7 [-1, 512, 32] 16,416
Dropout-8 [-1, 512, 32] 0
LayerNorm-9 [-1, 32, 512] 1,024
Linear-10 [-1, 32, 512] 262,656
GELU-11 [-1, 32, 512] 0
Dropout-12 [-1, 32, 512] 0
Linear-13 [-1, 32, 512] 262,656
Dropout-14 [-1, 32, 512] 0
MixerBlock-15 [-1, 32, 512] 0
LayerNorm-16 [-1, 32, 512] 1,024
Linear-17 [-1, 512, 512] 16,896
GELU-18 [-1, 512, 512] 0
Dropout-19 [-1, 512, 512] 0
Linear-20 [-1, 512, 32] 16,416
Dropout-21 [-1, 512, 32] 0
LayerNorm-22 [-1, 32, 512] 1,024
Linear-23 [-1, 32, 512] 262,656
GELU-24 [-1, 32, 512] 0
Dropout-25 [-1, 32, 512] 0
Linear-26 [-1, 32, 512] 262,656
Dropout-27 [-1, 32, 512] 0
MixerBlock-28 [-1, 32, 512] 0
LayerNorm-29 [-1, 32, 512] 1,024
Linear-30 [-1, 512, 512] 16,896
GELU-31 [-1, 512, 512] 0
Dropout-32 [-1, 512, 512] 0
Linear-33 [-1, 512, 32] 16,416
Dropout-34 [-1, 512, 32] 0
LayerNorm-35 [-1, 32, 512] 1,024
Linear-36 [-1, 32, 512] 262,656
GELU-37 [-1, 32, 512] 0
Dropout-38 [-1, 32, 512] 0
Linear-39 [-1, 32, 512] 262,656
Dropout-40 [-1, 32, 512] 0
MixerBlock-41 [-1, 32, 512] 0
LayerNorm-42 [-1, 32, 512] 1,024
Linear-43 [-1, 512, 512] 16,896
GELU-44 [-1, 512, 512] 0
Dropout-45 [-1, 512, 512] 0
Linear-46 [-1, 512, 32] 16,416
Dropout-47 [-1, 512, 32] 0
LayerNorm-48 [-1, 32, 512] 1,024
Linear-49 [-1, 32, 512] 262,656
GELU-50 [-1, 32, 512] 0
Dropout-51 [-1, 32, 512] 0
Linear-52 [-1, 32, 512] 262,656
Dropout-53 [-1, 32, 512] 0
MixerBlock-54 [-1, 32, 512] 0
LayerNorm-55 [-1, 32, 512] 1,024
Linear-56 [-1, 512, 512] 16,896
GELU-57 [-1, 512, 512] 0
Dropout-58 [-1, 512, 512] 0
Linear-59 [-1, 512, 32] 16,416
Dropout-60 [-1, 512, 32] 0
LayerNorm-61 [-1, 32, 512] 1,024
Linear-62 [-1, 32, 512] 262,656
GELU-63 [-1, 32, 512] 0
Dropout-64 [-1, 32, 512] 0
Linear-65 [-1, 32, 512] 262,656
Dropout-66 [-1, 32, 512] 0
MixerBlock-67 [-1, 32, 512] 0
LayerNorm-68 [-1, 32, 512] 1,024
Linear-69 [-1, 512, 512] 16,896
GELU-70 [-1, 512, 512] 0
Dropout-71 [-1, 512, 512] 0
Linear-72 [-1, 512, 32] 16,416
Dropout-73 [-1, 512, 32] 0
LayerNorm-74 [-1, 32, 512] 1,024
Linear-75 [-1, 32, 512] 262,656
GELU-76 [-1, 32, 512] 0
Dropout-77 [-1, 32, 512] 0
Linear-78 [-1, 32, 512] 262,656
Dropout-79 [-1, 32, 512] 0
MixerBlock-80 [-1, 32, 512] 0
LayerNorm-81 [-1, 32, 512] 1,024
Linear-82 [-1, 512, 512] 16,896
GELU-83 [-1, 512, 512] 0
Dropout-84 [-1, 512, 512] 0
Linear-85 [-1, 512, 32] 16,416
Dropout-86 [-1, 512, 32] 0
LayerNorm-87 [-1, 32, 512] 1,024
Linear-88 [-1, 32, 512] 262,656
GELU-89 [-1, 32, 512] 0
Dropout-90 [-1, 32, 512] 0
Linear-91 [-1, 32, 512] 262,656
Dropout-92 [-1, 32, 512] 0
MixerBlock-93 [-1, 32, 512] 0
LayerNorm-94 [-1, 32, 512] 1,024
Linear-95 [-1, 512, 512] 16,896
GELU-96 [-1, 512, 512] 0
Dropout-97 [-1, 512, 512] 0
Linear-98 [-1, 512, 32] 16,416
Dropout-99 [-1, 512, 32] 0
LayerNorm-100 [-1, 32, 512] 1,024
Linear-101 [-1, 32, 512] 262,656
GELU-102 [-1, 32, 512] 0
Dropout-103 [-1, 32, 512] 0
Linear-104 [-1, 32, 512] 262,656
Dropout-105 [-1, 32, 512] 0
MixerBlock-106 [-1, 32, 512] 0
LayerNorm-107 [-1, 32, 512] 1,024
Linear-108 [-1, 512, 512] 16,896
GELU-109 [-1, 512, 512] 0
Dropout-110 [-1, 512, 512] 0
Linear-111 [-1, 512, 32] 16,416
Dropout-112 [-1, 512, 32] 0
LayerNorm-113 [-1, 32, 512] 1,024
Linear-114 [-1, 32, 512] 262,656
GELU-115 [-1, 32, 512] 0
Dropout-116 [-1, 32, 512] 0
Linear-117 [-1, 32, 512] 262,656
Dropout-118 [-1, 32, 512] 0
MixerBlock-119 [-1, 32, 512] 0
LayerNorm-120 [-1, 32, 512] 1,024
Linear-121 [-1, 512, 512] 16,896
GELU-122 [-1, 512, 512] 0
Dropout-123 [-1, 512, 512] 0
Linear-124 [-1, 512, 32] 16,416
Dropout-125 [-1, 512, 32] 0
LayerNorm-126 [-1, 32, 512] 1,024
Linear-127 [-1, 32, 512] 262,656
GELU-128 [-1, 32, 512] 0
Dropout-129 [-1, 32, 512] 0
Linear-130 [-1, 32, 512] 262,656
Dropout-131 [-1, 32, 512] 0
MixerBlock-132 [-1, 32, 512] 0
LayerNorm-133 [-1, 32, 512] 1,024
Linear-134 [-1, 512, 512] 16,896
GELU-135 [-1, 512, 512] 0
Dropout-136 [-1, 512, 512] 0
Linear-137 [-1, 512, 32] 16,416
Dropout-138 [-1, 512, 32] 0
LayerNorm-139 [-1, 32, 512] 1,024
Linear-140 [-1, 32, 512] 262,656
GELU-141 [-1, 32, 512] 0
Dropout-142 [-1, 32, 512] 0
Linear-143 [-1, 32, 512] 262,656
Dropout-144 [-1, 32, 512] 0
MixerBlock-145 [-1, 32, 512] 0
LayerNorm-146 [-1, 32, 512] 1,024
Linear-147 [-1, 512, 512] 16,896
GELU-148 [-1, 512, 512] 0
Dropout-149 [-1, 512, 512] 0
Linear-150 [-1, 512, 32] 16,416
Dropout-151 [-1, 512, 32] 0
LayerNorm-152 [-1, 32, 512] 1,024
Linear-153 [-1, 32, 512] 262,656
GELU-154 [-1, 32, 512] 0
Dropout-155 [-1, 32, 512] 0
Linear-156 [-1, 32, 512] 262,656
Dropout-157 [-1, 32, 512] 0
MixerBlock-158 [-1, 32, 512] 0
AdaptiveAvgPool1d-159 [-1, 512, 1] 0
Linear-160 [-1, 10] 5,130
Total params: 6,782,858
Trainable params: 6,782,858
Non-trainable params: 0