Releases: igvteam/igv.js
September 2019
Minor patch fixing a bug affecting the gene search service for the igv web app.
This release contains optimizations for large, non-indexed files.
- Display of whole genome view is now limited to tracks with < 100,000 features.
- Optimizations to support large wig tracks (> 10,000 features). Note bigwig format is still recommended.
New features:
- Add counts of deletions and insertions to coverage track popup.
- Add support for UCSC track line.
August 2019
This release has some minor enhancements and a significant optimization for deep coverage alignment tracks, and other tracks that have large numbers of rows. Canvas rendering is now limited to ~ 2x the vertical dimension currently in view, rather than the entire vertical dimension of the underlying track. As the view is scrolled vertically the backing canvas is re-rendered as needed.
- Limit vertical size of canvas to what's in view + 2x screen height.
- Increase default samplingDepth for BAM files to 1,000.
- Support for VCF "SV" variants.
- Display correct genomic positions in whole-genome view popup text.
June 2019
This release contains cosmetic improvements to the navigation / control bar, as well as bug fixes affecting button size and layout on small screens. It also adds support for alternative Google storage url forms requiring oAuth authentication, specifically GCS urls beginning with