login [name]
- Logs in as this customer and creates the customer if not exist
deposit [amount]
- Deposits this amount to the logged in customer
withdraw [amount]
- Withdraws this amount from the logged in customer
transfer [target] [amount]
- Transfers this amount from the logged in customer to the target customer
- Logs out of the current customer
$ login Alice
Hello, Alice!
Your balance is $0
$ deposit 100
Your balance is $100
$ logout
Goodbye, Alice!
$ login Bob
Hello, Bob!
Your balance is $0
$ deposit 80
Your balance is $80
$ transfer Alice 50
Transferred $50 to Alice
your balance is $30
$ transfer Alice 100
Transferred $30 to Alice
Your balance is $0
Owed $70 to Alice
$ deposit 30
Transferred $30 to Alice
Your balance is $0
Owed $40 to Alice
$ logout
Goodbye, Bob!
$ login Alice
Hello, Alice!
Your balance is $210
Owed $40 from Bob
$ transfer Bob 30
Your balance is $210
Owed $10 from Bob
$ logout
Goodbye, Alice!
$ login Bob
Hello, Bob!
Your balance is $0
Owed $10 to Alice
$ deposit 100
Transferred $10 to Alice
Your balance is $90
$ logout
Goodbye, Bob!