FartometerIOSProject is one solution that allows you to make fart battle with your friends, showing how strong are your farts and theirs.
First of all, you should set your Facebook SDK for iOS location. The default install location is ~/Documents/FacebookSDK, according to Facebook. The SDK version that we are using is located at third/FacebookSDKs-iOS-20151007.zip, so you need to unzip and configure the path more suitable to yourself. Having any problem with understanding that, you should visit Facebook's iOS section.
After that, you should probably configure your info.plist file with your FacebookAppID key.
If you are willing to get to know how to build your own fartometer, please visit How to build your own Fartometer
This project extends GNU GPL v. 2, so be aware of that, regarding copying, modifying and (re)destributing the application.