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332 lines (284 loc) · 9.52 KB

File metadata and controls

332 lines (284 loc) · 9.52 KB

Naming convention to consider for different institutions


ECMC internal variables

  • Use camelCase for the naming of the internal variables. This affects mostly the hardware defintion files in $ROOT/hardware/*
  • Variables must start with the decripition followed by the index. The description might also represents the data type, i.e. analog, binary, posAct, setPos, timestamp, ...
  • Since many EtherCAT slaves have multiple input channels, ALL channels will be given an index. The index starts Fortran-style at 1. The index is of decimal type with two (2) zero padded digits to accommodate slaves with up to 99 inputs.
  • In case the slave has a generic registers, those do not feature an index. See examples below for clarification.

List ecmc names

  • binaryInput
  • binaryInputArray
  • diagnosticInput
  • accelerometerStatus
  • accelerometerActual
  • accelerometerActualX
  • accelerometerActualY
  • accelerometerActualZ
  • accelerometerSamples
  • accelerometerTimestamp
  • deviceStatus
  • safeStatus
  • voltageStatus
  • timestampLatchPositive
  • timestampLatchNegative
  • id
  • voltageActualUsIn
  • voltageStatusUsIn
  • voltageActualUpIn
  • voltageStatusUpIn
  • voltageActualUpOut
  • voltageStatusUpOut
  • encoderStatus
  • binaryOutputStatus
  • currentActual
  • binaryOutputArrayReadBack
  • analogInput
  • analogInputSetpoint (for analog drives, the analog setpoint value (reference) to the drive)
  • analogInputActual (for analog drives, the analog actual value (feedback) recived to the drive)
  • temperatureActual
  • voltageActual
  • positionActualSecondary (for drives with multiple feedbacks)
  • notConnected
  • KL_binaryInput
  • load
  • ebus
  • underVoltageEbus
  • underVoltagePower
  • powerOk
  • overload
  • currentActualResistor
  • dutyCycle
  • analogInputArray
  • nextSyncTime
  • sampleCount
  • cycleCounter
  • timestamp_l32
  • timestamp_u32
  • positionActualArray
  • timerActual
  • counterActual
  • counterInputCycle
  • operationHours
  • controlValueDcMaster
  • timePtp
  • timeDc
  • toggle
  • encoderLatchPostion
  • driveStatus
  • posSatus (position interface)
  • posPositionActual (position interface)
  • posVelocityActual (position interface)
  • posDriveTime (position interface)
  • binaryOutput
  • binaryOutputArray
  • deviceControl
  • triState
  • activate
  • timestamp
  • startTime
  • pwmOutput (pulse width modulation)
  • driveControl
  • encoderControl
  • velocitySetpoint
  • encoderValue
  • mask
  • binaryOutputArrayMask
  • notConnected
  • R,G,B (Red,Green,Blue)
  • KL_binaryOutput
  • analogOutputArray
  • tc_cold
  • timerStart
  • timerReset
  • counterIncrement
  • counterReset
  • buttonUp
  • buttonDown
  • buttonLeft
  • buttonRight
  • buttonEnter
  • buttonToggle
  • encoderControl (position interface)
  • driveControl (position interface)
  • posControl (position interface)
  • posPositionTarget (position interface)
  • posStartType (position interface)
  • posAccelerationSetpoint (position interface)
  • posDecelerationSetpoint (position interface)

Note: Each slave will have a record set with status received by the master (ecmcEcSlave.template). These data are not registered as pdos in the hardware scripts. Therefore these alias and record names must not be used for pdo data:


  • EL1008, 8 channel digital input

    • Channel 7
    old new
    BI_7 binaryInput07

    Assuming this is slave 103 on the first master it would translate into ec0.s103.binaryInput07 internally for binary input 7.

  • EL3164, 4 channel 16bit analog input (0--10V)

    • Channel 1
    old new
    CH1_STATUS status01
    CH1_VALUE analogInput01

    Assuming this is slave 42 on the first master it would translate into ec0.s42.analogInput01 internally for the value channel.

  • EP2308, 4 channel digital output, 0.5A + 4 channel digital input, 3 ms

    • Channel digital output 2
    old new
    BO_3 digitalOutput02
    • Channel digital input 3
    old new
    BI_3 digitalInput03
  • EL5002, 2 channel SSI encoder interface

    • Channel 2
    old new
    CH2_STATUS status02
    CH2_VALUE positionActual02

    assuming this is slave 23 on the second master it would translate into ec1.s23.positionActual02 internally for the status information.

  • Keyence DL-EC1A, max 15 channel, EtherCAT Compatible Network Unit for High-Accuracy Digital Contact Sensors

    • generic
    old new
    INP_REQ1 requestInp
    DEV_STATUS status
    DEV_ERR_CODE errCode
    • Channel 13
    old new
    CH13_STATUS status13
    CH13_VALUE analogInput13

    assuming this is slave 17 on the third master it would translate into ec2.s17.errCode internally for the error code information of the main unit. The actual data of the 13th input will reside under ec2.s17.analogInput13.

PV Naming

The naming should follow the below concept:0


Or for terminals that have both channels and terminal specific data, the "Dev" type can be used.


Example: Status words

IOC_TEST:m0s000-Dev-Stat   # Status word for device
IOC_TEST:m0s000-CH1-Stat   # Status word for channel 1
IOC_TEST:m0s000-CH2-Stat   # Status word for channel 2
IOC_TEST:m0s000-EC-Stat    # Ethercat slave status word


Type Description Comment
BI Binary input
BO Binary output
AI Binary input
AO Analog output
CH Generic channel
Drv Drive
Enc Encoder
Dev* Device* Shall only be used if the terminal have specifc data that cannot be assigned to a other type
EC Ethercat Reserved for ethercat status data (from master, not process data)
Cntr Counter
Tmr Timer
Pos Position Positioning interface of drives
PLC ecmc PLCs
DS Data storages


Id is the number of the "channel".

Example: Encoder with two channels



The below abbrevations should be used for the "name" part of the PV:

Property (or part of) Abbrevation for PV name (or part of) Example PV
device dev
status stat DevStat
control ctrl
command cmd
slave slave
latch latch
warning warn
error err
alarm alrm
acceleration acc
deceleration dec
accelerometer acc
position pos LatchPos02
velocity,speed velo
actual act
setpoint set
busy busy
done done
ready rdy
over ovr
range rng
run run
under undr
voltage volt
reset rst
auto auto
state state
triState tri TriState
start start
time time StartTime
word wd CtrlWd
encoder enc EncCtrl
drive drv DrvCtrl
value val EncVal
short shrt
circuit circ ShrtCircAlrm
rising rise
falling fall
mask mask
array array
current curr
red Red
green Green
blue Blue
disabled dis
input inp
output outp
load ld
enabled ena
short shrt
circuit circ shrtCirc
overload ovrld
hardware hw
protection prot hwProt
level lvl
cool cool
down dwn
lock lck coolDwnLck
switch swtch
pdo pdo
diagnostics diag
channel ch
I2T i2t
duty dty
cycle cyc dtyCyc
limit lim
next nxt
parity prty
frame frm
operation op
hours hrs



PSI naming convention for SLS-2.0 is not definitive yet (2020-11-16). However, certain constrains can be derived from previous conventions and facilities in operation. The PV names will comprise of a PREFIX terminated by a colon :, followed by device specific information. A single colon (:) is allowed in the names. The amount of special characters should be reduced to an absolute minimum. At all cost the use of brackets and braces has to be avoided, even though EPICS allows such characters in PV names. The PV names have to be descriptive and allow for changes in the system, w/o braking any dependicies. It has to be kept in mind that potentially many clients connect to an IOC, w/o the initial integrator knowing thereof!