The testbed is designed to use VirtualBox for virtual machines (VMs) because it is free, cross-platform, and works reasonably well for the current design (as far as we know now).
The overall design is to use multiple VMs and multiple networks to segregate traffic so that packet captures are cleaner.
The network names given here are the names used in VirtualBox. Each interface on each VM has a two-letter mneumonic that indicates the VM and the network.
- control network is host-only, vboxnet0, 192.168.56.x/24
- resolvers network is internal, resnet, 172.20.x.x/24
- servers network is internal, servnet, 172.21.x.x/16
- Internet is bridged on the same external as the control host, with addresses from DHCP
The system that controls the testbed runs on any standard computer. The control host has all of the configuration files, some of which are generated by Python scripts that are run before testing. It pushes all the configurations to the VMs, and controls the testing by starting the recording and initiating the tests over SSH.
The control host has two NICs:
- cc on the control network (
- ci on the Internet (via DHCP)
gateway-vm acts as an enhanced default router for the resolvers. It has many functions:
- Routing with interfaces for the resolvers, the simulated roots, and the Internet
- Packet capture, logging, and display during tests
gateway-vm has four NICs:
- gc on the control network (
- gr on the resolvers network (, fd00::20:1:1)
- gs on the servers network (, fd00::21:1:1)
- gi on the Internet (via DHCP and/or RADV)
There can be multiple VMs that run the resolvers under test. These include:
- resolvers-vm contains numerous resolvers that are build from source under Debian.
- Some tests will be for resolvers in their default configuration in Linux OS distributions, and will thus each need their own VM
- Some tests will be for non-Linux VMs, particularly Windows Server
- Resolvers running in hardware will possibly be supported
The resolvers-vm will allow building of many (but unfortunately not all) open source resolvers.
Each resolver system has two NICs:
- rc on the control network (
- rr on the resolvers network (, fd00::20:1:2)
servers-vm is all the simulated root servers on a single VM. The VM has 13 IPv4 and 13 IPv6 addresses with one copy of BIND running as an authoritative server listening to all 26 addresses. The VM's operating system is able to add delay to the incoming packets in order to model the real root server system.
In order to avoid issues with resolvers that might coalesce views of servers on the same /24 network, the addresses for the root servers are each in their own /24:,, and so on through For IPv6, this is done with fd00::21:101:1 through fd00::21:113:1 in the hopes that resolvers will not coalesce for a /120.
servers-vm has two NICs:
- sc on the control network (
- ss on the servers network ( and through, fd00::21:1:2 and fd00::21:101:1 through fd00::21:113:1)