copyright | lastupdated | keywords | subcollection | ||
2024-08-20 |
bug, problem, faqs, Frequently Asked Questions, question, install, ihs, tile, permission, role |
was-for-vsi |
{:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:new_window: target="_blank"} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:faq: data-hd-content-type='faq'}
{: #faq}
Review frequently asked questions for {{}} in {{}}. To find all FAQs for {{}}, see the FAQ library{: external}. {: shortdesc}
{: #faq-products} {: faq}
You can install a {{}} traditional environment on a virtual server instance (VSI) on {{}}. For a description of the topologies that you can install with {{}}, see Topologies.
{: #faq-permits} {: faq}
You need Manager role on the Schematics service in at least one resource group. You also need Administrator role for VPC Infrastructure Services in the resource group for the Schematics workspace, VPC, and VSIs.
{: #faq-logs} {: faq}
To see the Installation logs, look under the Schematics workspace.
{: #faq-history} {: faq}
To see the installation history, look under the Schematics workspace.
{: #faq-uninst} {: faq}
Follow the instructions in Uninstalling your workspace or resources.
{: #faq-tile} {: faq}
No, but you get charged for the infrastructure. Refer to Topologies for infrastructure resources provisioned and to Pricing for the associated cost.
{: #faq-upgrade} {: faq}
No, you can use the tile only for one installation. After the initial installation, it is your responsibility to manage and upgrade the installation.
{: #faq-ihs} {: faq}
IBM HTTP Server (IHS) is a web server that is based on the open source Apache HTTP Server. An HTTP server is a program that enables a computer to respond to requests using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). An HTTP server is also known as a web server.
You can use an IHS VSI with the WAS.Cell
topology. For more information, see Topologies.