The source code for the command line interface ( is intended to demonstrate usage of many APIs, take a look.
Other usage examples follow, feel free to add more.
#include <botan/aead.h>
#include <botan/system_rng.h>
#include <botan/hex.h>
#include <iostream>
int main()
using namespace Botan;
const std::string chosen_aead_mode = "ChaCha20Poly1305";
// a key from somewhere
auto key = system_rng().random_vec(32);
// data from somewhere ...
const uint8_t ptext[32] = { 0 };
const size_t ptext_len = sizeof(ptext);
secure_vector<uint8_t> buf(ptext, ptext + ptext_len);
// create the aead object
std::unique_ptr<AEAD_Mode> aead = AEAD_Mode::create_or_throw(chosen_aead_mode, ENCRYPTION);
// set key
// chose a random nonce of whatever length aead wants
auto nonce = system_rng().random_vec(aead->default_nonce_length());
// begin processing using nonce
// process the entire message in buf in one go, appending tag
// output nonce and ciphertext
std::cout << hex_encode(nonce) << hex_encode(buf) << "\n";