- Emit end event when serial port 'ends' (device is removed from USB port) contributed by @freakent.
- Bump to serialport ~1.4.
- Change tbX messages to tbhX messages and fix typo in battery level determination.
- Handle the rfxmeter and tempbaro messages.
- Implement support for rfxmeter and tempbaro sensors from bwired-nl.
- Support for serialport 1.3.0 which requires a callback for flush this fixes rfxcom#26.
- Fix bug in emitting "received" events.
- Added additional event "received" with the raw data that was received from the device contributed by @iangregory.
- Added save() method to the rfxcom object, allowing saving the configured protocols to the NVRAM of the rfxtrx433, the SDK cautions against using this too often as there is a limited number of writes (10K).
- Add additional protocol defines for use when configuring the device, contributed by @njh.
- Changes the format of the lighting2 event, the subtype will correspond to the values in rfxcom.lighting2.
- Send a "level" command when we are trying to set the level.
- Bumped serialport version to be compatible with Node 0.10.x.
- Removed dependency on underscore.js.
- Split the various classes out into separate files.
- Split the tests appropriately.
- Rename the LightwaveRf prototype to Lighting5. backwards incompatible
- Made the new Lighting5 prototype accept different types.
- Removed RfxCom.lightOn and RfxCom.lightOff because these were LightwaveRf specific.
- Added support for lighting1 received messages contributed by stianeikeland.
- Added Lighting2 class, which can control devices controlled by the lighting2 message.
- Fix the tamper detection for security1 devices to report status and tamper separately.
- Added support for lighting2 received messages.
- Renamed signalStrength to rssi in keeping with the RFX TRX SDK document.
- Fixed initialise to also run .open() which means you can bootstrap the device with one line.
- Added .initialise to the RfxCom prototype, which handles bootstrapping the device.
- Change the LightwaveRf device identifier format to 0x010203/1 which means that it is possible to define device as strings e.g. FRONT_LIGHT = "0x010203/1".
- Add support for TH1-9 temperature and humidity sensors.
- Add support for TEMP1-9 type sensors.
- Fix bug in handler lookup and improve testing of data handler.
- Update security1Handler event to make the types constants, and better split the battery-level and signal strength elements.
- Updated the Readme.md to illustrate more use.
- Renamed the current_watts and total_watts to currentWatts and totalWatts.
- API CHANGE emitted events are now a JavaScript object.
- New constants for security status messages e.g. security.MOTION.
- Refactored sending messages to the serialport through a sendMessage - still need to update the LightwaveRf prototype.
- Improved the test coverage.
- Added LightwaveRf prototype for specialisation of LightwaveRf control.
- This adds support for dimming and moodlighting control with LightwaveRF.
- Tidied up JavaScript formatting.
- Added start of rfxcom.security constants.
- Support for configuring the interface protocols.