🌐 KO
Create an i'mport account following the Setup guide in the i'mport Documentation, and use the following PG integration guides to perform a test payment in each PG’s test account.
ℹ️ To better understand Korea's e-payment service flow, refer to Korean E-payment Service Flow.
The following PG integration guides cover only the contents specific to each PG. For common settings and sample codes, refer to Common PG Integration Guideline below.
- Alipay
- Blue Walnut
- Danal
- Eximbay
- JTNet
- Kakao Pay
- NICE Payments
- PayPal
- Settlebank
- SmilePay
- Toss Payments
- Naver Pay
Call each PG's payment window. After the payment process is completed, post processing, such as receiving payment information, is performed through callback or redirect as follows.
ℹ️ For detailed information, refer to the General Payments guide.
ℹ️ For easy and quick integration of i'mport REST APIs, use the open source REST API client modules provided in various languages by developers using i'mport services.
- Sample code to call the payment window via callback
pg : 'html5_inicis',
pay_method : 'card',
merchant_uid : "{Merchant created Order ID}", // Example: order_no_0001
name : 'Order name: payment test',
amount : 14000,
buyer_email : '[email protected]',
buyer_name : 'John Doe',
buyer_tel : '010-1234-5678',
buyer_addr : 'Shinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul',
buyer_postcode : '123-456'
}, function(rsp) {
if ( rsp.success ) {
//[1] Pass imp_uid using jQuery ajax to retrieve payment information from the server
url: "/payments/complete", //Be cautious about cross-domain error
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
imp_uid : rsp.imp_uid
//Add other required data as needed
}).done(function(data) {
//[2] Server-side payment amount check via REST API and service processing are successful
if ( everythings_fine ) {
var msg = 'Payment successful.';
msg += '\Payment ID: ' + rsp.imp_uid;
msg += '\nOrder ID: ' + rsp.merchant_uid;
msg += '\Payment amount: ' + rsp.paid_amount;
msg += 'Credit card authorization number: ' + rsp.apply_num;
} else {
//[3] Payment is not complete.
//[4] Payment amount check failed -> payment has been automatically cancelled.
} else {
var msg = 'Payment failed.';
msg += 'Error: ' + rsp.error_msg;
- Pseudo code to extract payment information from Ajax POST request and perform post-processing
imp_uid = extract_POST_value_from_url('imp_uid') //Get imp_uid from post ajax request
payment_result = rest_api_to_find_payment(imp_uid) //Get payment information from i'mport server using imp_uid
amount_to_be_paid = query_amount_to_be_paid(payment_result.merchant_uid) //Get original requested payment amount (associated with merchant_uid on the merchant server).
IF payment_result.status == 'paid' AND payment_result.amount == amount_to_be_paid
success_post_process(payment_result) //Handle successful payment
ELSE IF payment_result.status == 'ready' AND payment.pay_method == 'vbank'
vbank_number_assigned(payment_result) //Virtual account issued successfully
fail_post_process(payment_result) //Handle failed payment
- Sample code to call the payment window via redirect
pg : 'chai',
pay_method : 'trans',
merchant_uid : "{Merchant created Order ID}", // Example: order_no_0001
name : 'Order name: payment test',
amount : 14000,
buyer_email : '[email protected]',
buyer_name : 'John Doe',
buyer_tel : '010-1234-5678',
buyer_addr : 'Shinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul',
buyer_postcode : '123-456'
m_redirect_url : '{URL to redirect to after payment approval on Mobile}' // Example: https://www.my-service.com/payments/complete/mobile
}, function(rsp) {
if ( !rsp.success ) {
//When an error occurs before page is redirected to the checkout page
var msg = 'An error occurred before initiating payment.';
msg += 'Error: ' + rsp.error_msg;
- Pseudo code to extract payment information from the redirect URL's query string and perform post-processing
imp_uid = extract_GET_value_from_url('imp_uid') //Get imp_uid from the query string
//merchant_uid = extract_GET_value_from_url('merchant_uid') //Get merchant_uid from the query string (optional)
payment_result = rest_api_to_find_payment(imp_uid) //Get payment information from i'mport server using imp_uid
amount_to_be_paid = query_amount_to_be_paid(payment_result.merchant_uid) //Get original requested payment amount (associated with merchant_uid on the merchant server)
IF payment_result.status == 'paid' AND payment_result.amount == amount_to_be_paid
success_post_process(payment_result) //Handle successful payment
ELSE IF payment_result.status == 'ready' AND payment.pay_method == 'vbank'
vbank_number_assigned(payment_result) //Virtual account issued successfully
fail_post_process(payment_result) //Handle failed payment
ℹ️ For easy and quick payment integration in Android/iOS native apps, use the i'mport Mobile Native SDKs.
Use the redirect method for PC/mobile web integration to call a PG payment window from the merchant app's WebView and perform post processing after payment approval.
For iOS, to return to the merchant app after payment approval, you need to specify the merchant app scheme value in the param.app_scheme
parameter of the (IMP.request_pay(param, callback)) function.
supports the following two formats:
: specify URL scheme only (iamporttest://
: specify parameter to receive from payment app (called as is)
/*...Omitted... */
app_scheme: 'iamporttest' // merchant app's URL scheme
Payment approval requires configuration and implementation for navigating between apps as follows:
- Merchant app -> payment app
- Payment app -> merchant app
Key payment app URL schemes
URL Scheme | App |
ansimclick | Samsung Card - Online Payment |
ansimclickipcollect | Samsung Card - Online Payment |
ansimclickscard | Samsung Card - Online Payment |
chaipayment | CHAI app |
citicardappkr | Citi Card - Certification App |
citimobileapp | Citi Card - Simple Pay |
citispay | Citi Card-App Card |
cloudpay | Hana Card-App Card |
com.wooricard.wcard | Woori WON Pay |
hanamopmoasign | Hana Card - Certification App |
hanawalletmembers | Hana Card-Hana Members Wallet |
hdcardappcardansimclick | Hyundai Card-App Card |
hyundaicardappcardid | Hyundai Card |
ispmobile | ISP Mobile |
itms-apps | App Store |
kakaotalk | Kakao Pay |
kb-acp | Kookmin Card-App Card |
kb-auth | Kookmin |
kftc-bankpay | Account transfer |
lguthepay-xpay | Paynow |
liivbank | Kookmin Liiv M (Liiv Mobile) |
lmslpay | Lotte L.pay App |
lotteappcard | Lotte Card-App Card |
lottesmartpay | Lotte Card - Mobile Payment |
Lpayapp | (Old) Lotte L.pay App |
mpocket.online.ansimclick | Samsung Card-App Card |
NewSmartPib | Woori WON Banking |
nhallonepayansimclick | Nonghyup-All One Pay |
nhappcardansimclick | Nonghyup-App Card |
nonghyupcardansimclick | Nonghyup Card - Certification App |
payco | Payco |
samsungpay | Samsung Card-Samsung Pay |
scardcertiapp | Samsung Card-Certificate |
shinhan-sr-ansimclick | Shinhan Card-App Card |
smhyundaiansimclick | Hyundai Card - Certification App |
smshinhanansimclick | Shinhan Card - Certification App |
supertoss | Toss |
vguardstart | Samsung Card - Vaccine |
wooripay | Woori Card-App Card |
In the WebView of the merchant app, implement logic to call each PG's payment app and check if the app is installed.
Override the shouldOverrideUrlLoading
method of the WebViewClient class as follows:
public class MyViewClient extends WebViewClient {
public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) {
if (!url.startsWith("http://") && !url.startsWith("https://") && !url.startsWith("javascript:")) {
// Call payment app based on the URL scheme
Intent intent = null;
try {
intent = Intent.parseUri(url, Intent.URI_INTENT_SCHEME); //Process IntentURI
Uri uri = Uri.parse(intent.getDataString());
activity.startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri));
return true;
} catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
return false;
} catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) {
if ( intent == null ) return false;
// If payment app is not installed, redirect to Android market
if ( handleNotFoundPaymentScheme(intent.getScheme()) ) return true;
// If not handled by handleNotFoundPaymentScheme() but package info can be retrieved from the URL, redirect to Android market
String packageName = intent.getPackage();
if (packageName != null) {
activity.startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("market://details?id=" + packageName)));
return true;
return false;
No additional processing is required to open a payment app. If you register the app in the white-list, you will be directed to the payment app through a confirmation popup.
According to the iOS security policy, you must declare the URL scheme of the payment app by adding the LSApplicationQueriesSchemes
key to the info.plist
file to show a confirmation popup.
When payment is completed in the payment app, you can return to the merchant app by calling the URL scheme declared in the merchant app.
Android automatically switches to the previous activity when the current Activity is popped from the Activity Stack (Task). Hence, there is no need to declare or process the URL scheme of the merchant app.
Add the merchant app_scheme in the Build Info tab of XCode.
Cookies may be used to integrate between PG and credit card modules. For seamless payment processing, add the following code in the WebView.
mixedContentMode = WebSettings.MIXED_CONTENT_ALWAYS_ALLOW
val cookieManager = CookieManager.getInstance()
cookieManager.setAcceptThirdPartyCookies(webView, true)
HTTPCookieStorage.shared.cookieAcceptPolicy = HTTPCookie.AcceptPolicy.always
To show alert/confirm popups that occur in the WebView's web page, you must implement the logic to show each popup as an Android or iOS popup.
To show alert/confirm popup, override the following methods of the WebChromeClient class.
- Alert:
- Confirm:
Implement the following functions of the WKUIDelegate protocol, which is called when alert/confirm popup occurs in the web page.
- Alert:
webView(_ webView: WKWebView, runJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessage:, initiatedByFrame:, completionHandler:)
- Confirm:
webView(_ webView: WKWebView, runJavaScriptConfirmPanelWithMessage:, initiatedByFrame:, completionHandler:)