Free sample data to use for any research purpose but originally for iTowns V2 (
License Creative Commons
The data set is available under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives Licence CC-BY-NC-ND-3.0
Ce(tte) œuvre est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale - Pas de Modification 3.0 France. CC-BY-NC-ND-3.0
A potree of point cloud acquired by StereoPolis MMS.
A kd-tree of 3D building model (available soon)
Whenever this dataset was involved, the user of this dataset must in every result he distributes, including any scientific or technical publication or any display of an image of the dataset on a digital or on an analog media :
Provide the dataset title :
"IGN research iTowns2 sample dataset" (en) "Données IGN fournies dans le cadre du projet iTowns V2 " (fr) Insert an explicit reference to the IGN© copyright followed by the mention that "IGN created this sample dataset for the purpose of geovisualization research activities and opensource development, but does not endorse the way they are used in this project or the conclusions put forward";
In order to stay informed about the potential modifications of the IGN dataset of iTowns dataset, please contact [email protected], [email protected]