This project is a Lua implementation for managing spell bonus action activation conditions, including features such as spell activation when equipping items, zone change, aura application and more.
It uses an entity-oriented approach to data management and also includes an AIO client to manage the client-side user interface. The whole project is based on an MVC architecture for better organization and readability.
A "generic" condition system is linked to the database.
Two main modules drive the operation of this project: Entity and Controller.
Entity is responsible for loading and organizing database-based conditions. It retrieves all conditions from a database query and organizes these conditions by associating them with spell identifiers.
Controller is responsible for processing player events, such as zone change, item acquisition, aura application and so on. It checks whether the player meets all the conditions for spell activation, and triggers spell activation if necessary.
First, make sure your project's dependencies(last revision of AzerothCore, mod-eluna and AIO) are correctly installed.
Then clone this repository in the appropriate directory of your project.
git clone
Make a Patch with ClientSide content, simply, take the interface folder and drag it into a patch. Share the patch with players.
Database schema
Make sure your database contains the tables required for the application. You can find the necessary schema in the database.sql file included in this repository.
CREATE TABLE `index_spell_bonus_action` (
`spell_id` int(10) NOT NULL,
`overlay_texture` varchar(150) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'stormyellow-extrabutton',
PRIMARY KEY (`spell_id`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci;
CREATE TABLE `index_spell_bonus_action_conditions` (
`spell_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`condition_type` enum('aura','item','item_equipped','map_id','zone_id','area_id','active_event','min_level','class','race','phase_mask','quest_rewarded','quest_incomplete','min_hp_pct','max_hp_pct') NOT NULL,
`condition_value` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`spell_id`,`condition_type`),
CONSTRAINT `spell_id` FOREIGN KEY (`spell_id`) REFERENCES `index_spell_bonus_action` (`spell_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci;
Just edit the database name in :
Once the project has been set up correctly, each player event will trigger a check of the conditions associated with that type of event (e.g. equipping an item). If all conditions are met, the corresponding effect will be triggered.
I'd like to display spell 59752 (Will to Survive) to players who have the hearthstone in their bags, in Northrend, Dalaran and Runeweaver Square.
MySQL Code
INSERT INTO `index_spell_bonus_action` VALUES ('59752', 'air-extrabutton');
INSERT INTO `index_spell_bonus_action_conditions` (`spell_id`, `condition_type`, `condition_value`) VALUES
('59752', 'item', '6948'),
('59752', 'map_id', '571'),
('59752', 'zone_id', '4395'),
('59752', 'area_id', '4739');
In-game command
.reload eluna
Contributions are always welcome! Feel free to submit a Pull Request.