Finding awesome Scala libraries | The Scala Programming Language
- the scalawags - monthly podcast about scala language
- Happy Valentine’s Day with Valentin Kasas
- Rob Norris: Telescopes and Types - The Scala Logs | Podcast on Spotify
- Scala Love – Podcast about Scala Programming Language and its community
- Adam Rosien: Cheese Pairings For Effects - The Scala Logs | Podcast on Spotify
- Jakub Kozłowski: From Highschool to Teaching Scala - The Scala Logs | Podcast on Spotify
- Episode #112: Abstracting Stateful Serverless with Jonas Bonér - Serverless Chats Podcast
- Happy Path Programming • Anchor 팟캐스트
- Tooling Talks - Scaladoc from Scratch
- Tooling Talks - The Scala Improvement Process (SIP)
- #94: Scala: language with academic background and huge industry adoption
scala center - For open source. For education. A new not-for-profit center established at EPFL
케빈 TV
- 시즌2 - 게릴라 방송 1회
- 시즌2 - 게릴라 방송 2회
- 시즌2 - 게릴라 방송 3회 - Scala를 Script언어로 쓰기
- JVM 탈피한 Scala로 네이티브 코딩을??? (2017-01-14)
- Scala 만든 마틴 오더스키 교수님 만난 이야기 / Scala 약간 (2017-02-10)
- OOP로 Scala 약팔기 (2017-03-31)
- 아직도 호주이민은 스칼라인가? (2018-04-13)
- 간단한 웹앱 만들기 (2018-05-11)
- 간단한 static HTML제공 server app 만들어 보기 (2018-06-15)
- cp -R을 스칼라로 구현
- 왜도, 첨도, 에러처리, 날짜 시간 라이브 코딩 (2018-10-19) Float vs. Double, 에러 처리(exception이 아니라 Either, Try)
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- 2의 거듭제곱수 / 바이너리 / 리팩토링 결과물 (2019-01-11)
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- 라이브 코딩 (2019-02-22)
- 라이브 코딩 (2019-03-01)
- (2019-03-08) 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live 트위터에서 만든 스칼라 사용 기술들, iceberg
- (2019-03-22) 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live sbt-devoops를 만들면서 겪은 state/writer monad
- 간단한 코딩: 리스트 안에 가장 큰수 두개 더하기
DataCritics (1) – Scala as the Next Influential Programming Language
Rock the JVM | How to Deploy a Scala Application to AWS Lambda
How Scala compares with 20 other programming languages according to Reddit analysis
What Scala does better than Haskell and vice versa - YouTube
ScalaSyd EP39 - 01. i18n à la gettext by Ngoc Dao (Aug 2015)
Covariance / Contravariance
- covariance(공변성)는 좀더 세부적인 타입으로, 구체적 변화
- List타입에 대해 Cons나 Nil은 구체적 변화. Cons와 Nil은 둘다 List타입
- contravariance(반공변성)는 좀더 일반적인 타입으로, 일반적 변화
- 반대로 List는 Cons에 대해 그리고 Nil에 대해 일반적 변화
- Gen[T] 라는 제네릭 타입이 있을 때, 상속 관계가 있는 두 타입 A와 B를 인자로 Gen을 구체화 시킨 타입 Gen[A]와 Gen[B] 사이에 어떤 리스코프 치환 관계가 성립하느냐는 것
- Gen[A]와 Gen[B]의 치환관계가 달라질 수밖에 없음
- List[Object] 가 들어갈 위치에 List[String]을 넣어도 되느냐? Array[Object]대신 Array[String]를 넣어도 되느냐? String -> Unit 라는 함수 대신에 Object -> Unit 타입의 함수를 넣어도 되느냐? 역으로, Object -> Unit 타입의 함수 대신 Object -> Unit 타입의 함수를 넣을 수 있느냐 등의 질문이 일반적인 질문을 구체적인 타입으로 바꾼 것
- 판정 방법은 각 타입이 제공하는 연산(또는 메소드)이 대치한 타입에서도 유의미한지를 검사
- 그걸 컴파일러가 검사하는 방법이 + - 로 표시해서 알아내는 방법
- 공변(상속 관계가 함께 변함)은 인자 타입의 상속관계가 제네릭타입에서 그대로 유지
- 반공변(상속 관계가 반대로 변함)은 인자 타입의 상속 관계가 제네릭 타입에서 반대
- 무공변은 인자 타입의 상속관계가 있더라도 제네릭 타입에선 아무 상속 관계가 없어짐
- 공변성/반공변성(Variance)
- Variance (Scala language concept)
- Covariance and contravariance in Scala
- Covariant Contravariant 정리
- Covariant Contravariant 그림으로 다시 정리
- covariance(공변성)는 좀더 세부적인 타입으로, 구체적 변화
blog.higher-order.com Functional Programming in Scala 저자 블로그
github.com/alexandru/scala-best-practices 스칼라에서 하지 말아야 될것들
Nicolas Rinaudo - Scala Best Practices I Wish Someone'd Told Me About
1ambda.github.io/21/scala Scalaz, Functional, Reactive, Concurrent
Useful Scala Compiler Options for Better Scala Development: Part 1
scalacOptions ++= Seq( "-target:jvm-1.8", "-encoding", "UTF-8", "-unchecked", "-deprecation", "-Xfuture", "-Yno-adapted-args", "-Ywarn-dead-code", "-Ywarn-numeric-widen", "-Ywarn-value-discard", "-Ywarn-unused" )
Useful Scala Compiler Options Part 2: Advanced Language Features
Explicit nulls are in! compiler flag -
#Scala Compiler Options, Fatal Warnings and Linting Guide - YouTube
How to prevent Scala 3 compiler regression with Community Build
Configuring and suppressing warnings in Scala | The Scala Programming Language
scala.bythebay.io: Sasha Ovsankin, New Metrics Engine to Help Drive UBER
Daniel Spiewak: Functional Async on the JVM - λC Winter Retreat 2017
비동기 프로그래밍과 Scala monix 포함
Making asynchronous programs functional with IO.async and IO.cancelable - Scala tutorial - YouTube
"Simplifying Asynchronous Code With Scala Async" by Philipp Haller
Python vs. Scala: a comparison of the basic commands (Part I)
scastie.scala-lang.org online execution
Learning Scala: Toolchain, Internals, and Intermediate Representations
How to turn ugly Java APIs into elegant, type-safe Scala APIs
Produce clean APIs with algebraic design - Scala/FP tutorial - YouTube
Why Should You Care About Referential Transparency? - YouTube
Picking a Language for Introductory CS — The Argument Against Python
NAVER Tech Talk: Scala 밋업(2018년 10월) Monad, Akka
This month at SoftwareMill we’ve learned (January ‘19) type safety
Immutability by Example - Building a Purely Functional Data Validator | ScalaJobs.com
The Ultimate Scala Serverless Lambda Deployment using Travis CI
A Python to Scala transpiler using neural machine translation (NMT)
distage-sample Distage — modern dependency injection for Scala
Lucene Multi Term Query field search working example in Scala
Interactively exploring Reddit posts using basic Scala in your browser
Binary Serialization Of Evolving Data Types by Daniel Vigovszky - YouTube
A journey into safer and cleaner code in Scala with real-life examples
Improvement in Scala 2.13 and sbt 1.3 scalaz, cats, EitherT
Rendezvous Benchmark Analysis: When Threads (Don't) Meet - DEV Community
The Mechanics of Mitigation mend within
JVM configuration for Scala
-J-Xmx32M -J-Xms32M -J-XX:+PrintGCDetails -J-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -J-verbose:gc -J-Xloggc:. -J-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -J-XX:HeapDumpPath=.
Scala JVM option
JVM configuration for Scala Functional Programming
Picking a Language for Introductory CS — The Argument Against Python
What's that called? What's the name of that operator/symbol/syntax/thing, for Scala
Fearless Refactoring with Functional Programming | Scala - YouTube
Run Scala applications with GraalVM and Docker - With http4s, doobie and cats-effects
Fledge over the flow … How to determine a streaming problem This is a story about a little experience of integrating (Akka-Stream, Alpakka-Kafka, Kafka, Aplakka-Slick, TimescaleDB) — Part 1/3
스칼라의 동시성 이전 버전을 다루기는 하지만 java thread부터의 설명이 좋음
The Death of Hype: What's Next for Scala python의 편의성을 쫓아가려는 이야기가 시사하는 바가 있음
Functional Tracing using Scala observability
scala - What's the difference between => , ()=>, and Unit=> - Stack Overflow
Writing Angular Services in Scala | by Antoine Doeraene | Jul, 2020 | Medium
Scala: Beyond the basics with Christopher Batey - YouTube Function composition, Functional approaches to implement dependency injection, higher kinded types, Avoiding mutability with expressions, Abstracting with type classes
Emanuel Goette, alias Crespo: Que es un Higher-Kinded Type de Scala?
3 Tricks with Call-by-Name in Scala | Rock the JVM - YouTube
5 Nice Scala Tricks for Concise and Expressive Code | Rock the JVM - YouTube
GraphQL Overview part1 — What is GraphQl? | by Sebastian Rabiej | Medium
GraphQL Overview—Part 2—Libraries | by Piotr Jasiak | SoftwareMill Tech Blog
How to build an Android app in Scala 2.13 – Making the matrix
THE most important programming concept explained in 35 seconds. - YouTube
Extreme Cleverness: Functional Data Structures in Scala - Daniel Spiewak - YouTube
Our Scala Journey by Girish Kolanthra (Capital One) - YouTube
Number (part 1) Precision numeric computation with Scala | CodeX
Parsing character encoding-dependent protocols with scodec in Scala | In Absentia
Scala Chat: Hello Discord (So Long, Gitter) | The Scala Programming Language
Sick Fira Code Progress Bars for Absolute Beginners! - Part 1 - YouTube
Sick Fira Code Progress Bars for Absolute Beginners! - Part 2 - YouTube
Diamond Architecture - How to build HUMONGOUS apps FAST! - YouTube
Diamond Architecture - How to build HUMONGOUS Apps FAST! - Part 2 - YouTube
Diamond Architecture - How to build HUMONGOUS Apps FAST! - Part 3 - YouTube
Diamond Architecture - How to build HUMONGOUS Apps FAST! - Part 4 - The Grand Finale - YouTube
100 Integration Tests Per Second - ZIO Meets Hexagonal Architecture by Piotr Gabryanczyk - YouTube
Concurrent Sudoku Solver: Part 3 - Using Cats Effect Queue | by Farooq Qaiser | May, 2022 | Medium
Concurrent Sudoku Solver: Part 4 - Using FS2 Stream + Topic | by Farooq Qaiser | Jun, 2022 | Medium
Selection functions are interesting notion with tricky implementation | Anton Kovalevsky
ING Contact Center 2.0 — Creating Resilient APIs | by ayush mittal | ING Blog | Sep, 2022 | Medium
Google Summer of Code 2022: How It Was | The Scala Programming Language
Go-like channels in Scala: receive, send, and default clauses
Chatbot Showdown: Typelevel Scala Edition | by Kacper Korban | VirtusLab | Jun, 2023 | Medium
Compare Task Processing Approaches in Scala | Bin Wang - My Personal Blog
Indoor Vivants: Scala Native and Swift: building Twotm8 MacOS app
My team built and productionized a custom rate limiter in Scala - Bilal Fazlani
Two-phase consensus with functional Scala | by Jonas Chapuis | Mar, 2024 | Medium
- Actor 생성하기
- 맛만 보자 액터 모델이란
- Actor Messaging platform
- Typed Actors - compile-time typechecked akka actors
- Managing State in Akka Actors
- Simple Threading with Scala Actors
- Introduction to the Actor Model for Concurrent Computation: Tech Talks @ AppNexus
- Hewitt, Meijer and Szyperski: The Actor Model (everything you wanted to know...)
- Introduction to jkka Actors with Java 8
- Programming with Actors (part 1)
- Programming with Actors (part 2)
- State vs Stateful Actor
- Building a scalable reactive ingestion pipeline to ingest data in a Graph DB
- Rock Paper Scissor Game through Actor Model in Scala
- Actor Model 패턴의 구현(Java)
- Managing Congested Actors in Akka
- Actors using Scala & Akka — Part 1 : Introduction | by Bilal Fazlani | Medium
- Actors using Scala & Akka — Part 2 : AskPattern and SpawnProtocol | by Bilal Fazlani | The Startup | Jun, 2020 | Medium
- akka-actors-blog
- Akka actors orchestration
- Nightmare on Actor Subtree Shutdown
- Message-based Parallelism with Actors
- introduction to actor supervision akka typed with scala for beginners
- Actor Model(행위자 모델) — { DEV SWEETER ; }
- ZIO Actors - High-performance, purely-functional library for building and supervising typed actors backed by ZIO
- Actor implementation experiments with ZIO | A toy zio actor implementation
- Zymposium - Implementing Actors With ZIO - YouTube
- Zymposium - Distributed Actors with ZIO HTTP - YouTube
- Zymposium - The Next Chapter Of Distributed Actors - YouTube
- Typed Actors in Action - Exploring Cats-Actors with Alice and Bob – Mark Galea – stay safe, keep hacking! - cloudmark
- hello-akka 샘플 어플리케이션
- Actor model and akka
- What is Akka Toolkit?
- Learning Akka Typed from Classic
- Event Sourcing with Akka 2.6 video
- One year with Akka 2.6 | Akka
- Akka family build infrastructure
- medium.com/tag/akka
- Understanding Paxos using Scala and Akka Actors
- Akka.NET: the Reactive Story Continues on the Microsoft CLR - See more at: http://typesafe.com/blog/akkanet-the-reactive-story-continues-on-the-microsoft-clr#sthash.GMwHTmen.dpuf
- Asynchronous & Non-Blocking Scala - A look at Netty & NIO for Async Networking via Scala
- Quasar and Akka – a Comparison
- Quasar and Akka – a Comparison
- 아카(Akka) 시작하기 교육후기
- 스프링캠프 2016 B-1: AKKA로 구성한 추천시스템, 검색엔진급
- 삼성 SDS TechTonic 임백준의 실전 아카
- 임백준의 AKKA 시작하기 1
- 임백준의 AKKA 시작하기 강의 2
- 임백준의 AKKA 시작하기 강의 3
- 임백준의 AKKA 시작하기 4
- PayPal 은 어떻게 하루에 10억 request 를 단 8개 VM 으로 처리하는가?
- hamait.tistory.com/category/Akka
- helloino.tistory.com/category/Programing/Akka
- becompany.ch/en/blog/tags/akka
- Akka and a Simple Actor Example (in Scala)
- Simple Actor Example 2 (in Scala with Akka)
- Communicating Actors (in Scala with Akka)
- The Ask Pattern (in Scala with Akka)
- Actor Scheduling (in Scala with Akka)
- Simple-Akka-Scheduler
- Akka Details
- Using Actors (in Scala with Akka)
- The Actor Hierarchy (in Scala with Akka)
- Routers - Creating multiple instances of an actor
- Akka Actors - Creating Pool of Actors
- Message Routing in Akka
- Akka Router – Router As an actor
- AKKA routing
- Routers (in Scala with Akka)
- Routers 2 (in Scala with Akka)
- Actor Life Cycle (in Scala with Akka)
- Actor URLs (in Scala with Akka)
- Actor Supervision (in Scala with Akka)
- Communicating Actors (in Scala with Akka)
- Assemble messages from Akka Actors
- Akka Actor System Health Check
- Implementing Microservices with Scala and Akka - by Vaughn Vernon
- Reactive Microservices with Akka and Docker by Heiko Seeberger
- Reactive Microservices with Akka and Docker - by Heiko Seeberger
- Reactive Architecture with Play, Akka, and Scala - Henrik Engstrom (Typesafe)
- Introduction to Reactive: A Hands-on Workshop with Play and Akka
- Introduction to Akka by Yannick De Turck
- Scala and Akka: An Introduction
- Gentle introduction to Akka with Scala - YouTube
- Technology Hour - Implementing the Reactive Manifesto with Akka - Adam Warski
- A tour of the (advanced) Akka features in 60 minutes by Johan Janssen
- Event-Sourced Architectures with Akka
- Learning Akka Tutorial
- Resilient Applications with Akka Persistence
- Up, Up, and Out: Scaling Software with Akka
- Akka and Kafka Webinar Build Powerful Concurrent & Distributed Applications
- Scala real life matters: when to use Akka and also RabbitMQ
- Protobuf Serialization in Akka
- How to make Akka serialization bulletproof - VirtusLab
- Akka 클러스터샤딩을 이용한 스케일확장
- Akka Message Delivery - At-Most-Once, At-Least-Once, and Exactly-Once
- 케빈 TV
- 8 Akka anti-patterns you'd better be aware of by Manuel Bernhardt
- The best is yet to come - State of Akka in 2017 by Konrad Malawski
- A Journey into Reactive Streams
- Reactive Streams in Scala: Akka Streams vs Monix - part 1
- Reactive Streams in Scala: Akka Streams vs Monix - part 2
- Reactive Streams in Scala: Akka Streams vs Monix - part 3
- Bootstrapping Microservices using Akka, Kafka ans Spark by Alex Silva
- The Zen of Akka - by Konrad Malawski
- A tour of the (advanced) Akka features in 60 minutes by Johan Janssen
- Taming Distribution: Formal Protocols for Akka Typed by Roland Kuhn
- AkkaPaint – simplicity and power of Akka
- Implementing API Library Classes for Spark Flows in Scala
- Tracking User Behavior At Scale with Streaming Reactive Big Data Systems
- 複数の共有状態を跨いだ整合性の担保について 공유 상태를 만들 때와 사용할 때를 분리해서 성능을 높이려는 시도
- Akka Steam Graphs — A first Java example
- Akka Steam Graphs — Dynamic Parallel Streams, Example 2
- Akka Steam Graphs — Dynamic Parallel Streams, Example 3
- Akka references serialization with Protobufs (up to Akka 2.5)
- Tour of Akka Typed: Protocols and Behaviors
- Tour of Akka Typed: supervision and signals
- Tour of Akka Typed: Event Sourcing
- Tour of Akka Typed: Cluster Sharding
- Tour of Akka Typed: Cluster Singleton and Routers
- Tour of Akka Typed: Message Adapters, Ask Pattern and Actor Discovery
- Using Dotty Union types with Akka Typed
- Using Dotty Union types with Akka Typed – Part II
- Akka Stream Coexistence With Akka Typed
- Akka Streams — Getting Started. From zero to production with Akka… | by Sergio Cano | Aug, 2021 | Medium
- Demystifying Akka Streams' Materialized Values | Nivox's Hub
- Akka Typed: Stateful and Stateless Actors | Rock the JVM - YouTube
- Akka Typed: Message adapters - YouTube
- (Typed) Akka document 읽으면서 소소하게 정리 (Getting Started Guide)
- ES/CQRS the Akka way
- CQRS with Event Sourcing, Scala, Akka and Cassandra - YouTube
- The dark side of Akka and the remedy
- Actors, Streams and Futures in Akka: What to Use?
- Akka (Actor) in Practice
- Managing Blocking in Akka video
- Always stop unused Akka actors OOM, PoisonPill
- Akka Stopping Actors
- Using Google Datastore with akka-persistence
- Circuit Breaker
- Akka EC2, ECS, Terraform, Packr, Ansible, Gradle Example
- Tuning your Akka to Get the Most from your Actor-Based System – Part I
- Tuning your Akka to Get the Most from your Actor-Based System – Part II
- akka dead letters and how to monitor for them
- AKKA(아카)with Scala 튜토리얼 01
- AKKA(아카)with Scala 튜토리얼 02
- AKKA(아카)with Scala 튜토리얼 03
- Implement Event bus using Akka
- Scaling Event Bus. How to scale event bus on multiple… | by Lukasz Lenart | Jun, 2020 | SoftwareMill Tech Blog
- Building a Reactive, Distributed Messaging Server in Scala and Akka with WebSockets | by Nimrod Sadeh | Aug, 2020 | Medium
- Attending a hackathon with Scala and Akka (Streams) on Microsoft Azure | The epic.blog
- A case for akka-coordination lease | by Michał Ostruszka | Nov, 2020 | SoftwareMill Tech Blog
- Akka Platform Guide :: Akka Platform Guide
- Type safe, message driven, distributed - a whirlwind tour of Akka by Johan Andrén - YouTube
- Monitoring Akka applications with Mesmer and OpenTelemetry - Developer’s kit
- "Akka Concurrency" Review & The Truth about #Actors & #Akka - YouTube
- An Akka, Cats and Cassandra Project in Scala - Full Version - YouTube
- Benchmarking Kafka vs Akka Brokerless Pub/Sub | Lightbend
- Akka: Enabling the Cloud to Edge Continuum | Lightbend
- Migrating event sourced Akka application from CockroachDB to AlloyDB | LinkedIn
- What to do with your End Of Life Akka?
- Benchmarking database sharding in Akka | Lightbend
- akka-apache: Build highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications on the JVM
- Akka durable state
- Akka Fork FUD - Alexandru Nedelcu
- akka-dynamic-batch-serving
- akka-dynamic-batch-tensorflow-gpu-bert at main · go-noah/akka-dynamic-batch-serving
- Akka gRPC
- Akka-Persistence-Postgres Why we need yet another Akka persistence plugin | by Marcin Kubala | SoftwareMill Tech Blog
- Akka Serverless | @lightbend
- Apache Pekko
- Monix - Asynchronous Programming for Scala and Scala.js
- monix - Asynchronous, Reactive Programming for Scala and Scala.js
- Correlation IDs in Scala using Monix
- A Tale of Two Monix Streams—Alexandru Nedelcu
- A story about streaming unique batches in Monix
- Best Practice: Should Not Block Threads — Monix
- Piotr Gawryś: Streaming with Monix - YouTube
- Generic IOApp alternative - Alexandru Nedelcu
- On Typelevel and Monix - Alexandru Nedelcu
- Monix BIO · Asynchronous Programming for Scala and Scala.js
- Why we picked AKKA cluster as our microservice framework
- Concurrent sharing of “data in motion” across clusters with CRDTs in Akka Distributed Data
- Akka Revealed: A JVM Architect’s Journey From Resilient Actors To Scalable Clusters
- Hands on Introduction to Distributed Systems Concepts with Akka Clustering - by David Russell
- Sane Sharding with Akka Cluster - Michal Plachta
- "The Road to Akka Cluster, and Beyond" by Jonas Bonér
- Akka - cluster - etcd by Maciej Biłas at Scalar Conf 2016
- Simple Akka Clustering
- David Russell - A Literally-Hands-On Introduction to Distributed Systems with Akka Cluster
- Akka cluster quarantined problem
- How to make a simple application with Akka Cluster
- One step closer: exploiting locality in Akka Cluster based systems
- When do you need Akka Cluster?
- Akka Cluster application design — untyped
- How to co-locate Kafka Partitions with Akka Cluster Shards
- 10000 nodes and beyond with Akka Cluster and Rapid
- Orchestrating startup and shutdown in Scala
- Akka Cluster split brain failures — are you ready for it?
- Story of importing a large dataset to Akka Cluster | by Michał Bogacz | VirtusLab | Jul, 2021 | Medium
- Hydra - an Akka Cluster based system which provides high available container service for apps
- akka-http-extensions 0.0.1 released
- Akka HTTP server backend (experimental)
- Akka HTTP — The What, Why and How
- Effective Akka HTTP by Johannes Rudolph
- How you can build a Hello World API with Scala and Akka HTTP
- How to (Un)marshal JSON in Akka HTTP with Circe
- Testing Akka Http Clients
- An introduction to Akka HTTP routing
- Configuring Github badges for a Scala project
- Performance Showdown: ZIO vs Akka-HTTP vs Rust by Willem Vermeer - YouTube
- Akka Http Client- How to create a Unit Test for Http Single Request in Scala
- Akka-http graceful shutdown
- akka-http-memory-leak
- R | Akka HTTP loves JSON: 3 Libraries You Can Integrate into Akka HTTP
- 6 Common Misconceptions Around Akka-HTTP / Pekko-HTTP | Iterators
- Monitoring Akka based applications with Cinnamon and DataDog
- Monitoring and tracing for akka applications under kubernetes (k8s) lightbend monitoring, kamon, istio, jaeger, zipkin
- kamon.io
- How Akka Streams can be used to process the Wikidata dump in parallel and using constant memory with just your laptop
- Akka Streams: Streaming Data Transformation à la Carte
- Akka stream 을 활용한 reliable message stream 처리
- Reactive Streams principles applied in Akka Streams by Eric Loots
- Akka Streams & Reactive Streams in action by Konrad Malawski
- A Practical Introduction to Akka Streams by Jacek Kunicki
- Akka streams for high throughput data processing by Zack Loebel-Begelman
- Diving into Akka Streams
- Hacking with akka streams
- Introduction to Akka Streams
- Akka Streams: error handling in event processing pipelines
- Using Akka Streams with standard input and standard output
- A fully reactive ad serving platform using Scala & Akka-Streams
- Painlessly passing message context through Akka Streams
- Streaming data with Apache Kafka and Akka Streams
- Rethinking Streaming Workloads with Akka Streams: Part I
- Rethinking Streaming Workloads with Akka Streams: Part II
- WebSocket Streaming with Scala - How Akka Streams can make life easier
- Akka Streams: error handling in event processing pipelines
- Enriching OCR with Akka Streams
- Scaling ETL with Scala
- The Power of Akka Streams
- Akka Stream a Walkthrough From Simple Source to Parallel Execution | by Konstantin Bodnia | The Startup | Aug, 2020 | Medium
- Video Streaming With Akka Streams - DZone Java
- Akka Streams Backpressure - Rock the JVM Blog
- Akka Streams - Working with Stage Actors - YouTube
- Scala collection methods flatMap and flatten are more powerful than monadic flatMap and flatten (download for better quality)
- 学ぼう! コレクションフレームワーク collection framework
- Applying a function to just one previous term in a Scala lazy collection
- Scala Val, Lazy Val And Def | Understand The Difference between val and lazy val in Scala | 2021 HD - YouTube
- Ep 17: The Magic of LazyLists - YouTube
- The Magic of Lazy Lists
- Option, Either, State, and IO: Imperative programming in a functional world
- Using Scala to Read Really, Really Large Files
- Comparisons of The Standard Libraries, better-files, Akka Streams, FS2 (I/O helpers), FS2 (core), Reference Implementation in Java
- practice
- 스칼라에서 리프팅(lifting) 이란?
- Enumerations in Scala
- Scala Case Classes vs Enumeration - Wojciech Programming Blog
- Concise enumeration in Scala | ScalaJobs.com
- Enum serialization in Scala | ScalaJobs.com
- Scala 3 Enums - Alexandru Nedelcu
- foldLeft, fodRight, reduceLeft, reduceRight, scanLeft, scanRight 함수 예제
- Scala: Beyond the basics with Christopher Batey
- terminology, function composition, higher kinded types, implicits vs reflection
- Don't Use Await.result!
- Bird Operator in Scala – Pretty method chain
- Sizeof in Scala using
import org.apache.spark.util.SizeEstimator._
- Visitors - a tale of generalization
- My favorite new features of Scala 2.13 standard library
- Operator overloading in Scala and Kotlin: two slightly different ways
- Standardizing IO Interfaces for Scala Libraries
- My Scala template for Google Code Jam https://code.google.com/codejam 파일 읽기
- What is an Effect?
- The Point of Pattern Matching in Scala
- Pattern Matching Tricks in Scala | Rock the JVM - YouTube
- Pattern Match Anything in Scala. What is Pattern Matching? | by Mansi Babbar | The Startup | Jun, 2020 | Medium
- How to Use Scala Pattern Matching | by billydharmawan | Towards Data Science
- Programming with Functions #3 - Pattern Matching - YouTube
- Pattern Matching & Reflection | Functional Scala - YouTube
- Custom Pattern Matching in Scala - YouTube
- Top 10 pattern matching tips in Scala | ScalaJobs.com
- The Difference Between Null, Nothing, Nil, None and Unit in Scala | Rock the JVM - YouTube
- Andy Scott—Code by Shape - YouTube Either, Option, List, fold(Right)
- The assignment operator is broken!
- Four new features of Scala 2.13 releases that you probably missed | Not cumbersome at all interpolator on pattern matching, toXOption, Pipe and tap, Exhaustivity checks with if guards
- Live 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live - YouTube Either, sealed trait로 type 정의
- Scala Filesystem Operations (paths, move, copy, list, delete) - MungingData
- Objects and Companions in Scala | Rock the JVM - YouTube
- 01A: Scala Class Vs. Object and Companion object interview Q&As | Java-Success.com
- Programming with Functions #7: Expressions over statements - YouTube
- A case study of flatMap vs flatten
- 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live - YouTube 여러가지 SDK API
- Composable Scala Matchers: Introduction | by Robin Hillyard | Jun, 2021 | Medium
- Fast number parsing in Scala
- An identifier, by any other name, … | by Robin Hillyard | Nov, 2021 | Medium
- Different ways to implement wrappers in Scala 2.x | Awethon's Page
- Top 10 Skills to Learn to Be a Scala Developer - YouTube
- The Scala community will exile me for this - YouTube
- Functional Error Handling in Scala | ScalaJobs.com
- Underrated Scala Features and Hidden Gems in the Standard Library | ScalaJobs.com
- Ross A. Baker: Build your vocabulary with Scala affixes
- Iterator.iterate | Yann Moisan
- Chain of responsability with Scala partial functions | Yann Moisan
- Zymposium - Partial Functions & Future ZIO HTTP Features - YouTube
- The future of effects in Scala?
- Scalaではじめる末尾再帰 tail recursion 등 recursion 이야기
- (2) Kit Langton on Twitter: "The Two Minute Twenty Second Ten-Step Tail Rec Transformation Technique https://t.co/kI0izGriX0" / Twitter tail recursion
- Tail Recursive Functions (in Scala) - Alexandru Nedelcu
- Ten-Step Tail-Rec Transformation Technique - YouTube
- How to make Insertion Sort function Tail-Recursive
- Deriving Tail Recursive Fibonacci
- Unwrapping IO: is it a path that you want to follow? by Adam WARSKI - YouTube
:kind [-v] List
:kind [-v] String
- :kind in scala repl
- Any
- 타입이 Any로 추론되는 것을 막으려면
- scalac에서
- scalac에서
- 타입이 Any로 추론되는 것을 막으려면
- BigDecimal
- BitSet
- class
- Scala Classes – Syntax, Declaration, Use case, Examples
- Making ordinary classes Rich! (Scala)
- case class
- practice - trait, class, case class inheritance
- Read case class object from string in Scala (something like Haskell's “read” typeclass)
- case object와 object의 차이
- Case Class in Scala
- Human-readable case class diffs
- Scala CaseClass에 대한 특징 정리
- Scala Case Class and Case Object In-Depth (Part-1) - JournalDev
- Scala Case Class and Case Object In-Depth (Part-2) - JournalDev
- Singleton types and case class fields -
around and find out #1 - YouTube - Smart constructors for case classes | 47 Degrees
- Article: Effective Scala Case Class Patterns - The guide I wished I had read years ago when starting my Scala journey
- diffx: Pretty diffs for scala case classes
- 스칼라 클래스의 일반적인 형식화
- How to use Insertion Sort algorithm on a User Defined Class
- collection
- practice - until & to
- How to Sort Lists in Scala with Tail Recursion - Rock the JVM Blog
- Scala's List has a Secret - Alexandru Nedelcu
- Learning Scala by building Scala - Lists - Maurício Linhares' ramblings
- Learning Scala by building Scala - Lists Part 2 - Maurício Linhares' ramblings
- Learning Scala by building Scala - Lists and Option - Maurício Linhares' ramblings
- Functional Collections in Scala - YouTube
- Scala collections methods explained using food 😋 - Waris Radji
- Linear Collections in Scala: Seq, List, Array, Vector, Set, Range - YouTube
- List vs Vector in 2022
- Ep 16: NonEmptyLists more or less - YouTube
- Immutable Collections should be Your Default - Alexandru Nedelcu
- concurrent
- Double/Float
- Scala Doubles, and Precision
BigDecimal(num).setScale(2, * * BigDecimal.RoundingMode.HALF_UP).toFloat/toDouble
- Scala Doubles, and Precision
- DSL processing in Scala
- Scala로 DSL 흉내내보기
- Kafka Streams DSL for Scala: The Basics
- Writing functional DSLs for business domains
- Scala Parser Combinators: The Easier Way to Create an External DSL - Lior Schejter - YouTube
- Context Function for DSL Design in Scala · Anatolii's Programming Blog
- Andrea Mocci - Teaching Domain Specific Languages in Scala | Scala Days 2023 Seattle - YouTube
- DynamicVariable 예제
- Either
- Exception
- ExecutionContext
- fold
- for
- future
- practice -
- practice -
,for ... yield ...
- practice - multiple Future -> for, map, flatMap
- scala - Alternative to await.ready - Stack Overflow 결국은
- scala - Alternative to await.ready - Stack Overflow 결국은
- practice - Future.foldLeft를 이용해 Future[Seq[Object]] to Future[Seq[(Int, Boolean)]] to Future[Seq[Int]]
- practice - foldLeft or Future.foldLeft
- tuple을 fold할 때
... is not a member of Any
오류가 발생하면 foldLeft를 사용
- tuple을 fold할 때
- practice - Future.sequence로 List of Future[Option[Long]] -> Future of List -> Future[Boolean]
- Explanation on how to execute scala futures in serial one after the other
- Future.sequence
- Are Scala Futures the past?. We all started with Scala Futures. They… | by Stéphane Derosiaux | Medium
- A Little Guide on Using Futures for Web Developers | svese Engineering Blog
- Reactive 프로그래밍 - Hello world
- The differences between a Scala Future and a Java Thread
- Futures Made Easy with Scala
- Unsucking Error Handling with Futures
- Error handling with Scala Futures
- The Future.await(s) for no one
- Easy Parallel Programming with Scala Futures
- Promise for better Future
- Scala, promises, futures, Netty and Memcached get together to have monads - Maurício Linhares' ramblings
- Getting Asynchronous in Scala : Part 1 (Future, Callbacks, Combinators etc.)
- Mastering Scala: Futures
- Scala Futures
- The async library in Scala
- Chapter 9: A Beginner's Tutorial To Using Scala Futures
- Writing Async App in Scala. Part 1: Coding | Wix Engineering
- Writing Async App in Scala. Part 2: Exception Handling | Wix Engineering
- Writing Async App in Scala. Part 3: Threading Model | by Dmitry Komanov | Wix Engineering | Medium
- Programming with Functions #6 — Thread safety | by Maciek Gorywoda | Mar, 2021 | Medium
- Future.transform in Scala 2.12
- map(), flatMap() on Futures & Options in scala - Knoldus Blogs
- The worst thing in our Scala code: Futures | REA Group Ltd
- How to compose Future and Option in Scala – Loïc's Blog
- Scala Concurrency Advice: For Future Fun Fold On A FlatMap | by Bryan Bunch | Medium
- Comparing Approaches to Structured Concurrency by James Ward and Adam Hearn - YouTube
- Why Shouldn’t You Use Future[Unit] as a Return Type in a Scala Program | by Vigneshwaran Raveendran | The Startup | Aug, 2020 | Medium
- Implementing a CountDownLatch (async and dirty) - Alexandru Nedelcu
- Live 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live - YouTube
- How to retry a Future in Scala | ScalaJobs.com
- Scala's Future - Alexandru Nedelcu
- futil: minimal utilities for Scala Futures
- practice -
- Implicit
- practice - implicit parameter
- Debugging implicits
- REPL parameter
, REPL command:javap
, reflection API
- REPL parameter
- Making Implicits Explicit — Scala
- intelliJ에서 코드에 어떤 implicit이 적용되었는지 살펴보는 방법
- Implicits mechanism in Scala
- Euro from Dollar
- implicit object Not able to find implicit from object
- Implicit Conversions in Scala
- Scala Trait to Typeclasses
- Scala Snippets #1: Instantiable Implicits
- Implicit conversions in Scala help with DRY
- How to keep your sanity working with Scala Implicit!
- scala implicit keyword 관련 파라미터
- Understanding implicit in Scala
- Implicit Design Patterns in Scala
- Good example of implicit parameter in Scala? - Stack Overflow
- Implicits for Hypothetical Babies - YouTube
- Journey of Implicits in Scala. Implicits are the most ambivalent… | by ayush mittal | Mar, 2022 | Medium
- Journey of Implicits in Scala — part 2 | by ayush mittal | Mar, 2022 | Medium
- Journey of Implicits in Scala — part 3 | by ayush mittal | Mar, 2022 | Medium
- Scala & the Three Implicits | Medium
- Implicit vs Scala 3's Given - Alexandru Nedelcu
- Implicit parameters, when to use them (or not)!
- Implicit Parameters, When to Use Them (Or Not)! by Julien Truffaut - YouTube
- Implicit parameters when to use them? Part 1 | ScalaJobs.com
- Implicit parameters when to use them? Part 2 | ScalaJobs.com
- The compilation cost of implicits | Typo
- ZIO-like dependency injection using implicit resolution
- I/O
- isInstanceOf Scala's isInstanceOf is an Anti-Pattern
- Regex
- List
- practice - Option Seq map getOrElse filter
- practice - list unzip or foldLeft
- 리스트 비교하기 — 스칼라
- HList - The Heterogeneous List
- Map
- math
- Option
- Java 소스를 Scala로 전환할 때 null 값 처리는?
- Java의 break, continue 구문 대신 Scala의 Option을 사용해 구현해 보기
- The Known Unknown: Working with Option and Nullable Types
- Optional Is the New Mandatory
- Dealing with Optional Values | Functional Scala - YouTube
- On Scala 3's Optional Braces - Alexandru Nedelcu
- Introducing error reporting in optics
- The cost of Scala Option
- Option — the null of our times. Things I would have told my… | by Adam Gajek | VirtusLab | Sep, 2020 | Medium
- I like Option.get - Alexandru Nedelcu
- Scala의 예외 처리 - Option, Either, Try - Nephtyw’S Programming Stash
- #Scala #Option is NOT about #null! - YouTube
- Ordered
- Ordering
- par
- Process
- reflection
- scalaz
- Transform your State / Err - A concrete example of parser combinators, state monad and monad transformers in Scala, using scala-parser-combinators and scalaz
- Easy Performance Wins With Scalaz
- learning Scalaz
- learning Scalaz — Combined Pages
- Scalaz for the Rest of Us at Yelp
- Scalaz - The Good Parts
- Introduction to Scalaz
- An Introduction to Scalaz-Stream
- Scalaz State Monad
- Learning Scalaz
- A Skeptic's Look at scalaz' "Gateway Drugs"
- LambdaConf 2015 - A Skeptic's Look at Scalaz Gateway Drugs Brendan McAdams
- LambdaConf 2015 - Scalaz 102 Level Up Your Scalaz Foo! Colt Frederickson
- LambdaConf 2015 - Scalaz Streams A Functional Approach to Compositional... Derek Chen Becker
- Daniel Spiewak on scalaz-streams (TimesOpen: Reactive Programming)
- Scalaz-Stream Masterclass - NE Scala 2016
- SF Scala, Adelbert Chang: Scalaz
- Scalaz
- Scalaz 7 with Lars Hupel
- Cool toolz in the Scalaz and Cats toolboxes by Jan Pustelnik at Scalar Conf 2016
- 졸면서 하는 라이브 코딩 (2018-12-14)
- John A de Goes - SCALAZ 8 VS AKKA ACTORS
- scalaz 8: A whole new game (John A. De Goes)
- The Design of the Scalaz 8 Effect System - John A. De Goes
- The Expression Tradeoff
- Closed Type과 Open Type으로 Expression Problem의 어떤 부분을 해결해 주는지에 대한 글
- ADT를 사용하는 Closed Type 스타일은 FP에서 사용하는 방법
- FP와 OOP의 차이는 Expression Problem을 어떻게 해결 하느냐에 있음
- "Functional Programming for Mortals with #Scalaz" Review - YouTube
- ZIO — A type-safe, composable library for asynchronous and concurrent programming for Scala
- ZIO — A type-safe, composable library for asynchronous and concurrent programming in Scala
- Queue · ZIO Queue 만들어서 해당 queue 에 task 집어넣고, 해당 queue 에 대한 consumer 를 원하는 수만큼 생성
- Handling Errors · ZIO Retry 쉽게 가능
- John A De Goes - ZIO: Next-Generation Effects in Scala
- Scale By The Bay 2018: John A. De Goes, Itamar Ravid, Scalaz Stream: Rebirth
- Kyiv Scala meetup v9 - Welcome to Scalaz ZIO by Oleksandra Holubitska
- Functional Hangman with ZIO
- John A. De Goes at #ScalaUA - Thinking Functionally
- Implement your future with ZIO
- Decouple the Program from its Implementation with ZIO modules
- zio environment and modules pattern: zio, scala.js, react, query management
- How to dynamically inject the implementation for ZIO with MacWire
- Getting started with ZIO - YouTube
- What can ZIO do for me? A Long Polling example with sttp
- Build Yourself an Effect System by Simon Schenk on Scala Hamburg Meetup
- ZIO Config - A functional, composable ZIO interface to configuration
- ZIO, Http4s, Auth, Codecs and zio-test
- ZIO + Http4s: a simple API client
- Functional dependency injection in Scala using ZIO environments
- A simple integration test using Scala and ZIO
- Combining ZIO and Akka to enable distributed FP in Scala
- Error Handling in Functional Applications - from Monad Transformers to ZIO
- Make your program testable zio
- Combining ZIO and Akka to enable distributed FP in Scala
- Becoming a better functional programmer
- Wrapping impure code with ZIO
- How to use the same Test for different Implementations with ZIO
- John De Goes ZIO talk at Scala Russia 28.09.2019
- Concurrent programming in 2019: Akka, Monix or ZIO? - Adam Warski
- ZIO environment meets constructor-based dependency injection
- 5 pitfalls to avoid when starting to work with ZIO
- Happy eyeballs algorithm using ZIO
- 5 (more) pitfalls to avoid when starting to work with ZIO
- Building a Super Easy Rate Limiter with ZIO
- Make your own IO with context-scoped data on top of ZIO
- Creating a dead simple CountDownLatch with ZIO
- Spring to ZIO 101
- Migrating ZIO environment from RC-17 to RC-18
- ZIO for IntelliJ
- Testing Background Process With ZIO
- Moving From Kotlin + Spring Reactor + Arrow to Scala + ZIO
- How to write a command-line application with ZIO
- zio layers and framework integration
- Managing dependencies using ZIO
- Opening the fridge with ZIO
- Happy eyeballs live-coding using ZIO by Adam Warski: Scala in the City - YouTube
- Refactoring Functional Type Classes
- ZIO와 ZPure 관련 Adam Fraser가 디스코드에 답변한 내용. 거칠게 요약하면 ZIO에서 IO나 동시성 관련 내용을 뺀 타입
- Functional Effects with ZIO - Aleksandar Skrbic
- Combining Purely Functional Property Based and Docker Integration Tests in ZIO | by Arjun Dhawan | The Startup | Aug, 2020 | Medium
- Live Coding a Concurrent Web Crawler - John Ⓐ De Goes - YouTube
- An Introduction to Functional Design – John A De Goes
- 5 lessons learned from my continuing awesome journey with ZIO | by Natan Silnitsky | Wix Engineering | Sep, 2020 | Medium
- An Introduction to ZIO Kafka
- Apache Kafka and ZIO. This article will explain why you want… | by Aleksandra Holubitska | Sep, 2020 | Medium
- How To Implement Streaming Microservices Using ZIO and Kafka
- Production-grade Microservices with ZIO by Itamar Ravid - YouTube
- How To Build Lightweight Microservices Using ZIO Stack by Marcin Krykowski - YouTube
- Using ZIO Kafka with offset storage in Postgres for transactional processing | by Marek Kadek | Mar, 2021 | Medium
- ZIO Kafka with Scala: A Tutorial - YouTube
- Zymposium - ZIO Kafka with Jules & Erik - YouTube
- How To Implement Streaming Microservices Using ZIO and Kafka
- Using Aspects To Transform Your Code With ZIO Environment - YouTube
- How to Use Thread.sleep Without Blocking on the JVM thread.sleep, project loom, ScheduledExecutorService, zio.sleep
- Scale By The Bay 2020: Leo Benkel, Enhancing Spark's Power with ZIO - YouTube
- Scale By The Bay 2020: Salar Rahmanian, Acting Lessons for Scala Engineers with Akka and ZIO - YouTube
- The Coralogix Operator: A Tale of ZIO and Kubernetes – Coralogix
- Functional Legacy - How to Incorporate ZIO In Your Legacy Services by Natan Silnitsky - YouTube
- Ep 11: Search Hacker News with ZIO and magic - YouTube
- ZIO WORLD - ZIO Runtime System by John A. De Goes - YouTube
- ZIO WORLD - Execution Tracing by Rob Walsh - YouTube
- ZIO WORLD - Blocking by Adam Fraser - YouTube
- ZIO World - Panel Discussion - YouTube
- A Prelude of Purity: Scaling Back ZIO by Jorge Vasquez - ZIO World 2022 - YouTube
- ZIO HTTP by Shubham Girdhar - ZIO World 2022 - YouTube
- Zymposium - ZIO HTTP: RC1 and Beyond - YouTube
- Zymposium - Preparing ZIO HTTP Release with John A. De Goes - YouTube
- Generating a Rust client library for ZIO Http endpoints
- Zymposium: Auto-Generating OpenAPI Specs from ZIO HTTP with Nabil Abdel-Hafeez - YouTube
- Implementing a REST service using the ZIO-HTTP high-level EndPoints API. | by Americo Vargas | Mar, 2024 | Medium
- ZIO Schedule and Ref by Ruurtjan Pul - ZIO World 2022 - YouTube
- 1st Zymposium - Building an App with ZIO - YouTube
- ZIO Profiler by Maxim Schuwalow - YouTube
- 2nd Zymposium - Adam Fraser, Kit Langton & Tushar Mathur - YouTube
- I Can Has? (And So Can You!) — Exploring ZIO's Has Type - YouTube
- A ZIO cheatsheet | alvinalexander.com
- The ZIO of the Future by John De Goes - YouTube
- Zymposium - Full Stack Development (Part 1) - YouTube
- Zymposium - Full Stack Development (Part 2) - YouTube
- Zymposium - Variance - YouTube
- Zymposium - Proto-Quill Release Party - YouTube
- Zymposium — Smart Assertions - YouTube
- Zymposium — Integrating the learning from TypeScript in designing a ZIO powered by Scala 3 - YouTube
- Zymposium — Full Stack Frontend - YouTube
- Zymposium — Type-Level Sets - YouTube
- Zymposium - New ZIO Feature - YouTube
- Part 1 - What is ZIO and should you learn it? - Getting Started with #ZIO in #Scala3 - YouTube
- Part 2 -
ZIO[_, _, Success]
- Getting Started with #ZIO in #Scala3 - YouTube - Part 3 -
ZIO[_, Error, _]
& Variance - Getting Started with #ZIO in #Scala3 - YouTube - Part 4 -
ZIO[Env, _, _]
- Getting Started with #ZIO in #Scala3 - YouTube - Part 5 - ZIO.access - Getting Started with #ZIO in #Scala3 - YouTube
- Part 6 - zio.Has - Getting Started with #ZIO in #Scala3 - YouTube
- Part 7 - ZLayer - Getting Started with #ZIO in #Scala3 - YouTube
- Part 8 - ZLayer DSL - Getting Started with #ZIO in #Scala3 - YouTube
- Part 9 - Effect Tracking - Getting Started with #ZIO in #Scala3 - YouTube
- Part 10 - core & persistence - TF to ZIO (The Big Rewrite) - Getting Started with #ZIO in #Scala3 - YouTube
- Part 11 - delivery & main - TF to ZIO (The Big Rewrite) - Getting Started with #ZIO in #Scala3 - YouTube
- Part 12 - http4s & skunk - TF to ZIO (The Big Rewrite) - Getting Started with #ZIO in #Scala3 - YouTube
- Getting started with ZIO, part 1
- Getting started with ZIO, part 2
- Getting started with ZIO, part 3
- ZIO News - Issue #28 | Revue
- Organizing Services with ZIO and ZLayers - Rock the JVM Blog
- Home | Ziverge
- Heroes of Ziverge: Jorge Vásquez (Senior Software Engineer at Ziverge) - YouTube
- A Preview of Logging in ZIO 2.0
- Advances In The ZIO 2.0 Scheduler
- Introducing Scopes in ZIO 2.0 | Medium
- Structuring ZIO 2 applications
- ZLayers in ZIO 2.0 are a totally different BEAST! - YouTube
- Native Config Lands in ZIO 2.0 – John A De Goes
- ZIO 2 Runtime Improvements by John A. De Goes - YouTube
- The ZIO 2 “mental model” | alvinalexander.com
- Where the ZIO Roadmap is Headed Next | Capital One 2.0
- Building Next Gen Applications on JVM with ZIO | Capital One
- on tf and zio in 2021.md
- ZIO from Scratch — Part 1 - YouTube
- Zymposium - ZIO From Scratch (Part 2) - YouTube
- Zymposium - ZIO From Scratch (Part 3) - YouTube
- Zymposium - ZIO From Scratch (Part 4) - YouTube
- Zymposium - ZIO From Scratch (Final) - YouTube
- Zymposium - ZIO From Scratch (Concurrency Primitives) - YouTube
- Next Generation Operations with ZIO — Adam Fraser - YouTube
- Jan Nasiadka interview questions about ZIO
- Introduction to ZIO | Baeldung on Scala
- Experts Share Why They Choose ZIO Scala Library
- ZIO environment: episode 3
- building a ZIO app from scratch with Adam Fraser - YouTube
- Zero-to-ZIO | Alteration x10
- About capture checking. in scala 3 | by Oleg Nizhnik | Feb, 2022 | Medium
- Grokking ZIO. After a long evolutionary journey, the… | by Murray Todd Williams | Apr, 2022 | Medium
- Building High-Performance Notification Engine Using Pure Functional Scala, ZIO HTTP, ZIO Kafka. Event-Driven Architecture. | LinkedIn
- What are Zio Effect Constructors? - Knoldus Blogs
- Zio Effects - Knoldus Blogs
- Scala at Prezi: Introduction of ZIO | by Máté Börcsök | Jun, 2022 | Prezi Engineering
- Scala 3 + ZIO 2 + zhttp + Laminar: proof of concept & impressions – Adrian Filip
- Zymposium - ZIO- API - DSL - YouTube
- Zymposium - ZIO API Design Techniques - YouTube
- Zymposium - ZIO Metrics - YouTube
- Zymposium - From Akka to ZIO - YouTube
- ZPure and scaling back ZIO: ZIO World 2022
- ZIO - YouTube
- Teach Your Web API To Speak Loud And Clear CLI! By Jorge Vasquez - YouTube zio http
- Day to day stuff: Speed up ZIOs with memoization
- DI in Play for Scala3 with ZIO - YouTube
- Dancing with ZIO - Oto Brglez Ljubljana.tech - YouTube
- Python and ZIO crushed my egotism | by Jay | DataTrek | Dec, 2022 | Medium
- Introducing The ZIO DynamoDB Type-Safe API by Avinder Bahra - YouTube
- Early adventures in ZIO land | Bogdan Dimitriu’s blog
- Parallelizing Complex Data Pipelines Using ZIO With Spark by Kunal Tiwary - YouTube
- Zymposium - ZIO OpenAI - YouTube
- Build Invincible Apps With ZIO And Temporal by Vitalii Honta - YouTube
- The Great Concurrency Smackdown: ZIO versus JDK by John A. De Goes - YouTube
- Zymposium - Scala 3's New Compile-Time Features - YouTube
- Zymposium - Reimplementing Magnolia: Exploring Scala 3's Compile-Time Features - YouTube
- Pragmatic DDD in Scala with ZIO
- Zymposium - Crafting ChatGPT Plugin with ZIO - YouTube
- Zymposium - ZIO Q&A - YouTube
- Zymposium - Implementing a New ZIO Feature - YouTube
- Zymposium - Reloadable Services with ZIO - YouTube
- From spring boot to ZIO. This article is a small summary of the… | by Kristof Slechten | May, 2023 | Medium
- ZIO Constraintless by Afsal Thaj - YouTube
- Why I keep choosing ZIO! - YouTube
- Zymposium - ZIO Logging with Peter Kotula - YouTube
- Debugging session #1: zio-logging & quill
- The Next Generation Of Streaming by Adam Fraser - YouTube
- Vitalii Honta - Temporal Workflows with ZIO: Introduction
- Zymposium - ZIO Q&A - YouTube
- Composable concurrency scope of ZIO Semaphore - Bilal Fazlani
- Tuning ZIO for high performance
- Uncovering the benefits and challenges of ZIO2 and Scala 3 at Wolt - Thomas Harper - YouTube
- Forking and Interruption in ZIO | Jakub Janeček's Blog
- The Tri-Z Architecture: a Pattern for Layering ZIO Applications in Scala
- Fibers
- Background processing in functional Scala #1 - YouTube
- Background processing in functional Scala #2 - YouTube
- Functional Effect systems in Sclala: Build your own ZIO/Cats-Effect/Monix... | Wix Engineering
- fibers.md
- How to successfully manage a ZIO Fiber’s lifecycle | by Natan Silnitsky | Wix Engineering | May, 2021 | Medium
- Scala with ZIO: Introduction to Fibers - YouTube
- ZIO: Introduction to Fibers - Rock the JVM Blog
- Zymposium - FiberRefs, ZIO 2 & Patch Theory - YouTube
- gRPC
- ZIO-AWS ZIO-AWS with ZIO Query
- ZIO Backtask: A Background Job Framework for Your Next ZIO Application by Oto Brglez - YouTube
- zio-config
- zio-flow: Resilient, distributed applications powered by ZIO
- zio-json: Fast, secure JSON library with tight ZIO integration
- zio-k8s
- zio-maelstrom
- ZIO Panel Migrating From Akka to ZIO Panel Discussion - YouTube
- ZIO Prelude · Next Generation Functional Abstractions For Scala
- zio-properties: A ZIO alternative to Spring Properties
- zio rezilience Give Failure A Chance by Wiem Zine Elabidine - YouTube
- ZIO Schema
- zio-sql: Type-safe, composable SQL for ZIO applications
- ZIO stream
- Speeding up time with Zio TestClock
- Simulating IoT Events - with Zio Streams
- Building the Death Star with ZIO Stream
- Write a simple message processing pipeline using ZIO Streams
- A Tour of ZIO Streams - YouTube
- Functional Scala - Modern Data Driven Applications with ZIO Streams by Itamar Ravid - YouTube
- Autorecovery for (JMS) Streams | Blended - ZIO
- Keep alive for JMS connections | Blended - ZIO
- Exploring ZIO - Part I - SmartJava
- Exploring ZIO - Part II - ZStream and modules - SmartJava
- ZIO Streams, Part 1: Essential Stream Components - YouTube
- ZIO Streams, Part 2: Error Handling - YouTube
- ZIO Streams, Part 3: A Bigger Example - YouTube
- Zymposium - ZIO Streams Part 1 (The Channel Type) - YouTube
- Zymposium - ZIO Streams Part 2 (Using Channels) - YouTube
- Zymposium - ZIO Streams Part 3 (Streaming Sandwiches) - YouTube
- Zymposium - ZIO Streams - Final Part (Fan In/Fan Out) - YouTube
- ZIO Streams And Your Business Logic by Samson Kamau Muiruri - YouTube
- ZIO Streaming Applications, Transformation, and Error Handling - Knoldus Blogs
- Olivier Nouguier - ZIO Streaming connector for Pravega - YouTube
- Interesting patterns to consume ZIO Streams - Bilal Fazlani
- Day to day stuff: Scheduling tasks and sharing state with streams
- ZIO sttp Mocking endpoints with ZIO sttp – pierangeloc.github.io
- ZIO Telemetry · ZIO-powered OpenTelemetry library
- ZIO test
- Get started with ZIO Test
- Effective testing with ZIO Test
- Running Postgres integration tests easily with TestContainers and ZIO Test | In Absentia
- What's Cooking in ZIO Test by Adam Fraser - YouTube
- ZIO Test - What, Why and How? - Functional World #4 - YouTube
- Diving into ZIO Test 'Aspects': Streamlining Cross-Cutting Concerns in
- Errors happen. Can we get rid of them using ZIO Test? | by Americo Vargas | Jan, 2024 | Medium
- ZIO World
- #zioworld - YouTube
- ZIO World - ZIO HTTP - YouTube
- Introducing ZIO Http. Introducing ZIO Http | by Tushar Mathur | Mar, 2021 | Dream11 Engineering
- ZIO World - ZIO Kafka - YouTube
- ZIO WORLD - ZIO ZMX - Development Testing, Deployment by Adam Fraser - YouTube
- ZIO WORLD - ZHub by Adam Fraser - YouTube
- ZLayer
- Zparkio - Boiler plate framework to use Spark and ZIO together
- ZScheduler ZIO WORLD - ZScheduler by Adam Fraser - YouTube
- sort
- Stream
- Homegrown #Scala Collections - Part 36 - What is a #Stream?
- Homegrown #Scala Collections - Part 37 - Are #Streams a full-blown paradigm?
- Homegrown #Scala Collections - Part 38 - Testing Streams
- Homegrown #Scala Collections - Part 39 - Stream.filter Evaluation Leak
- Homegrown #Scala Collections - Part 40 - The #unfold Truth about Streams
- Homegrown #Scala Collections - Part 41 - Stream.End & What's Next?
- "Scala Streams to the Extreme" at #scaladays 2019
- Streaming all the way with ZIO, Doobie, Quill, http4s and fs2 - Juliano Alves
- Jakub Kozłowski—A Sky Full of Streams - YouTube
- String
- padTo scala - How to convert an Int to a String of a given length with leading zeros to align? - Stack Overflow
- Reduce, fold or scan (Left/Right)?
- Compression; String <-> Array[Byte]
- String Interpolation In Scala
- An Invitation From Scala String Interpolation
- Scala String Interpolation – TheCodersStop
- Fancy strings in Scala 3
- sys
- time
- trait
- Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Sealed Traits in Scala
- practice - sealed trait - sealed class/companion object - final case class
- 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live - YouTube sbt-errors-summary, ADT 사용을 위한 sealed trait, sealed trait 문제점 및 해결, scala3 enum
- Sealed Traits Vs Enums for ADTs
- Trait parameters in #Scala3 - a feature no one asked for? - YouTube
- Scala - Java 의 interface 의 가려운 부분을 긁어주는 trait
- Back2Basics: The Story of Trait
- Back2Basics: Limit which classes a Trait can be mixed into!
- Guide to Trait Linearisation in Scala
- Scala cake pattern Be simple, look stylish class에 ~Impl을 붙이는 예
- The Practical Difference between Abstract Classes and Traits in Scala
- tuple
- unapply
- underscore
- Using Scala Prof: Using: Did they forget something?
- Importance of Plugin-based Architecture on SCALA
- From Monolith to Microservice Architecture on Kubernetes
- Service architecture in Scala
- #Giter8 - Part 1 - Crash Course
- #Giter8 - Part 2 - Clean Architecture #SBT #Scala Template
- #Giter8 - Part 3 - Clean Architecture Use Case Scaffold
- Five Books For Expert Scala Programmers | ScalaJobs.com
- 스칼라 시작하기
- 임백준의 아카 시작하기 : Akka 개념 잡기
- 자바 개발자를 위한 스칼라 - Java 개발자를 위한 Scala 맛보기
- akka in actoin - livebook.manning.com/book/akka-in-action
- Best Scala Books: For Beginners & Experienced
- Creative Scala
- EffectOrientedProgramming/book: Effect-Oriented Programming: Creating Reliable Systems with Scala 3 and ZIO 2
- Essential Effects: a book for learning effectful programming in Scala cats effect
- fpinscala Code, exercises, answers, and hints to go along with the book "Functional Programming in Scala" http://manning.com/bjarnason
- Hands-on Scala Programming
- Learn Functional Programming The Fast Way! (PDF)
- Learn Scala 3 The Fast Way! | alvinalexander.com
- The Neophyte's Guide to Scala
- Modern Systems Programming with Scala Native Write Lean, High-Performance Code without the JVM
- Pure functional HTTP APIs in Scala
- Practical FP in Scala: A… by Gabriel Volpe
- Programming in Scala, Fifth Edition
- Programming Scala, Third Edition. New language version, new edition | by Dean Wampler | Oct, 2020 | Medium
- Scala Book: Free PDF, Mobi, and ePub versions
- Scala from Scratch: Exploration by Daniel Westheide
- Scala from Scratch: Understanding by Daniel Westheide
- Seriously Good Software
- Seriously Good Software 전반적인 설계 흐름을 볼 수 있는 슬라이드
- exercisesinstyle
- The Science of Functional Programming
- underscore.io ebook
- Thoughts on Recent Online-Only Conferences
- This is why you must join Scalar 2019
- Duchess at Scala.io | Duchess France
- reddit.com/r/ScalaConferenceVideos/new/
- Functional Scala London 2019: Day 1
- Lambda World 2019
- Scalabase 초보자 적합
- Scala Central at Expedia Group
- ScalaCon. A series of virtual conferences brought to you by Scala eXchange and Scala Days
- scalar-conf.com
- SCALAR Conference 2024 - YouTube
- Daniel Beskin CUSTOM-COMPILE ERRORS WITH A VENGEANCE Scalar Conference 2024 - YouTube
- Martin Odersky SCALA HAS TURNED 20 - Scalar Conference 2024 - YouTube
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- Łukasz Biały HANDS-ON BESOM: INFRASTRUCTURE-AS-A-CODE WITH SCALA Scalar Conference 2024 - YouTube
- Michał Pawlik HOW SLOW IS YOUR TRAM Scalar Conference 2024 - YouTube
- Jacek Kunicki GROWING OXEN: CHANNEL OPERATORS AND RETRIES Scalar Conference 2024 - YouTube
- Wojciech Mazur IMPLEMENTING MULTITHREADING IN SCALA NATIVE Scalar Conference 2024 - YouTube
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- Mehmet Akif Tütüncü DO I MISS WRITING SCALA? Scalar Conference 2024 - YouTube
- Iulian Dragos Faster and less mysterious sbt builds with Develocity Lightning talk Scalar 2024 - YouTube
- Scalar Conference 2023 - YouTube
- Scala Days
- ScalaDays 2015 San Francisco
- Scala Days Amsterdam 2015
- Scala Days Conferences
- Scala Days Europe 2018
- Scala Days 2019
- Scala Days Lausanne 2019
- Adam Fitzgerald & Gjeta Gjyshinca - Supercharge Your Performance | Scala Days 2023 Seattle - YouTube
- Monica McGuigan - My First Year in Scala! - YouTube
- Daniel Ciocirlan - Lessons from Teaching Scala to 80,000 People - YouTube
- Scala Days 2023 | Madrid - YouTube
- ScalaMatsuri 2024 - YouTube
- ScalaIO Paris 2022
- ScalaIO - 2018
- ScalaIO - 2017
- Scala Love 2020
- ScalaMatsuri
- Scalapeño
- Keynote: The Last Hope for Scala's Infinity War - John A. De Goes
- scala의 여러가지 문제점을 논함. 내부적으로 위기를 느끼나?
- Principled error handling - Beyond MonadError - Luka Jacobowitz
- Thinking Less with Scala - Daniel Sivan basic, implicit, cats.Monoid
- Keynote: The Last Hope for Scala's Infinity War - John A. De Goes
- Scala Stockholm - YouTube
- Scala UA
- TMWL September’19 — Scala with JDK8, toString() method and ASCI art on the type level
- TMWL October’19 — Scala Steward, DB index and a React hack
- TMWL March’20 — CNAMEs, data encryption, Scala book & extension to try
- Typelevel Summit Boston, March 2018
- SF Scala: Kiar - Key/Value store with MVCC based Transaction System By Sandeep Virdi - YouTube
- Scala로 만들어본 이름점
- Integrating Developer Experiences — The Build Server Protocol in the IntelliJ Scala plugin
- Using BSP effectively in IntelliJ and Scala | In Absentia BSP = Build Server Protocol
- IntelliJ Scala Plugin 2021.2 Is Out! | The Scala Plugin Blog
- Performance tips for IntelliJ Scala Plugin | The Scala Plugin Blog
- IntelliJ Scala 플러그인의 성능 팁 | The Scala Plugin Blog
- The X-Ray Mode | The IntelliJ Scala Plugin Blog
- The State of IntelliJ Scala Plugin - YouTube
- Scala 3 improvements in Metals (and hopefully, IntelliJ IDEA)
- Migrating from IntelliJ IDEA to VSCode and Metals – Staying Productive at Writing Scala | Iterators
- Introduction to Scala Development using vscode - Dick Wall - YouTube
- The Top 100 Scala Libraries in 2015 – Based on 64,562 GitHub Libraries
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- Permutive Community Engineering, August 2019 cats, circe
- Permutive Community Engineering, September 2019 cats, circe
- Abstract Algebra for Scala https://twitter.com/scalding
- Scala macros to generate RESTful Models
- Use Scala Macros and Quasiquotes to Reduce Boilerplate | Toptal
- Compile-Time Time! — Data Transmogrification Macro From Scratch — Part 1 - YouTube
- Compile-Time Time! — Data Transmogrification Macro From Scratch — Part 2 - YouTube
- Scala 2 Macro Tutorial | Bin Wang - My Personal Blog
- Exploring Scala Tooling ecosystem – Jeferson David Ossa 다양한 tool 소개
- Tomasz Godzik SCALA TOOLING ECOSYSTEM Scalar Conference 2024 - YouTube
- tooling-talks: A monthly series of talks about tooling
- Top 15 Scala Libraries for Data Science in 2018
- Scala tooling in 2019
- March 2023 - Scala Tooling Summit | The Scala Programming Language
- Figuring out Scala functional programming libraries | by Krzysztof Atłasik | Mar, 2021 | SoftwareMill Tech Blog
- 7 Best Scala Frameworks & Libraries for Concurrency, Web Development, and Big Data to Learn in 2022 | by javinpaul | Javarevisited | Feb, 2022 | Medium
- Adam Warski - Concurrency in Scala and on the JVM - YouTube
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- The Best Scala Libraries I Use in Every Project - YouTube
- Beginner's guide to toolkits in Scala - Dev notes
- Automation tools for Scala development
- airframe - Lightweight Building Blocks for Scala
- Ammonite enables shell-like scripting in the Scala programming language
- practice - randomObj
- Getting started with #Ammonite - A Modernized #Scala REPL
- Squeezing extra productivity out of Ammonite Scala REPL
- Scripting Library in Scala: Ammonite - DZone Java
- Porting Ammonite to Scala 3 #1 – Catching a Dotty bug & Porting the first module - YouTube
- Porting Ammonite to Scala 3 #2 – To the Meat of the Matter - YouTube
- Porting Ammonite to Scala 3 #3 – How does Ammonite actually work? - YouTube
- RFC: A Path Forward for Ammonite REPL and Scripts in 2023 and Beyond · com-lihaoyi/Ammonite · Discussion #1372 · GitHub
- atto - a compact, pure-functional, incremental text parsing library for Scala
- Avast
- Baker - a library that reduces the effort to orchestrate (micro)service-based process flows
- best-of-scala: 🏆 A ranked list of awesome Scala libraries. Updated weekly
- batcher: Batch similar requests together transparently
- better-monadic-for - A Scala compiler plugin to give patterns and for-comprehensions the love they deserve
- blockchain-rpc - JSON RPC client for Bitcoin, Ethereum and Omni
- Bloop - a Scala build server. Compile, test and run Scala fast
- caliban - Functional GraphQL backend in Scala https://ghostdogpr.github.io/caliban
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- GraphQL in Scala with Caliban — Part 2: Query optimization
- GraphQL in Scala with Caliban — Part 3: Customization
- Caliban Client: a type-safe GraphQL Client for Scala and Scala.js
- Caliban: Functional GraphQL Library for Scala by Pierre Ricadat - YouTube
- Cost-Effective And Easy-To-Maintain GraphQL API Integration Tests With ZIO Test and Caliban - YouTube
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- GraphQL in Scala: Advanced Schema Generation
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- graphql-benchmarks: Setup to compare graphql frameworks
- Capacitor Cross-Platform Mobile dev with Scala and Capacitor | by Antoine Doeraene | Geek Culture | Jul, 2021 | Medium
- Cats - Lightweight, modular, and extensible library for functional programming
- Cats - An Introduction to Cats
- Cats - A new library for functional programming in Scala
- LambdaConf 2015 - Cats — A Fresh Look at Functional Programming in Scala Mike Stew O'Connor
- herding cats scalaz에서 cats로 대세
- Meow! Start using Cats in your project right now
- Scala with Cats Book
- Advanced Scala with Cats Course
- 9 tips about using cats in Scala you might want to know
- Adopting Cats - Ron Aharoni
- Scala — cats nice tricks and fun
- Marvels of functional programming: Launching Iron man with monads - Voxxed Days Singapore 2019
- Optional Actions
- Functors — From Category Theory into Cats
- Kleisli Category — From theory to Cats
- Either, Validated, and Parallel
- Why Parallel
- Cats 2.0 migration guide
- The Traverse type class in Cats - Scala tutorial
- Fuck yeah type erasure
- A Scala “functional programming style” To-Do List application written with Cats
- Describing State in FP Scala
- Guide to Data Validation with Scala and Cats
- Towards more functional Play — Part 1
- Towards more functional Play — Part 2
- Hack: How to Use Scala Futures with Cats IO
- Real World Cats
- Data Juggling - Part 6 - Introduction to #Cats (Functional Error Handling - Part 1)
- Data Juggling - Part 7 - Applicative vs Monadic Styles (Functional Error Handling - Part 2)
- scala with cats 책 읽으면서 필기(하다보니 번역급) Chapter 1 (Introduction)
- scala with cats 책 읽으면서 필기(하다보니 번역급) Chapter 2 (Monoids and Semigroups)
- scala with cats 책 읽으면서 필기(하다보니 번역급) Chapter 3 (Functors)
- scala with cats 책 읽으면서 필기(하다보니 번역급) Chapter 4 (Monads)
- scala with cats 책 읽으면서 필기(하다보니 번역급) Chapter 5 (Monad Transformers)
- scala with cats 책 읽으면서 필기 Chapter 6 (Semigroupal and Applicative)
- scala with cats 책 읽으면서 필기 Chapter 7 (Foldable and Traverse)
- "#Scala with Cats" Review - YouTube
- Idiomatic Error Handling in Scala - Rock the JVM Blog Either, Try, Validated
- Addendum to Alex N's blog post on Scala warnings
- Cats Concurrency basics with Ref and Deferred - SoftwareMill Tech Blog
- example - Union Find
- Retry Failing Tasks with Cats and Scala - Alexandru Nedelcu
- Introduction to Scala Cats — Part 1 | by Omer Arshad | The Startup | Aug, 2020 | Medium
- Implicit scope and Cats
- The Parallel typeclass in Cats - Scala tutorial - YouTube
- Managing Database Migrations in Scala - Alexandru Nedelcu MySQL
- Scala Cats Contravariant Functors | by Krzysztof Grajek | Feb, 2021 | SoftwareMill Tech Blog
- Pure Functional Stream processing in Scala: Cats and Akka – Part 1 – Mihai Safta
- Pure Functional Stream processing in Scala: Cats and Akka – Part 2 - Mihai Safta
- Scala Cats Invariant Functor | by Krzysztof Grajek | SoftwareMill Tech Blog | SoftwareMill Tech Blog
- herding cats — herding cats
- Cats with Scala: Essential Type Class Hierarchy - YouTube
- (re)constructing sequences with Alternative - Scala tutorial - YouTube
- Data validation using cats Validated
- Validation in Scala 3 with Cats. In this post we are going to see how to… | by Sergio Cano | May, 2022 | Medium
- Disjoint Graph Unions: Performance Case Study
- Foldable and Traverse with Scala and Cats 😼 | by Francisco Perrotta | Jul, 2022 | Medium
- Cats vs ZIO - YouTube
- Accumulate errors in Scala with typelevel cats | ScalaJobs.com
- cats-actors: Cats Actors framework for building apps which are reactive. Cats actors uses a conceptual actor model as a higher level abstraction for concurrency
- Cats Effect · The pure asynchronous runtime for Scala
- Cats Effect 3.0 Interruption Model Proposal
- Cats Effect 3.0 Proposal
- Cats Effect 3 by Daniel Spiewak - YouTube
- A rate-limiter in 15 lines of code with cats-effect
- Cats Effect Ref
- Time traveling in tests with Cats Effect
- cats-effect at ce3
- Circuit Breaker Pattern with Cats Effect | by Hiroki Fujino | Level Up Coding
- concurrency-in-scala-with-ce: Introduction to concepts of asynchronous and concurrent programming in Scala, based on cats-effect library
- Typelevel.scala | Concurrency in Cats Effect 3
- My Hakyll Blog - Polymorphic Effects in Scala
- My Hakyll Blog - Threading best practices in Cats Effect
- Intro to Cats-Effect (Gavin Bisesi) - YouTube
- SF Scala: Essential Effects By Adam Rosien - YouTube
- Typelevel.scala | Why Are Fibers Fast?
- Using Cats Effect Resource in Non-Functional Contexts · Horace Williams
- Fire-and-Forget in Cats Effect
- Cats Effect 3: Racing IOs (and Fibers) - YouTube
- Cats Effect 3 - Introduction to Fibers - Rock the JVM Blog
- Daniel Spiewak - Cats Effect 3 - YouTube
- Death of Blocker: blocking in Cats Effect 3 - Scala tutorial - YouTube
- Migrating a functional app to Cats Effect 3 - Scala tutorial - YouTube
- Cats: Essential Type Class Hierarchy, Explained - Rock the JVM Blog
- Programs as Values, Part I : Intro & Compositionality
- Programs as Values, Part II : Doing & Being
- Programs as Values, Part III: Explicit Control Flow cats.effetcs.IO
- herding cats — Effect system
- Supervisor | Background processing in functional Scala #3 - YouTube
- The Cats Effect 3 Course for Scala Developers | Rock the JVM
- A practical guide to error handling in Scala Cats and Cats Effect
- Functional event sourcing with cats-effect | by Jonas Chapuis | Sep, 2022 | Medium
- Integrating Java APIs with Cats Effect
- Case study: The digital transformation of Santa’s logistical nightmare - Part 2 - Functional Feline Society
- Effects: To Be Or Not To Be? By Adam Warski - YouTube
- Integrating Akka with Cats-Effect 3 - Alexandru Nedelcu
- Concurrency with Cats Effect
- Dependency Injection with Cats-effect Resource Monad | by Igor Vovk | Jun, 2023 | Medium
- Cats Effect vs ZIO
- Retrying Cats Effect Failures With Ease | ScalaJobs.com
- Flavors of shared state in Cats Effect
- Why Effects libs? : r/scala
- Cats MTL
- Cats Parse
- SF Scala: Introduction to Cats Parse By Jeff Lewis - YouTube
- Live 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live - YouTube refined type, cats.parse
- cats-retry - A library for retrying actions that can fail
- Cats STM Announcing Cats STM 0.7.0
- Semigroup Kittens High on Catnip - Squeaky Clean Type Class Derivation in Scala | by Kiril Yurovnik | Riskified Technology | Jan, 2021 | Medium
- Chartreuse
- Chimney - Scala library for boilerplate-free data transformations
- CodePreview Preview environments with unlimited users for a fixed price | CodePreview
- com-lihaoyi
- config - configuration library for JVM languages using HOCON files
- CosPlay - 2D ASCII Game Engine for Scala
- Coursier
- Cryptoaudit - a collection of tools that enables auditing system in a secure and publicly verificable way
- cs Single command Scala setup - Alex Archambault
- curiodb - Distributed & Persistent Redis Clone built with Scala & Akka
- desert: desert: Home
- Decisions4s | Decisions4s
- Diffy - Find potential bugs in your services with Diffy https://twitter.com/diffyproject
- ducktape: Automatic and customizable compile time transformations between similar case classes and sealed traits/enums, essentially a thing that glues your code. Scala 3 only. Or is it duct 🤔
- Ducttape - a workflow management system for researchers who heart unix
- eff - Extensible effects are an alternative to monad transformers for computing with effects in a functional way
- Free Monad보다 모나드 합성에서 편하다고 하는 Freer Monad 기반의 라이브러리
- ENSIME - Enhanced Scala and java Interaction Mode for text Editors
- etcd4s - Scala etcd client implementing V3 APIs
- ethereal: Run Scala applications as daemons
- fields: Lightweight and extendable validation library for Scala
- Finagle - A fault tolerant, protocol-agnostic RPC system
- flip - Fast and lightweight probability tools for a dataset and a data stream
- Flog: a functional logger for Scala | by Robin Hillyard | May, 2021 | Medium
- fs2 - Compositional, streaming I/O library for Scala https://fs2.io
- Intro to Functional Streams for Scala (FS2)
- Intro to Functional Streams for Scala (FS2) - Part 2: Chunks & Pipes
- Intro to FS2 - Part 3: Concurrency
- A streaming library with a superpower: FS2 and functional programming
- Where is the llama for FS2?
- Scala application lifecycle, from pure Scala to FS2
- Basic streams and combinators in fs2 - Scala tutorial
- Finite-State Machines + FS2 streams: A match made in heaven • gvolpe's blog
- FS2: Typed Functional Streams in Scala - YouTube
- Using TestControl to Test FS2 Streams | by Farooq Qaiser | Mar, 2022 | Medium
- PubSub with Scala
- Entry 1: fs2, gRPC, Triton Inference Server | Matt Langsenkamp
- I/O
- FS2 Kafka · Functional Kafka Streams for Scala
- Run a fs2-kafka stream with scala-cli and Scala 3 | 47 Degrees
- FS2-Kafka in real world -Part 1. FS2 Kafka is a library which lets us… | by ayush mittal | Jan, 2022 | Medium
- FS2-Kafka in real world -Part 2. This is a continuation of series on how… | by ayush mittal | Feb, 2022 | Medium
- fs2-kafka introduction: deserialization with careful error handling | Anton Kovalevsky
- fs2-kafka introduction: lib for ADT-events, idempotent writes and batches of offsets | Anton Kovalevsky
- fs2-kafka: hard choices, Pipes and Weaver tests | Anton Kovalevsky
Kafka! - Case study: The digital transformation of Santa’s logistical nightmare - Part 3 fs2-kafka - Functional Feline Society
- kebab-case: No leftovers: Working with pulls in fs2- overview
- Fugue: Unifying Spark and Non-Spark Ecosystems for Big Data Analytics - YouTube
- functions-remote-examples: examples for functions-remote
- Funnel - a distributed monitoring system based on a lightweight streaming protocol
- gallia-core/README.md at master · galliaproject/gallia-core · GitHub
- glow: Render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz! 💅🏻
- graphql4s - Another GraphQL interpreter for Scala based on specification graphql/draft
- gum: A tool for glamorous shell scripts 🎀
- Hamsters - A mini Scala utility library. Compatible with functional programming beginners. For the JVM and Scala.js
- hexdump4s: Example application demonstrating use of scala-cli, scodec, and fs2
- ifdef:
is an annotation that implements conditional compilation in Scala - IxiaS 開発者はCTO衣笠。プロダクト共通のScalaのコア技術「IxiaS」をOSS化!
- Izumi Project
- JNA4Scala
- Just FP | Just FP
- Just SemVer Hello from Just SemVer | Just SemVer
- KeystoneML - Machine Learning Pipeline
- Kryo
- lagom - The opinionated microservices framework for moving away from the monolith
- macwire: Lightweight and Nonintrusive Scala Dependency Injection Library
- Metals - Scala language server with rich IDE features
- metals/architecture.md at main · scalameta/metals
- Happy Life With #Scala #Metals
- Implementing a server for the Language Server Protocol
- A Dive into Configuring Metals · Metals
- A Metals Retrospective (Part 1) · Metals
- SF Scala: A Metals Retrospective By Chris Kipp - YouTube
- What I learned from using #Scala #Metals for 2 years! - YouTube
- #Scala #Metals with Multiple Roots in a Workspace - YouTube
- Contribute to Metals like Kasper Kondzielski - Scala with Friends - YouTube
- Metascala - A JVM written in Scala
- modux: Lightweight microservice server for Scala
- Mu provides the ability to combine RPC protocols, services, and clients in your Scala program gRPC
- nettlesome: Typesafe representations of network concepts in Scala
- nscala-time - A new Scala wrapper for Joda Time. This project forked from scala-time since it seems that scala-time is no longer maintained
- Number: This project is about numbers and their mathematics
- OpenRTB Open-sourcing the first OpenRTB Scala framework
- orchestrator4s: Simple library to orchestrate yours applications easily
- Otoroshi - a layer of lightweight api management on top of a modern http reverse proxy written in Scala
- ox: Safe direct-style concurrency and resiliency for Scala on the JVM
- panopticon-tui - Terminal UI observability and diagnostic tool for Scala applications
- Pass4s is a Scala library providing an abstract layer for cross app messaging
- Polynote, The Next Jupyter?
- prox - A Scala library for working with system processes
- Quine • a streaming graph • https://quine.io • Slack: https://that.re/quine-slack
- ratelimiter4s - Rate limiter library designed for Scala
- ReactiveX - An API for asynchronous programming with observable streams
- requests-scala: A Scala port of the popular Python Requests HTTP client: flexible, intuitive, and straightforward to use
- Sangria - Scala GraphQL Implementation
- sca.la - This is an URL shortener for the Scala community
- scala audio file - Minimal Scala library to process audio files
- ScalaCache: A Caching Library To Rule Them All | Baeldung on Scala
- Scala CLI | Scala CLI
- "#Scala CLI" - Tool or Toy? - YouTube
- Creating CLI tools leveraging ZIO and Decline using scala-cli
- Scala Toolkit makes Scala powerful straight out of the box
- The Scala Toolkit | The Scala Programming Language
- Scala CLI Tutorial: Creating a CLI Sudoku Solver - Rock the JVM Blog
- Scala CLI Tutorial: Building and Running Scala, Directives, Scala Native and a Pure Sudoku Solver - YouTube
- Exploring Scala CLI — the new scala runner | by Piotr Chabelski | VirtusLab | Feb, 2023 | Medium
- Replacing sbt with scala-cli in a simple project | wiringbits
- How scala-cli Shines in Automation | by Tiago Mota | SwissBorg Engineering | Nov, 2023 | Medium
- Update NextDNS with a Scala CLI script - Alexandru Nedelcu
- Better Shell Scripting with Scala-CLI - Xebia
- Scalafix - Refactoring and linting tool for Scala
- scalafmt
- Scalameta · Library to read, analyze, transform and generate Scala programs
- Scalameter - Automate your performance testing today
- scala-native: Your favorite language gets closer to bare metal
- Scala Native Api for Linux
- scala-native-access
- Scala Native on WSL2 – Scala for Cybersecurity
- Implementing an event-driven HTTP server with Scala Native
- SCALA NATIVE Your favourite language gets closer to bare metal
- Scala goes Native
- Welcome to Scala Native
- 스칼라 네이티브 사용자 가이드. 스칼라는 함수형 프로그래밍 언어이면서 동시에 객체지향적인 특징을 함께… | by Out of Bedlam | Medium
- Revisiting Scala Native performance | by Wojciech Mazur | VirtusLab | Apr, 2021 | Medium
- An introduction to Scala Native | Let's talk about Scala 3 - YouTube
- Scala Native Internals Overview – Wojciech Mazur - YouTube
- Typelevel | Typelevel Native
- scala-and-scala-native · lbialy/1brc
- scala-parser-combinators
- ScalaPB - translates Protocol Buffers to Scala case classes
- scala-pre-commit-hooks - Pre-commit/Pre-push hooks for Scala
- ScalaPy - Use Python libraries from the comfort of Scala | ScalaPy
- ScalaReplDocCommands: Commands to see Scaladoc and source code in the Scala REPL
- scala steward - A robot that helps you keeping your Scala projects up-to-date
- ScalaTags
- scala-time - Basic Scala utilities allowing for easier use of java.time APIs
- ScaleChain - A customizable blockchain implementation for private blockchains
- scalding
- ScalikeJDBC Just write SQL and get things done!
- ScalaMock: macros strike back
- scala-update: Update your Scala dependencies interactively
- Scorex - Ultra-compact cryptocurrency engine for hacking around within just 4K lines of Scala code
- Shardcake
- shapeless - Generic programming for Scala
- Shapeless : not a tutorial - part 1
- Shapeless : not a tutorial - part 2
- Interlude: a simple type-level state machine
- Learning Materials for generic & dependent programming using shapeless
- The Type Astronaut's Guide to Shapeless—Dave Gurnell
- The Shape(less) of Type Class Derivation in Scala 3
- How (not) to use shapeless for cross-layer conversions in Scala
- Seriously Good Software Ch 3 Exercise 3 (with cats and shapeless) state monad version
- Mike Limansky - From Scala 2 shapeless to Scala 3
- sharaf: Minimalistic Scala 3 HTTP server library
- slinc: Scala <-> C interop
- Slinky Slinky 0.6.0: The One With Hooks
- specs2 - software specification for scala
- spray.io
- Squants Data Juggling - Part 11 - Getting Started with #Squants
- sttp — an open-source library with simple, type-safe API for defining HTTP requests
- sttp - The Scala HTTP client you always wanted! https://softwaremill.com/open-source
- Websockets in Scala using sttp
- sttp2: an overview of proposed changes
- What’s coming up in sttp client 3? | by Adam Warski | Sep, 2020 | SoftwareMill Tech Blog
- Support for XML request responses in sttp and tapir
- sttp client 3 is here!. What’s new in the latest stable release… | by Adam Warski | Jan, 2021 | SoftwareMill Tech Blog
- More than just HelloWorld.json in sttp & uPickle
- Native app development with sttp and Scala Toolkit
- sttp-oauth2 OAuth2 Scala application with sttp-oauth2, part 1 - Dev notes
- Syto - Digital Signal Processing library for Scala
- teleport-scala A native CLI in Scala to quickly move through the filesystem
- Toggle4s - Feature toggle managing service with etcd backend
- toolkit: Quickstart your next app with the Typelevel Toolkit!
- Torque is now Scala - Fast, simple and secure
- Turbolift: Algebraic Effects for Scala 3
- Tyrian - Tyrian Elm-inspired, purely functional UI library for Scala 3
- Vulcan · Functional Avro for Scala
- Wayeb: Wayeb is a Complex Event Processing and Forecasting (CEP/F) engine written in Scala
- whatsub: A tool for subtitles - conversion and resync
- wire-signals: A small and effective event-handling library for Scala reactive
- yona: Project Hosting SW, DEMO
- A quick tour of build tools in Scala
- Secure the Dependencies of your Scala Project on GitHub | The Scala Programming Language
- New Scala Build Tool – John A De Goes
- How do we optimise Scala build times? by James Thompson - YouTube
- Bleep Hello from Bleep | Bleep
- Mill - your shiny new Java/Scala build tool
- How to create Build Pipelines in Scala
- Scala/Mill: Step 1, Creating a new Mill project | alvinalexander.com
- Scala/Mill: Step 2, Using ScalaTest with Mill | alvinalexander.com
- Scala/Mill: Step 3, Adding Multiple Dependencies | alvinalexander.com
- Scala/Mill: Step 4, Specifying a Main Class in build.sc | alvinalexander.com
- Scala/Mill: Step 5, Specifying a Main Class in the REPL | alvinalexander.com
- Scala/Mill: Step 6, Creating a Fat Jar (assembly) | alvinalexander.com
- Li Haoyi – Mill: a Build Tool based on Pure Functional Programming - YouTube
- So, What's So Special About The Mill Scala Build Tool?
- Haoyi Li - A Deep Dive into the Mill Scala Build Tool - YouTube
- Mill - Java와 Scala를 위한 빠른 JVM 빌드 도구 | GeekNews
- Comparing Scala relational database access libraries
- An intro to writing native DB driver in Scala | by Marek Kadek | Apr, 2021 | Medium
- Using oracles to test the service and data layer
- magnum: A 'new look' for database access in Scala
- quill - Free/Libre Compile-time Language Integrated Queries for Scala
- renesca - Scala library for the Neo4j REST API
- scalasql: Query SQL databases from Scala via concise, type-safe, and familiar case classes and collection operations
- Skinny-ORM
- skunk: A data access library for Scala + Postgres
- slick - Functional Relational Mapping for Scala
- scala-slick.org
- Essential Slick
- Slick 2 Examples: Querying and Modifying Data
- What we learned from using Slick
Caused by: slick.SlickException: Read NULL value for ResultSet column <computed>
- DB에 column은 있지만, 기본 값이 없고, NULL로 되어 있는 경우 값을 가져와 사용하려고 하면 발생
- Option[]의 형태로 해결해보려고 했으나 실패
- Composable table updates in Slick
- Database migration using Slick made easy – „Scala-Forklift“
- Scala as backend language. Tips, tricks and pain slick의 단점을 지적한 글. 속 시원함
- 스칼라 Slick 오류 처리
- Scala Tutorial: Create CRUD with Slick and MySQL
- Slick (3) – connection pool
- Best Practices for Using Slick on Production
- Scala Slick 3: How to Start, an Opinionated Guide
- Scala and Slick - An Introduction
- Lightbend Slick: Five do's and don'ts
- Architecting a flexible and purely functional Scala back-end using Slick and Tagless Final
- Playing With Scala - Slick | Philippe’s Blog
- Storing date and time into MySQL using Slick/Scala - Stack Overflow
- Slick Tutorial with Scala, Part 1 - Setup and Essential CRUD Operations - YouTube
- Scala and Slick Tutorial, Part 2 - Advanced Queries - YouTube
- Scala and Slick Tutorial, Part 3 - Advanced Features: Mapping to Enums, DDL Scripts - YouTube
- Scala and Slick Tutorial, Part 4 - Slick with PostgreSQL - YouTube
- slick-pg - Slick extensions for PostgreSQL
- tyqu: Type-safe Queries
- markdown-transformation-kata-scala: Markdown Transformation Kata
- mdoc Typechecked markdown documentation for Scala
- tut - doc/tutorial generator for scala
- Http4s, Doobie and Circe: The Functional Web Stack
- Up and Running with the Typelevel Stack
- Functional Web Stack: Http4s + Doobie
- Stack Http4s + Circe + Doobie
- finch - a thin layer of purely functional basic blocks atop of Finagle for building composable HTTP APIs
- http4s - Typeful, functional, streaming HTTP for Scala
- http4s코딩 아주 약간 (2018-05-18) 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live
- http4s: Pure, Typeful, Functional HTTP in Scala
- http4s: from Cats to ZIO
- Type-Safe REST services in Scala with Http4s & Cats-IO
- Building Functional Web Services with Scala & http4s (Part 1): Hello World - YouTube
- Building Functional Web Services with Scala & http4s (Part 2): Starting our Recipe Service - YouTube
- Http4s Scala Tutorial: Writing an HTTP Server with Purely Functional Scala - YouTube
- Deploy http4s on your domain with fly.io | TonioGela's
- The digital transformation of Santa’s logistical nightmare - Part 4 http4s - Functional Feline Society
- Scala Server Security with Http4s: CORS and CSRF - YouTube
- HTTP Authentication in Scala with Http4s: Passwords, Digests, Sessions, JWTs - YouTube
- HTTP Authentication with Scala and Http4s - Rock the JVM Blog
- OAuth Authentication in Scala with Http4s - YouTube
- Writing A Simple Distributed Pub/Sub Server With The Typelevel Toolkit and Http4s Ember Server | by Seth Lasky | Nov, 2023 | Medium
- WebSockets in Http4s - Rock the JVM Blog
- http4s-netty
- meow-mtl
- scala-server-toolkit - Functional programming toolkit for building server applications in Scala
- tapir, or Typed API descRiptions
- tapir: Rapid development of self-documenting APIs
- Describe, then interpret: HTTP endpoints using tapir
- tapir: Yet another way to REST
- Tapir codecs get an update
- Defining the server logic for an endpoint: three approaches
- Designing tapir’s WebSockets support | by Adam Warski | SoftwareMill Tech Blog | SoftwareMill Tech Blog
- Tapir vs Endpoints4s - The battle of the endpoints definition!
- Ditching the blueprint: towards a code-first approach to API management | by Andrea Fiore | lenses.io | Jan, 2021 | Medium
- Type driven API development using Scala and Tapir | by Andrea Fiore | lenses.io | Jan, 2021 | Medium
- Tapir serverless: a proof of concept | by Adam Warski | Mar, 2021 | SoftwareMill Tech Blog
- Security improvements in tapir 0.19
- My first Tapir stream - SPFS #9 - YouTube
- Migrating from Akka HTTP to tapir
- A tapir looms in the distance
- Episode 537: Adam Warski on Scala and Tapir : Software Engineering Radio
- L. Duzan, M. Baechler - When stateless APIs are not enough: deep dive into a reactive backend design - YouTube kafka conduktor, mapAccum zio
- Custom logic from Accept header with Tapir | by Gaël Jourdan-Weil | Oct, 2023 | Medium
- Benchmarking Tapir: Part 1
- Benchmarking Tapir: Part 2
- Benchmarking Tapir: Part 3 (Loom)
- Introducing TARP Stack ⛺ – Tapir, React and PostgreSQL - LovinData - Simplified Full Stack Data Engineering
- Tapir Tutorials - YouTube
- (1) Adam Warski on X: "We've spent quite a lot of time improving Tapir's documentation lately: 1. we've got a new landing page - written with people yet unfamiliar with Tapir's and Scala's ecosystem in mind: https://t.co/gUwiERitzJ 2. there's a listing of how-to's, in the form of examples; each https://t.co/rTlR0SWc1G" / X
- Web Framework Benchmarks - JSON serialization
- Toward a polyglot James server…
- json serialization때문에 java -> scala로 바꾼 이야기
- json > Map
- GSON - A Java serialization/deserialization library to convert Java Objects into JSON and back
- json > Map
- String to Json
- circe - Yet another JSON library for Scala https://circe.github.io/circe
- Migrate a service getting 200KQPS from Jackson to Circe
- Permutive Community Engineering, October 2019
- Hacking with scala circe-json
- #circe - Part 1 - Introduction to working with #JSON in #Scala
- #circe - Part 2 - #JSON Codecs
- #circe - Part 3.1 - Integrations & Extras (refined, lightbend config, fs2, http4s and Scala.js)
- #circe - Part 3.2 - Integrations & Extras (refined, lightbend config, fs2, http4s and Scala.js)
- #circe - Part 4 - Golden Testing
- Parsing JSON with Circe — Beyond the Basics | by Edward Huang | Level Up Coding
- Working with JSON in Scala, a Circe Crash Course - YouTube
- Ross A. Baker: Archive your toots to Hugo
- How to serialize case class to Json in Scala 3 & Scala 2 using Circe
- spray-json - A lightweight, clean and simple JSON implementation in Scala
- Not Functional Logging context (p. I)
- Not Functional Logging context (p. II)
- Why I Wrote A Logging Library
- airframe-log is a library for enhancing your Scala application logging with colors and source code locations
- Logback - intended as a successor to the popular log4j project
- LogStage - a zero-cost structural logging framework for Scala & Scala.js
- Scala Logging - a convenient and fast logging library wrapping SLF4J
- scribe - Practical logging framework that doesn't require any other logging framework and can be completely configured programmatically
- Functional references: Lens and other Optics in Scala
- Lessons Learned Building a Van Laarhoven Lens Library
- An Intuition for Optics
- More Intuition on Optics
- Introduction to optics in Scala - Dev notes
- Monocle - Optics library for Scala
- State of Monocle
- Monocle 3.x
- Data Juggling - Part 2 - Homegrown #Lenses (#Monocle - Part 1)
- Data Juggling - Part 3 - Optics Explained (#Monocle - Part 2)
- Data Juggling - Part 4 - #Quicklens (#Monocle - Part 3)
- Scale By The Bay 2020: Julien Truffaut, Monocle 3: a peek into the future - YouTube
- Monocle 3 Roadmap | fp-tower blog
- 8 Frameworks to Build A Web API In Scala
- Simple Web and Api Servers with Scala
- State of Scala HTTP by Marcin Krykowski - YouTube
- Bootzooka!
- Cask: a Scala HTTP micro-framework
- Finatra
- Play
- The Ultimate Guide to Getting Started with the Play Framework
- Play 2.4 - A sneak peek
- How to Play at Work - A Play Framework Tutorial
- ReactJS Tutorial with Play, Scala and WebJars
- Play Framework: async I/O without the thread pool and callback hell
- hamait.tistory.com/category/PlayFramework2
- Understanding Play2 Iteratees for Normal Humans
- APIs and Microservices with Scala and Play
- Full Stack Scala with the Play Framework and Scala.js by Greg Dorrell
- Play Scala with maven
- Open heart surgery on Play Framework
- Slim Play App
- Play 2 Scala, React.js,GraphQL- Part 1
- Functional tests with Scala, SBT, Play framework, Specs2 and one application per test suite
- Play 2.6에서 달라진 점
- practice - parameter가 22개 이상인 경우의 json de/sereialize
- How to write implicit Writes for case class having more than 22 fields in Scala?
- Parsing json with over 22 fields with case classes
- Implement support for > 22 field case classes in macros
- Play json > tuple 21 macros
- Play-Json extensions
- practice - sealed trait - sealed class/companion object - final case class + json de/serialization
- Play Framework using Scala - YouTube
- Implementing Authentication on Play Framework
- Play framework, Slick and MySQL Tutorial
- Play 2.1에 Slick 연동하기 :: Outsider's Dev Story
- Proxied Streaming Uploads with Scala/Play
- Scala Play Framework - YouTube
- Full Stack Scala with the Play Framework and Scala.js by Greg Dorrell - YouTube
- Scala Play Framework 2.6 Quick Start - YouTube
- Restful Services with the Play Framework, MySQL, and a Security Level with JWT by Mercedes Wyss - YouTube
- Play Framework Tutorials - YouTube
- Reactive Architecture with Play, Akka, and Scala - Henrik Engstrom (Typesafe) - YouTube
- Build and Secure APIs with Scala and the Play Framework
- How to build REST API With Scala Play Framework
- Building a Simple REST API with Scala & Play! (Part 1) - SPR
- Scala, Play and MySQL Integration Template | AnyChart
- Building a REST API in Scala with Play Framework | Baeldung on Scala
- Notes about loading configuration Examples for Play Framework and Spring Boot | wiringbits
- REST APIs Using Play Framework and Scala: A Comprehensive Guide - Rock the JVM Blog
- Play restful API with DB
- I replaced most of Play3 and it worked! - YouTube
- Anorm, simple SQL data access | Anorm
- Scalatra
- Monad Programming with Scala Future
- Arrows, Monads and Kleisli
- ScalaSyd 40 - 1. Functor, Apply, Applicative, Bind and Monad by Oliver Daff (Sep 2015)
- Deriving the Free Monad
- Free Monad in Scala - Rock the JVM Blog
- Scala Monads: Declutter Your Code With Monadic Design
- How to write composable functions and correct programs
- Functional Composition And The Kleisli (Scala Exchange 2018 Talk) - YouTube
- A Guide to Scala Collections: Exploring Monads in Scala Collections
- A roadtrip with monads: from MTL, through tagless, to BIO - Paweł Szulc
- 38 lines of code towards better data validation in Scala monad transformers, type classes, tagless final
- Comprehensive Data Validation in Scala | ScalaJobs.com
- Final Tagless seen alive
- Freer doesn’t come for free
- Marvels of functional programming: Composing effects with monads
- Monads do not compose Functor와 Applicative는 합성 가능. Monad는 합성 불가능
- Journey into the IO Monad (Part 1)
- Journey into the IO Monad (Part 2)
- Journey to the IO Monad (Part 3.1)
- Understanding IO Monad in Scala
- The Making of an IO - Daniel Spiewak
- Recursion pitfalls in IO monads and how to avoid them - YouTube
- 3 Layer Scala Cake
- Composing functions with Reader monad
- Dependency injection with Reader Monad in Scala
- scale.bythebay.io: Adelbert Chang, The Functor, Applicative, Monad talk
- Nicolas Rinaudo - Things that are things, but not other things
- What's the Point of Applicative?
- What's Ap?
- Scala의 모나드(Monad)에 대한 정리
- What is a #Monad? In 60 seconds! - YouTube
- Asynchronous Programming and Monad Transformers in Scala
- Monad Transformers aren’t hard!
- Monad Transformers and Cats MTL
- Monad transformers and cats. Monad transformers implemented in cats… | by Krzysztof Atłasik | Nov, 2020 | SoftwareMill Tech Blog
- Monad Transformers – Orji Samuel
- One Div Zero: Monads are Elephants Part 1
- One Div Zero: Monads are Elephants Part 2
- One Div Zero: Monads are Elephants Part 3
- One Div Zero: Monads are Elephants Part 4
- Ep 12: ReaderT is good for the environment - YouTube
- 2021 06 27 automatic-coloring-for-effects.md at master · rssh/notes
- Programming with Functions #8: Monads - YouTube
- Programming with Functions #9: Try, for-comprehensions, and monadic laws - YouTube
- Another Approach to Monads in Scala: A Way to Generalize Chained Computations - YouTube
- Monadic Resource Management in Scala :: Alberto Huélamo
- Monad란 무엇인가? - YouTube
- What is a Monad? Adam Warski | SoftwareMill - YouTube
- You already know Monad(ic) stuff - blog.sake.ba
- Nicolas Rinaudo - Function reuse is just wishful thinking
- Free monad or tagless final? How not to commit to a monad too early - Adam Warski
- Structuring Functional Programs with Tagless Final
- Revisiting Tagless Final Interpreters
- Typed Tagless Final Interpreters
- Make your program testable
- Using Tagless Final with laws - Scala tutorial
- Bake your bread tagless-final style
- Tagless Final - Part 1 - What is Tagless Final? - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 2 - Introduction to the Expression Problem - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 3 - If only we had a crystal ball! 🔮 - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 4.1 - Power to the Interpreters! ✊ - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 4.2 - Why The F[_] - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 5 - core (The Big Rewrite - Part 1) - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 6 - persistence (The Big Rewrite - Part 2) - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 7 - delivery (The Big Rewrite - Part 3) - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 8.1 - main (The Big Rewrite - Part 4.1) - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 8.2 - main (The Big Rewrite - Part 4.2) - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 9 - persistence-postgres-skunk (The Big Rewrite) - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 10 - main-postgres-skunk (The Big Rewrite) - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 11 - main-http-http4s (The Big Rewrite) - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 12 - delivery-http-http4s (The Big Rewrite) - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 13 - parse, don't validate (The Big Rewrite) - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 14 - wait, don't fold (The Big Rewrite) - YouTube
- Tagless Final - 4 error channel encodings (Error Handling - Part 1) - YouTube
- Tagless Final - 4 error channel encodings (Error Handling - Part 2) - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 15.1 - trust, but verify (The Big Rewrite) - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 15.2 - trust, but verify (The Big Rewrite) - YouTube
- Scala 3 - TF related improvements (mostly #implicits) - YouTube
- Upgrade your Tagless Final with Tofu - I'm Pavels, welcome!
- The Death of Tagless Final by John A. De Goes - YouTube
- The Tagless Final Pattern in Scala | Baeldung on Scala
- Tagless Final in Scala: A Practical example | Juan Pablo Royo Sales
- Tagless final — from a different perspective | by Daniel Balazs | Aug, 2022 | Emarsys Craftlab
- About those Monoids
- Algebird - Abstract Algebra for Scala
- Monoids
- Monadic IO: Laziness Makes You Free
- Monoidal Parsing—Edward Kmett
- Simplicity in Composition—Adelbert Chang
- Leveraging Monoids for More Powerful Summarization
- Monoid in the Category of Endofunctors
- What are monoids and how to use them - Scala tutorial
- Homegrown #Scala Collections - Part 35.1 - Monoids and Basic Group Theory
- So you want to compose some functions
- Semigroups and Monoids in Scala - YouTube
- Kit Langton - Troll Driven Development: Implementing Functional Effects by Way of Self-Lobotomy - YouTube
- Monads are Monoids in the Category of Endofunctors - a Scala 3 Journey, No Psychobabble - YouTube
- scalablitz
- #sbt Tutorial - Part 1 - YouTube
- #sbt Tutorial - Part 2 - YouTube
- classpaths
- Customizing paths
- Library dependencies
- Configure and use logging e.g.
sbt --debug compile
- sbt the easy way
- How to set heap size for sbt?
- e.g.
c:\Program Files (x86)/sbt/conf/sbtconfig.txt
- e.g.
- How to use sbt from behind proxy?
SBT_OPTS="-Dhttp.proxyHost=proxyhost -Dhttp.proxyPort=9999 * -Dhttps.proxyHost=proxyhost -Dhttps.proxyPort=9999" sbt
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dhttp.proxyHost=proxyhost -Dhttp.proxyPort=9999 * -Dhttps.proxyHost=proxyhost -Dhttps.proxyPort=9999" sbt
- How to include an external jar file into the jar with package?
- 스칼라 어플리케이션은 어떻게 빌드&디플로이 할까?
- Code Quality를 높여주는 SBT 플러그인 (2018-04-20)
- kevin sbt 플러그인
- Sub-project management via sbt
- running sbt on Docker
- The basics of the build.sbt
- Scala sbt Project Directory Walkthrough
- Switching sbt Sub-projects easily with sbt-project-switcher
- How I set up all my #SBT projects
- Automate SOAP client auto-generation routines with WSDL import for SBT and Scala
- Rock your sbt build time: Understand how sbt works
- Cross-compiling In Scala
- How-to run tests in parallel with sbt
- SBT for the absolute beginner 1 (Basics and dependency Management)
- Compiling Scala Faster with GraalVM
- Tidying up your SBT file with Scala
- Monorepo or Multirepo? Role-Based Repositories
terminal의 sbt와 달리 intelliJ의 sbt shell에서 build.sbt의 --add-export compiler option이 동작하지 않을 때 사용했더니 동작함. 추가 확인 필요- scala개발시 sbt build때 GZIPInputStream: java.util.zip.ZipException: Not in GZIP format 에러나는 경우 해결책
- sbt scala version mismatch - sbt에서 사용하는 scala version이 command line의 scala와 맞지 않을 때
- cached compilation for sbt
- Mirco Dotta—Crack Open Sbt and Master your Build Times - YouTube
- 현프 3-2 스칼라 패키지 관리자 sbt 고찰 : 클리앙
- 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live - YouTube scala.jfro.io scala3
- My Dos and Donts in sbt Build Definitions
- Different Ways to Package a Simple Scala Application | Baeldung on Scala SBT Assembly, SBT Native Packager, Jlink, SBT ProGuard, Scala-CLI
- sbt-interactive-update
- a sane local dependency workflow! Kill publishLocal with fire 2 minute tutorial
- SBT in Scala (part 1) - Setting Up a Scala Project, Adding Libraries, Configurations - YouTube
- SBT in Scala (part 2) - Setting up Modules, Organizing Builds, Using Plugins - YouTube
- SBT in Scala (part 3) - Adding Resolvers, Custom Tasks and Settings, Cross-Compiling and More - YouTube
- RFC-1: sbt cache ideas · eed3si9n
- sbt 2.0 ideas · eed3si9n
- RFC-2: sbt 2.0 RFC process · eed3si9n
- Mastering SBT: Tips and Tricks for Using Not-So-Common Features
- Krzysztof Romanowski - Complex Problems, Simple (build)tool | Scala Days 2023 Seattle - YouTube
- sbt 2.x remote cache · eed3si9n
- Leveraging sbt remote caching on a big modular monolith | by Sébastien Boulet | Teads Engineering | Mar, 2024 | Medium
- sbt website update 2024 · eed3si9n
- sbt 2.x remote cache with Bazel compatibility · eed3si9n
- Scala 3
build flag is a game changer. : r/scala - Giter8 — Giter8
- maven2sbt | maven2sbt
- sbt-bintray: fresh packages delivered from your sbt console
- sbt-bintray-remote-cache remote caching sbt builds with Bintray | eed3si9n
- sbt-buildinfo How we use sbt-buildinfo in production. - YouTube
- sbt-ci-release auto publish sbt plugin from Travis CI | eed3si9n
- sbt-coursier - ensures one's dependencies are fetched via coursier rather than by sbt itself, that relies on its own custom version of Ivy
- sbt-energymonitor Announcing sbt-energymonitor | 47 Degrees
- sbt-errors-summary: sbt plugin to show a summary of compilation messages
- sbt-jmh - "Trust no one, bench everything." - sbt plugin for JMH (Java Microbenchmark Harness)
- sbt-make allows sbt build and plugin authors to write tasks that transform project source files into output files
- sbt-native-packager attempts to make building packages for different operating systems easier
- sbt-projectmatrix
- sbt-rewarn Life with fatal warnings | Roman Timushev
- sbt-sonatype: Blazingly Fast Release to Sonatype
- sbt-strict-update enforcing Semantic Versioning with sbt-strict-update | eed3si9n
- sbt-thank-you-stars: Give your dependencies stars on GitHub!
- sbt-yourkit
- sbt-version-policy: Compatibility checks for your dependencies
- sudori an experimental sbt written using Scala 3
- WartRemover: a flexible scala linter
javacOptions ++= Seq("-source", "1.5")
javac options cannot be blindly passed to javadoc
- practice - extension method & typeclass
- Scala 3 - YouTube
- On the road to Scala 3. Like many Scala developers, at… | by Smur89 | SwissBorg Engineering | May, 2023 | Medium
- A Tour of Scala 3 - Martin Odersky
- A quiet, attractive new programming language (Scala 3)
- A Beginner's Guide to Scala 3.0 - Knoldus Blogs
- Scala 3 Hello, world!
- Scala 3: What’s Changed Since Scala 3.0.0 | by Dean Wampler | Scala 3 | Sep, 2021 | Medium
- Learn myself some Scala 3, episode 1: metaprogramming – inline
- Learn myself some Scala 3, episode 2: extension methods
- Learn myself some Scala 3, episode 3: type classes
- Learn myself some Scala 3, episode 4: strict equality
- TMWL Dec’19 — Scala 3 overview, Scala hacks and DevOps hints
- Scala 3에서 가장 마음에 드는 기능
- Scala 3 migration guide
- Scala 3 Migration guide · An evolving guide to support the migration to Scala 3
- Kind Projector Migration | Scala 3 Migration Guide | Scala Documentation
- Scala 3 migration: 7 benefits that outweigh the risks - VirtusLab
- Two More Old Cents on Scala 3 Migration //
- Scala 3: My migration journey | The Scala Programming Language
- Scala Space Podcast: Scala 3 Migrations - YouTube
- GOTO 2020 • Kotlin 4 vs. Scala 3 • Garth Gilmour & Eamonn Boyle
- Starting with Scala 3 macros: a short tutorial
- Publish Scala 2 and Scala 3 macros together · MUnit
- TASTY way of (re)writing macros in Scala 3 | by Kacper Korban | VirtusLab | Apr, 2021 | Medium
- Scala 3 macros tips & tricks
- Scala 3: Macros. Last time I introduced one of the new… | by Dean Wampler | Scala 3 | Jul, 2021 | Medium
- Scala 3 inline and macros community census - Language Design / Macros - Scala Contributors
- inoio gmbh | Crafting types with Scala 3 macros - Part 1: Introduction to macros
- Phantom Types
- ifdef macro in Scala · eed3si9n
- Announcing the Moving from Scala 2 to Scala 3 course – Lunatech
- #Opaque types in #Scala 2 and 3 - YouTube
- Scala 3: Opaque Types | Rock the JVM - YouTube
- Get more clarity with opaque types by Magda Stożek - YouTube
- Live 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live - YouTube opaque type
- Opaque Type Alias in Scala 3 | Baeldung on Scala
- Paying homage to the Compall-Michael pattern, and anticipating Scala 3 Opaque Types
- Are you sure your Scala 3 opaque types don’t instantiate? | by Mikołaj Koziarkiewicz | Apr, 2023 | Medium
- Annoying things in Scala 2 that’ll be (mostly) gone in Scala 3 | SoftwareMill Tech Blog | SoftwareMill Tech Blog
- Scala 3: Enums | Rock the JVM - YouTube
- Let’s Talk About the Scala 3 Indentation - Rock the JVM Blog
- Use Indentation Guides in Scala3! - YouTube
- Scala 3 Significant Indentation Woes: Sample - Alexandru Nedelcu
- In Scala 3, use 4 Spaces for Indentation - Alexandru Nedelcu
- Explicit term inference with Scala 3 | The Scala Programming Language
- Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who’s the Genericioust of Them All? - Generic Programming with Scala 3 - Philipp Martini
- Given and Using Clauses in Scala 3 | Rock the JVM - YouTube
- Forward Compatibility for the Scala 3 Transition | The Scala Programming Language
- Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who’s the Genericioust of Them All? - Generic Programming with Scala 3 - Philipp Martini
- What’s New in Scala 3?. A new compiler, creator applications… | by Akash Srivastava | Better Programming | Nov, 2020 | Medium
- Quill, Dotty, And The Awesome Power of 'Inline' by Alexander Ioffe - YouTube
- Scala 3: A Look at “inline” (and “Programming Scala” is Now Published!) | by Dean Wampler | Scala 3 | Jun, 2021 | Medium
- Metaprogramming in Scala 3: Inline | Let's talk about Scala 3 - YouTube
- Metaprogramming in Scala 2 & 3 - VirtusLab
- The inline Modifier in Scala 3 | Baeldung on Scala
- Compile time validation using inline modifier in Scala 3
- Ep 1: Scala 3 Enums, Implicits, and Context Functions - YouTube
- Ep 2: Type classes with Scala 2 - YouTube
- Ep 3: Evaluating our Numeric Type class - YouTube
- Ep 4: Scala 3 type classes - YouTube
- Scala 3: Path-Dependent Types, Type Projections, Dependent Methods and Functions - Rock the JVM Blog
- Existentials, Universals, And Path Dependent Types For Practical, Safer Interfaces - YouTube
- Implementing Type classes in Scala 3 | by ayush mittal | Dec, 2020 | Medium
- Automatic UI generation with Scala 3's type class derivation | kavedaa programming blog
- Typeclasses in Scala 3 | 47 Degrees
- Automatically Deriving Typeclass Instances in Scala 3 | 47 Degrees
- Type Class Derivation in Scala 3. Deriving type classes without macros in… | by Ron Aharoni | Riskified Technology | Dec, 2021 | Medium
- Beginner's guide to derivations in Scala - Dev notes
- Intermediate's guide to derivations in Scala: Magnolia - Dev notes
- Alex Nedelcu - OOP versus Type Classes in Scala - YouTube
- Containers - Associating items by Type Class
- Containers - Associating items by Type Class
- Containers Redux - Capturing Type Class information for myriad types
- typeclasses.md at f53033efbf72fea2f784eb293d1a0653f4fd963e · lampepfl/dotty
- 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live - YouTube
- case class/object pattern matching, extention method
def doubleInt(n: 2 | 3 | 10): Int = n * 2
function parameter에 type대신 value도 가능, 즉 특정 값을 type 대신 사용 가능 e.g.val n10: 10 = 10
- Union Types | Scala 3 — Book | Scala Documentation
- Scala 3: Dependent Types, Part I. Scala 3 expands on the type-level… | by Dean Wampler | Scala 3 | Jan, 2021 | Medium
- Scala 3: Dependent Types, Part II | by Dean Wampler | Scala 3 | Jan, 2021 | Medium
- Scala 3 Metaprogramming by Example by Adam Warski - YouTube
- Scala 3 Metaprogramming Learning Resources
- Scale By The Bay 2020: Robert J. Neal, A Reinforcement Learning Framework in Scala 3 - YouTube
- Night Dreamer #1 – Marrying Scala 3 to LWJGL - YouTube
- What's new in Scala 3: all the "small" things - YouTube
- Ep 6: Functional error handling with applicative in Scala 3 - YouTube
- Scala 3: Match Types | Rock the JVM - YouTube
- Match Types in Scala 3 - Rock the JVM Blog
- This Is Your App on Scala 3 by John A. De Goes - YouTube
- Explicit Nulls in Scala 3. Scala 3 has an optional feature which… | by ayush mittal | Feb, 2021 | Medium
- Why Scala 3 will be awesome by Piotr Gołębiewski - YouTube
- Scala 3: New Types | Rock the JVM - YouTube
- Generalized Algebraic Datatypes in Scala 3
- Static Dynamics - Expression definable datatypes in Scala
- Build your own refinement types in Scala 3
- Examples: Refinement types in Scala 3
- NewtypeRefinementTypeInScala3.scala
- Pursuing Practical Refinement Types by Michael Perucca - YouTube
- Tuples bring generic programming to Scala 3 | The Scala Programming Language Heterogeneous Lists, HLists
- Live 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live - YouTube
- What's new in Scala 3: Implicits! - YouTube
- How Scala 3 Givens Work with Scala 2 Implicits - YouTube
- Implicits in Scala 3 – Explicitly for the People? by Mikołaj Koziarkiewicz - YouTube
- The future of Scaladoc. Scala 3, like all modern languages… | by Krzysztof Romanowski | VirtusLab | Mar, 2021 | Medium
- Pick any Card: Write Better Data Structures with Scala | Let's talk about Scala 3 - YouTube
- Scala 3: Infix Operator Notation. For a long time, Scala has supported a… | by Dean Wampler | Scala 3 | Mar, 2021 | Medium
- 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live - YouTube given extension
- Context is King. Context functions in Scala 3 | by Adam Warski | SoftwareMill Tech Blog | SoftwareMill Tech Blog
- Scala 3: Using context functions for request context with http4s and log4cats | by Ivan Kurchenko | May, 2021 | Medium
- The wonder of context functions - DEV Community
- Scala 3: Extension Methods - YouTube
- The #Scala3 feature I'm most excited about! - YouTube
- Infix Notation in #Scala Considered Harmful! - YouTube
- Best Features of Scala 3 for Scala.js | Let's talk about Scala 3 - YouTube
- My Take on Scala 3 by Wiem Zine Elabidine - YouTube
- Scala 3: A Simpler Language · Signify Technology
- Scala 3: Safer Pattern Matching with Matchable | by Dean Wampler | Scala 3 | Apr, 2021 | Medium
- Scala 3 Release Party – find out how it went! - Sphere.it
- Scala 3 is here!🎉🎉🎉 | The Scala Programming Language
- 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live - YouTube strictEquality opaque type enum
- Top Level Exports in #Scala3 - YouTube
- Favor composition over inheritance in #Scala3 with exports! - YouTube
- 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live - YouTube typeclass Mirror
- Existential Crisis: Implementing MapK in Scala 3 - DEV Community
- Scala at Light Speed, Part 7: Scala 3 Contextual Abstractions - YouTube
- Why Learn Contextual Abstractions in Scala 3 First - Xebia
- Scala 3 goodies for Scala 2 developers | In Absentia
- Scala 3: Anti-Givens - YouTube
- Scala 3: Anti-Givens - Rock the JVM Blog
- Scala 3 Tech Report by SoftwareMill
- #LETSMEETUP - Will Scala 3 be your new favorite language? - YouTube
- Should you learn #Scala2 or #Scala3 in 2021? - YouTube
- Scala project from scratch #1 - rough idea, setting up, design decisions - YouTube
- Scala project from scratch #2 - http4s, tapir, long fixes for simple issues - YouTube
- Scala project from scratch #3 - compiling the client with GraalVM Native Image - YouTube
- Testing client/server compatibility + error handling - SPFS #4 - YouTube
- Scala 3: What’s Changed Since Scala 3.0.0 | by Dean Wampler | Scala 3 | Sep, 2021 | Medium
- Telegram Bot In Scala 3 With Bot4s + http4s + Doobie for CI notifications | Hacker Noon
- Scala Beyond 3.0 - The Quest for Simplicity - Martin Odersky - YouTube
- Safer Exceptions in Scala 3. I mentioned in What’s Changed Since… | by Dean Wampler | Scala 3 | Jan, 2022 | Medium
- Writing a simple CLI game in Scala 3
- Scala 3: “Erased” Definitions. Martin Odersky and the EPFL Scala… | by Dean Wampler | Scala 3 | Mar, 2022 | Medium
- Extension of Erased Values in Scala 3 — Zumi's Blog
- new-in-Scala3: A quick tour of some cool new stuff in Scala 3
- SIP-44 - FEWER BRACES in Scala3 - YouTube scala 3.2.0
- Custom JIT compilation with Runtime Multi-Stage Programming
- An incomplete guide to Scala 3 macros and Multi-stage programming
- Scala 3: the missing compiler plugin • gvolpe's blog
- thibault의 블로그 • Lichess on scala3 - help needed • lichess.org
- thibault의 블로그 • Lichess & Scala 3 • lichess.org
- Scala 3.3 LTS - The Big Deal Release? - YouTube
- Introduction to Scala 3 (video course) | alvinalexander.com
- Signature polymorphic methods in Scala | The Scala Programming Language
- Guillaume Martres - Polymorphic Function Types in Scala 3 | Scala Days 2023 Seattle - YouTube
- Jamie Thompson - How does Incremental Compilation Work with Scala 3 | Scala Days 2023 Seattle - YouTube
- Jack Viers - Testable Compiler Plugin Development in Scala 3 | Scala Days 2023 Seattle - YouTube
- Work-in-Progress Scala 3 Specification | The Scala Programming Language
- Capture Checking in Scala 3.4
- ten things I like about Scala 3 · eed3si9n
- Discover SiriusXM new streaming platform with Luka Jacobowitz and Damian Mazurkiewicz - YouTube
- Eric Torreborre on X: "#YAML as valid #scala3 code (via @chrislpenner) https://t.co/IwUfXw8pZ7" / X
- 2311.11105 State of structural typing support in Scala 3.3.0
- comparing-docker-methods-scala
- Dotty - A next generation compiler for Scala
- Dotty Documentation
- Scala Experimental Platform Dotty Bootstraps
- Are you sure your AnyVals don’t instantiate?
- (Mostly) Dropping Weak Conformance
- A Snippet of Dotty
- The New Collections Library for Scala 2.13 and Dotty—Stefan Zeiger
- “The” as a method?
- "Revisiting Tagless Final Interpreters" in Scala Dotty (0.19.0)
- Permutive Community Engineering, November 2019
- Vim with Dotty (using coc vim)
- Notes on Category Theory in Scala 3 (Dotty)
- dotty scala3 adoption report: easy so far
- Functional Scala - Practical Logic(al) Programming with Dotty by Lander Lopez
- A Beginner's Guide to Scala 3.0
- quick note on dotty, graaljs interop: structural typing with Selectable
- RJUG #20 : Scala for the People (again)! Simpler coding with Scala 3/Dotty by Mikołaj Koziarkiewicz - YouTube
- Dotty becomes Scala 3
- ING Scala Meetup : Working with Dotty - YouTube
- The Journey of a Dotty Diagnostic
- dotty-cps-async CAN WE FREE CONCURRENT PROGRAMMING FROM THE MONADIC STYLE - Ruslan Shevchenko | Scalar 2020 - YouTube
- Fury - an experimental dependency manager and build tool for Scala
- larceny: Scala 3 compiler plugin for testing compiler errors
- sbt
sbt ++3.0.0! console
- Scala 3 in sbt 1.5 | The Scala Programming Language
- Scala3-migrate: a tool making it easier to migrate to Scala 3 - Scala 3 Release Projects - Scala Contributors
- scodec: Scala combinator library for working with binary data
- Tree-sitter|Introduction
- Scala.js
- Conway's Game of Life in ScalaJS
- Hands-on Scala.js - Writing client-side web applications in Scala
- Developing simple chemical physics simulations that run in the browser
- Trait-based web services with Scala.js and Udash
- GCP Cloud Functions with Scala.js in 10 lines(ish)
- Part 1: Using akka and react to organize your single page scala.js application – Hernansote’s Blog
- Part 2: The SMAkkaR.js Stack- Using monocle and akka to facilitate model and component reusability in a react scala.js application – Hernansote’s Blog
- Scala, React, and SSR (part 1) | ShipReq Blog
- Scala, React, and SSR (part 2) | ShipReq Blog
- Implementing Scala.js Support for Scala 3 | The Scala Programming Language
- dotty+scala.js+async: interesting options
- Scala.js + Snowpack + Scalablytyped tutorial - YouTube
- The importance of Scala.js
- Deriving the Frontend — Form Combinator Fun with Scala.js - YouTube
- Best Features of Scala 3 for Scala.js | Let's talk about Scala 3 - YouTube
- Getting Started with Scala.js and Vite | Let´s talk about Scala 3 - YouTube
- Indoor Vivants:: Cloudflare functions with Scala.js
- Use Typescript libraries with Scala.js! · ScalablyTyped
- Scala.js As A Simple Entry Point To Get People Into Scala by Alexis Hernandez - YouTube
- Sébastien Doeraene - Getting started with Scala.js, Laminar and Vite - YouTube
- Faster Scala.js development with front-end tooling and new tutorials | The Scala Programming Language
- Scala.js Interoperability with TypeScript/JavaScript | Let's talk about Scala 3 - YouTube
- Ryan Peters - Writing a Database in Scala.js | Scala Days 2023 Seattle - YouTube
- Game development in Scala.js with David Smith - YouTube
- Generative Art in Scala, No AI Required - YouTube
- Paul Matthews SOUNDS OF SCALA.JS Scalar Conference 2024 - YouTube
- Scala to WebAssembly: How and Why
- Writing an Android app with Scala.js
- hadoukenify: Turn any snippet of code into a hadouken code gif straight from your browser
- Laminar · Simple, expressive, and safe UI library for Scala.js
- Hands-on Laminar | by Rafał Zelek | SoftwareMill Tech Blog | SoftwareMill Tech Blog
- Getting started with Scala.js, Laminar and ScalablyTyped | Let's talk about Scala 3 - YouTube
- Laminar & Scala.js Full Stack Demo & More · Laminar
- Harness the power of Web Components with Scala and Laminar | by Antoine Doeraene | Nov, 2023 | Medium
- ScalablyTyped - The Javascript ecosystem for Scala.js!
- scala-js-env-playwright: A JavaScript environment for Scala.js (JSEnv) running playwright
- Sri (Scala React interface) is a scalajs library to build truly native cross platform (mobile (ios and android) and web) applications
- scala-webapp-template: A pragmatic skeleton to build web applications in Scala/Scala.js, including user registration, login, admin portal, and, deployments
- Testing without mocking in Scala
- Tagless with Discipline — Testing Scala Code The Right Way
- Use docker container in Scala testcases
- Functional Testing with Tagless-Final
- Organizing Scala Tests For Faster Feedback
- Scala: Debugging and Unit Testing intelliJ
- Learning Scala: Debugging and Testing
- Property-based Testing
- Property testing of Isomorphisms: way easier than it sounds!
- Zymposium - Implementing Generators and Property Based Testing - YouTube
- An introduction to Law Testing in Scala
- Write your own micro BDD test framework in one day
- Fixtures in Scala — three simple ways to reduce your test code boilerplate
- Testing APIs using Functional Programming in Scala
- Systems @Scale 2019: Kill the mutants – ’cause it is about time to test your tests – @Scale
- Let's build a Scala mock library
- How To Make Integration Tests Less Flaky - DEV
- Stop Letting Your Tests “Make” Your Luck | by Asaf Manshary | Riskified Technology | Feb, 2021 | Medium
- Scala com Gitlab para iniciantes. | LinkedIn
- Nicolas François - Type/Test/Whatever Driven Development: Partage d'expérience - YouTube
- Purify Your Tests
- Purify Your Tests: 2 Parametric, 2 Declarative
- Purify Your Tests III: Lean, Mean Testing Machine
- AirSpec - a new functional testing framework for Scala and Scala.js
- Difflicious - helps you find and compare the differences between values
- Hedgehog - a modern property-based testing system
- practice - hedgehog
- hedgehog.qa
- 자바11 출시 / 마법은 노노 / 프로퍼티 기반 테스팅 (2018-09-28)
- 프로퍼티 기반 테스팅 - 지난번엔 제대로 한게 아니다? (2018-10-05)
- Hedgehog를 이용한 프로퍼티 키반 테스팅 (2018-10-12)
- Property-based Testing Examples
- hedgehog 바뀐점 (2018-11-02)
- 라이브 코딩 (2018-11-09) 51분~
- 자바 얘기 하다가 라이브 코딩 (2018-11-16) 47분~
- 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live - YouTube
- Scala meetup — the movie
- YOW! Lambda Jam 2017 Jacob Stanley - Gens N’ Roses: Appetite for Reduction
- State-based Testing (Hedgehog) - Charles O'Farrell (2019-09-23)
- Property-based testing 툴을 통해서 입력 값을 랜덤으로 받아서 테스트 하던것을 넘어 상태 변화까지 랜덤으로 테스트 가능
- Mockito framework site
- mockito/mockito-scala: Mockito for Scala language
- practice - Future를 반환하는 경우 성공/실패 테스트, mocking의 when thenReturn
- Mocking The Right Way - Introduction to Mockito
- Introduction to mockito-scala — Part 1 - Bruno Bonanno - Medium
- Introduction to mockito-scala — Part 2 - Bruno Bonanno - Medium
- Introduction to mockito-scala — Part 3 - Bruno Bonanno - Medium
- Introduction to mockito-scala — Part 4 - Bruno Bonanno - Medium
- MUnit - Scala testing library with actionable errors and extensible APIs
- ScalaCheck: Property-based testing for Scala
- ScalaTest
- TMWL November’19 — ScalaTest, Medusa, PW-Sat2 cubesat
- Testing Embedded H2 DB with Scala and Scalatest
- Testing styles in ScalaTest
- scalatest에서 Exception 처리
- SF Scala: Bill Venners, Property-based Testing in ScalaTest 3.1
- Wiring everything up for unit testing with Scalatest + Mockito + ArgumentCaptor
- Scala Testing With ScalaTest: Testing Styles for Beginners - YouTube
- Mastering ScalaTest - Exploring Tagging, Retry, Runner and More
- Effective Test Parameterization with ScalaTest Tables
- Stryker - Test your tests with mutation testing
- TestContainers
type lambda function에 대한 lambda말고 type lambda가 존재. type parameter가 들어갈 자리에 lambda 표현식과 유사한 표현을 사용 가능. ({ type L[x] = Either[E, x] })#L 를 사용해야 하는 이유
type lambda (2019-04-05) 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live
- type safety가 보장되는 duck typing? 그 외 여러가지 FP관련 이야기들 타입, generics, higher kinded type, type class, FP, interface, SOLID...
Ep 5: Scala 3 Type lambdas, Functors and error handling - YouTube
Save Your Time on Algebraic Data Type (ADT) Creation in Scala
Algebraic Data Types (ADT) in Scala | Rock the JVM - YouTube
Save Your Time on Algebraic Data Type (ADT) Creation in Scala | Kevin's Blog intellij template
Michael Perruca - Constraint Typing with Boolean Algebra | Scala Days 2023 Seattle - YouTube
Far more than you've ever wanted to know about ADTs Enumeration, DSL, Option
Full Stack Scala Project-Based Course with Typelevel | Rock the JVM
How to Write a Full-Stack Scala 3 Application with the Typelevel Stack - Rock the JVM Blog
Union and Intersection Types in Scala 3 | by ayush mittal | Feb, 2021 | Medium
Returning the "Current" Type in Scala
- doobie - a pure functional JDBC layer for Scala
- doobie
- Typechecking SQL in Slick and doobie
- Typechecking SQL queries with doobie
- Presto with Doobie
- Hacking with doobie and cats-effects
- Testing Doobie programs
- Composing doobie programs using Cats
- a simple web service using Http4s + Doobie + Jooq + JWT
- Learn Doobie for the Greater Good - Rock the JVM Blog
- Scala service combined with PostgreSQL, Flyway, Doobie, Hikari-CP, Ciris, IO(Cats Effects), Http4s, ZIO-JSON, and Cake Pattern. | by Nicu Ciobanu | May, 2024 | Medium
- tut - doc/tutorial generator for scala
- doobie - a pure functional JDBC layer for Scala
Type-Level Programming in Scala 3, Part 1: Comparing Types - Rock the JVM Blog
Type-Level Programming in Scala 3, Part 2: A Quicksort on Types - Rock the JVM Blog
Type-Level Programming in Scala: A Hardcore Tic-Tac-Toe - YouTube
Scala Snippets #2: Dependent Types in Scala — A practical example
Paolo Giarrusso—The DOT Calculus: An Introduction for Scala Programmers - YouTube
Part 1: Application of literal and dependent object types in Scala 2.13
Generic Traits and Classes With Type Parameters And Variance
generic, type 추측
trait HasIO[T] { val io: T } object ModuleTemplate { def apply[IO, M <: Module](m : => M with ({val io: IO}))(implicit ev: M => FastClonable) = { var module: Option[M with ({ val io: IO })] = None new { def instantiate(): HasIO[IO] = { if (module.isEmpty) { module = Some(m) new HasIO[IO] { val io = module.get.io } } else { val cloned = FastClone(module.get) new HasIO[IO] { val io = cloned("io").asInstanceOf[IO] // this line should be as it is } } } } } }
Scala 3: Generic type parameters and variance explained | alvinalexander.com
Avoiding Unnecessary Object Instantiation with Specialized Generics - Scala
Typeclassery in Scala | ScalaJobs.com A sure way of making generic programs context aware
Implementing typeclasses in Scala I implicit, ad hoc polymorphism
Emily Pillmore: Type Arithmetic and the Yoneda Lemma - YouTube
Types, Kinds and Type Constructors in Scala - Rock the JVM Blog
Opaque Type Aliases and Open Classes | by Dean Wampler | Scala 3 | Nov, 2020 | Medium
Live 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live - YouTube opaque type
Self-Types in Scala - the Why and the How | Rock the JVM - YouTube
Izumi Reflect: Scala Type System Model by Kai and Pavel Shirshov - YouTube
Guillaume Martres - Secrets of the Scala Type System - YouTube
Practical Type-Level Programming in Scala 3 - Rock the JVM Blog
HasId pattern
refined: simple refinement types for Scala
- practice - basic examples
- Reduce the domain of your types with Refined
- Wtf is Refined ?
- Validate Service Configuration in Scala
- Data Juggling - Part 8 - Getting Started with #refined
- Refined Types in Scala: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
- Refined Types in Scala - Rock the JVM Blog
- Refined Types in Scala | Rock the JVM - YouTube
- Live 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live - YouTube Refined type
- Type safety with refined - Dev notes
simulacrum - First class syntax support for type classes in Scala
- Scala Recipes: A "HelloWorld" in Scala
- 자바 프로그래머를 위한 스칼라 튜토리얼
- 30분 scala 문법만 빠르게 홈페이지에서 살필 수 있음
- Scala For Beginners
- Scala 101: a beginner’s guide to the scalable language
- Scala overview
- Learning Scala - This will act as a reference to all of my Scala blog articles
- Scala Tutorial for Java Programmers
- Scala Tutorial
- Scala Tutorial Through Katas
- What are code katas and why should we care?
- 5월의 나프다 웨비너 - 자바 개발자를 위한 스칼라 입문
- 데이터 분석을 위한 Scala by VCNC implicit 설명 좋음
- Scala Tutorial
- Scala World
- Learning Scala? Learn the Fundamentals First!
- Scala Tutorial
- Learn Scala (Best Scala Tutorials for Beginners)
- Scala Tutorial Full Course
- Learn Scala from 0–60: The Basics
- Basic Scala
- Scala A guide for getting started
- Scala Programming: An Introduction
- Scala at Light Speed
- Scala for Data Science Engineering — Part 1
- Scala for Data Science Engineering — Part 2
- A brief tour of lists in Scala and algorithmically processing them in SICP exercises
- Quickly learning the basics of Scala through Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs examples (Part 1)
- New Online Course: Effective Programming in Scala | The Scala Programming Language
- Functional Programming Principles in Scala
- Functional Program Design in Scala
- Versions: Functional Programming in Scala - Edu Course | Marketplace
- Functional Design | Francis Toth / Contramap
- functional-declarative-design-methodology: Article: Functional Declarative Design
- A Beginner-Friendly Tour through Functional Programming in Scala
- Coursera's & EPFL's Scala Spark Big Data course
- A 10-Minute Introduction to Scala
- (a little bit of) Scala in 6 minutes
- Scala Programming — A Skeptic’s Journey
- Nine Reasons to Try Scala
- 10 Reasons to Learn Scala and Functional Programming
- 15 Reasons to Learn Scala from N-iX Developers
- My Way to Scala — part 1
- Tic-tac-toe in FP Scala
- About Variance
- The Evolution of a Scala Programmer
- 자바 개발자를 위한 Scala
- My answers for Functional Programming Challenges on HackerRank
- Checklist for learning Scala
- Scala for Python developers
- Intro to Scala Fundamentals
- 2020 Spring KAIST CS320 Scala Sessions
- Scala - Your First Programming Language
- KAIST CS320 Programming Languages Course Reading Materials
- Scala Knowledge Bits Archives - Leo Benkel
- SF Scala: Getting Things Done in the Scala REPL by Li Haoyi - YouTube
- Scale By The Bay 2020: Li Haoyi, Getting Things Done in the Scala REPL - YouTube
- Interactive Programming in the Scala REPL by Haoyi Li at Scala in the City - YouTube
- Learning Scala — 8 DON’Ts and 7 DOs | by Annette | The Startup | Aug, 2020 | Medium
- Introduction | Hello, Scala tutorial
- Scala - YouTube 기초X 중급
- 10 TIPS TO WRITE FAST STACK-SAFE FUNCTIONAL CODE IN SCALA - Christophe Calvès | Scalar 2020 - YouTube
- John De Goes - 12 Steps To Better Scala (Part I) - YouTube
- A FUNCTIONAL SCALA STACK FOR 2020 - Adam Warski | Scalar 2020 - YouTube
- Complete Scala Tutorial by Bharath - YouTube
- Rock the JVM - YouTube
- Tour of Scala | Home ???를 제거해서 code snippet을 완성하는 연습
- Programmering, grundkurs (2020) - YouTube
- Why Scala? | An introduction by Adam Warski - YouTube
- From First Principles: Why Scala?
- Why You Should Learn Scala in 2020? | by Marcin Krykowski | Medium
- Why use Scala for building backend applications? | Scalac.io
- Scala with Friends - YouTube
- 스칼라 기초 투어 - YouTube
- 함수형 프로그래밍으로 도전하는 코딩 테스트 시리즈 - YouTube
- Let’s Code Real World App Using Purely Functional Techniques (in Scala) - YouTube
- 01: Scala Functional Programming basics - pure functions, referential transparency, side effects, etc | Java-Success.com
- Scala First: Lessons from 3 student generations | Bjorn Regnell, Lund Univ., Sweden. | 12.06.2019 at 11:17 | Part of Scala Days 2019 | Swiss Tech Convention Center, EPFL, Lausanne
- Lean for Scala programmers | Typista.org
- Scala Algorithms - Master your scala 유료 판매하는 알고리즘 문제 스칼라 풀이인데 무료 6개는 기초로 볼만함
- What I Learned From Teaching Scala to 30000 Engineers by Daniel Ciocîrlan - YouTube
- Scala - SLiPP 스터디 - SLiPP::위키
- N-Queens in Scala: Approaching an Interview Problem With Pure Functional Programming - YouTube
- Scala :: ./side_effects.sh
- #Scala Crash Course by a Scala veteran (with some JavaScript flavor) - YouTube
- Scala-Resources/README.md at main · fullStackRyan/Scala-Resources
- Learning Scala with #Intellij Scala Plugin 2021(#Scala #REPL #ScratchPad ) - YouTube
- Scala isn't Hard: How to Master Scala Step by Step - Developer’s kit
- Learn Scala with Online Courses | The Scala Programming Language
- 2020 Hindsight - Scala | 2020 Hindsight - Scala
- Finally some business logic! SPFS #5 - YouTube
- Happy 2022! (SPFS #6) - YouTube
- So much done today! (SPFS #7) - YouTube
- Resource safety is hard - SPFS #10 - YouTube
- It's time to traverse (SPFS #11) - YouTube
- This is the end! (SPFS #12) - YouTube
- What I learned from programming in #Scala WITHOUT the standard library for 6 days - Part 1 - YouTube
- What I learned from programming in #Scala WITHOUT the standard library for 6 days - Part 2 - YouTube
- A Sweet Beginner's Guide to Scala by Daniel Ciocîrlan - YouTube
- Scala Center Advent of Code | Scala Center Advent of Code
- 6 Tips for Scala Adoption. I will share our experience on how to… | by Yurii Krat | BigEng | Jan, 2023 | Medium
- Martin Odersky DIRECT STYLE SCALA Scalar Conference 2023 - YouTube
- Direct-style Effects Explained
- Direct Style Effect Systems - The Print[A] Example - A Comprehension Aid
- Functional World #9 | Breaking framework chains with vanilla Scala - YouTube
- Scala Full Course - Learn Scala in 10 Hours - Scala Tutorial For Beginners - YouTube
- Tomasz Godzik - How to Get Started with Scala? | Scala Days 2023 Seattle - YouTube
- Scala Made Simple for Beginners: A Gentle Introduction to Kickstarting Your Scala Learning
- Barely functional: writing lean scala app - YouTube
- cats-workshop
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- 일반적인 Spring 웹 애플리케이션에 함수형 프로그래밍을 에러 처리, IO 처리, 클린 아키텍처를 실용적으로 적용한 예제
- data-flair.training/blogs/category/scala
- Lean Scala | Language and Code
- Learn Scala - Scala Tutorials - DataFlair
- Parallel programming
- scala-3-advanced: The official repository for the Rock the JVM Advanced Scala course
- scala-3-beginners: The official repository for the Scala 3 & Functional Programming Essentials course
- Scala Course - DataFlair halatha at knou.ac.kr
- Scala Koans
- Scala School!
- scala-tutorials
- Scala Works
- ScalaZONE - Scala 3 Programming Language Courses
- smithy4s-course
- tutorialspoint.com/scala
- Zymposium - Derivable Differs - YouTube