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Fuzzel launches on wrong monitor with mouse_move_focuses_monitor = false #8622

1 task done
skissue opened this issue Nov 30, 2024 · 0 comments
1 task done
bug Something isn't working


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skissue commented Nov 30, 2024

Already reported ? *

  • I have searched the existing open and closed issues.



System Info and Version

System/Version info
Hyprland 0.45.0 built from branch  at commit 1fb720b62aeb474873ba43426ddc53afde1e6cdd  ().
Date: 2024-11-26
Tag: , commits: 5498
built against aquamarine 0.5.0

flags set:

System Information:
System name: Linux
Node name: windstorm
Release: 6.11.7-cachyos
Version: #1-NixOS SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri Nov  8 15:31:04 UTC 2024

GPU information: 
06:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Navi 32 [Radeon RX 7700 XT / 7800 XT] [1002:747e] (rev c8) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])

os-release: ANSI_COLOR="1;34"
PRETTY_NAME="NixOS 25.05 (Warbler)"
VERSION="25.05 (Warbler)"

  hyprchroma by alexhulbert ver 1.0.0
  dynamic-cursors by Virt ver 0.1
  hyprfocus by Vortex ver 2.0
  hyprscroller by dawser ver 1.0


Config File: /home/ad/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf: Read Succeeded
monitor   = DP-2,2560x1440@144,0x0,1.25
monitor   = HDMI-A-1,1920x1080@60,2048x360,1
workspace = 1,monitor:DP-2,default:true
workspace = 2,monitor:DP-2
workspace = 3,monitor:DP-2
workspace = 4,monitor:DP-2
workspace = 5,monitor:DP-2
workspace = 6,monitor:DP-2
workspace = 7,monitor:DP-2
workspace = 8,monitor:DP-2
workspace = 9,monitor:DP-2
workspace = 10,monitor:HDMI-A-1,default:true

misc {
    vrr = 1

$dpmsExtra = && ddcutil setvcp d6 04
$undpmsExtra = && ddcutil setvcp d6 01

source = /nix/store/xy023zk2lz86jawlv33z2qbi67l07jrb-hyprland.conf

Config File: /nix/store/xy023zk2lz86jawlv33z2qbi67l07jrb-hyprland.conf: Read Succeeded
# Colors
$rosewater = rgb(f4dbd6)
$rosewaterAlpha = f4dbd6

$flamingo = rgb(f0c6c6)
$flamingoAlpha = f0c6c6

$pink = rgb(f5bde6)
$pinkAlpha = f5bde6

$mauve = rgb(c6a0f6)
$mauveAlpha = c6a0f6

$red = rgb(ed8796)
$redAlpha = ed8796

$maroon = rgb(ee99a0)
$maroonAlpha = ee99a0

$peach = rgb(f5a97f)
$peachAlpha = f5a97f

$yellow = rgb(eed49f)
$yellowAlpha = eed49f

$green = rgb(a6da95)
$greenAlpha = a6da95

$teal = rgb(8bd5ca)
$tealAlpha = 8bd5ca

$sky = rgb(91d7e3)
$skyAlpha = 91d7e3

$sapphire = rgb(7dc4e4)
$sapphireAlpha = 7dc4e4

$blue = rgb(8aadf4)
$blueAlpha = 8aadf4

$lavender = rgb(b7bdf8)
$lavenderAlpha = b7bdf8

$text = rgb(cad3f5)
$textAlpha = cad3f5

$subtext1 = rgb(b8c0e0)
$subtext1Alpha = b8c0e0

$subtext0 = rgb(a5adcb)
$subtext0Alpha = a5adcb

$overlay2 = rgb(939ab7)
$overlay2Alpha = 939ab7

$overlay1 = rgb(8087a2)
$overlay1Alpha = 8087a2

$overlay0 = rgb(6e738d)
$overlay0Alpha = 6e738d

$surface2 = rgb(5b6078)
$surface2Alpha = 5b6078

$surface1 = rgb(494d64)
$surface1Alpha = 494d64

$surface0 = rgb(363a4f)
$surface0Alpha = 363a4f

$base = rgb(24273a)
$baseAlpha = 24273a

$mantle = rgb(1e2030)
$mantleAlpha = 1e2030

$crust = rgb(181926)
$crustAlpha = 181926

# Basic Configuration
general {
    border_size             = 2
    gaps_in                 = 2
    gaps_out                = 6

    col.inactive_border     = rgba(00000000)
    col.active_border       = $lavender

    resize_corner           = 3
    allow_tearing           = true

    layout                  = scroller

    snap {
         enabled = true

decoration {
    rounding    = 0

    dim_special = 0.4

    shadow {
        enabled = false

group {
    col.border_active   = $rosewater
    col.border_inactive = rgba(00000000)

    groupbar {   = $overlay0
        col.inactive = $surface0
        font_family  = Iosevka Aile
        font_size    = 10

dwindle {
    pseudotile           = true
    force_split          = 2
    preserve_split       = true
    special_scale_factor = 0.95
    smart_resizing       = false
    default_split_ratio  = 1.1

# Beziers
bezier = linear,  0,  0,  1,  1
bezier = easein,  0.5,0,  1,  1
bezier = easeout, 0,0.5,  0.5,1

animations {
    animation = windows,   1,2,easein, slide
    animation = windowsIn, 1,2,easein, slide
    animation = windowsOut,1,2,easein, popin
    animation = fade,      1,3,linear
    animation = border,    1,2,linear
    animation = workspaces,1,2,easeout,slidevert

input {
    # Separate keyboard/mouse focus
    follow_mouse  = 3

    kb_layout     = us
    kb_variant    = colemak_dh

    repeat_rate   = 40
    repeat_delay  = 400

    accel_profile = flat

    touchpad {
        natural_scroll = true
        scroll_factor  = 0.5

# Firmware remapped
device {
    name = moergo-glove80-left-keyboard
    kb_variant =
    resolve_binds_by_sym = 1
# Bluetooth device name
device {
    name = glove80-keyboard
    kb_variant =
    resolve_binds_by_sym = 1

# Scaling for XWayland
xwayland {
    force_zero_scaling = true
env = GDK_SCALE,1.25

cursor {
    no_warps = true

render {
    direct_scanout = true

misc {
    font_family                      = Iosevka Aile

    key_press_enables_dpms           = true

    enable_swallow                   = true
    swallow_regex                    = Alacritty
    swallow_exception_regex          = dragon

    mouse_move_focuses_monitor       = false
    new_window_takes_over_fullscreen = 2 # Un-fullscreen if another window is opened
    initial_workspace_tracking       = 2 # Apply for children as well

# Keybinds

$run = uwsm app --

# Hyprland
bind = SUPERSHIFT,X,exec,uwsm stop
bind = SUPERSHIFT,P,exec,hyprctl reload

# Window Management
# Switching focus
bind = SUPER,N,scroller:movefocus,l
bind = SUPER,E,scroller:movefocus,d
bind = SUPER,U,scroller:movefocus,u
bind = SUPER,I,scroller:movefocus,r
bind = SUPER,B,scroller:movefocus,begin
bind = SUPER,J,scroller:movefocus,end

# Moving windows
bind = SUPERSHIFT,N,scroller:movewindow,l
bind = SUPERSHIFT,E,scroller:movewindow,d
bind = SUPERSHIFT,U,scroller:movewindow,u
bind = SUPERSHIFT,I,scroller:movewindow,r

# Managing tiling
bind = SUPERSHIFT,bracketleft, scroller:setmode,       row
bind = SUPERSHIFT,bracketright,scroller:setmode,       column
bind = SUPER,     bracketleft, scroller:admitwindow
bind = SUPER,     bracketright,scroller:expelwindow
bind = SUPER,     tab,         scroller:jump
bind = SUPERSHIFT,tab,         scroller:toggleoverview
bind = SUPER,     backslash,   scroller:pin

# Switch focus via interactive menu
bind = SUPER,space,exec,hyprland-window-selector

# Close window
bind = SUPER,D,killactive
# Force-kill window
bind = SUPERSHIFT,D,exec,hyprctl kill

# Move between monitors
bind = SUPER,     R,focusmonitor,l
bind = SUPER,     S,focusmonitor,r
bind = SUPERSHIFT,R,movewindow,  mon:l
bind = SUPERSHIFT,S,movewindow,  mon:r

# Toggle fullscreen, floating, fake fullscreen
bind = SUPER,     T,fullscreen,     0
bind = SUPERSHIFT,T,togglefloating
bind = SUPERALT,  T,fullscreenstate,-1 2

# Resizing windows
bind   = SUPER,P,submap,resize

submap = resize

binde = ,     N,resizeactive,-100 0
binde = ,     E,resizeactive,0 100
binde = ,     U,resizeactive,0 -100
binde = ,     I,resizeactive,100 0
binde = SHIFT,N,resizeactive,-20 0
binde = SHIFT,E,resizeactive,0 20
binde = SHIFT,U,resizeactive,0 -20
binde = SHIFT,I,resizeactive,20 0

bind = ,M,           scroller:fitsize,active
bind = ,M,           submap,reset
bind = ,V,           scroller:fitsize,visible
bind = ,V,           submap,reset
bind = ,A,           scroller:fitsize,all
bind = ,A,           submap,reset
bind = ,bracketleft, scroller:fitsize,tobeg
bind = ,bracketleft, submap,reset
bind = ,bracketright,scroller:fitsize,toend
bind = ,bracketright,submap,reset

bind  = ,escape,submap,reset

submap = reset

# Changing row/column size
bind = SUPER,minus,scroller:cyclesize,prev
bind = SUPER,equal,scroller:cyclesize,next

# Column alignment
bind = SUPER,L,submap,align

submap = align

bind = ,N,scroller:alignwindow,left
bind = ,N,submap,reset
bind = ,E,scroller:alignwindow,down
bind = ,E,submap,reset
bind = ,U,scroller:alignwindow,up
bind = ,U,submap,reset
bind = ,I,scroller:alignwindow,right
bind = ,I,submap,reset
bind = ,comma,scroller:alignwindow,center
bind = ,comma,submap,reset
bind = ,catchall,submap,reset

submap = reset

# Old defaults for moving windows with the mouse
bindm = SUPER,mouse:272,movewindow
bindm = SUPER,mouse:273,resizewindow

# Workspaces
# Focus workspaces
bind = SUPER,     1,workspace,1
bind = SUPER,     2,workspace,2
bind = SUPER,     3,workspace,3
bind = SUPER,     4,workspace,4
bind = SUPER,     5,workspace,5
bind = SUPER,     6,workspace,6
bind = SUPER,     7,workspace,7
bind = SUPER,     8,workspace,8
bind = SUPER,     9,workspace,9
bind = SUPER,     0,workspace,10
bind = SUPER,comma ,workspace,r-1
bind = SUPER,period,workspace,r+1
bind = SUPER,K,workspace,empty
# Move window to workspaces
bind = SUPERSHIFT,1,     movetoworkspace,1
bind = SUPERSHIFT,2,     movetoworkspace,2
bind = SUPERSHIFT,3,     movetoworkspace,3
bind = SUPERSHIFT,4,     movetoworkspace,4
bind = SUPERSHIFT,5,     movetoworkspace,5
bind = SUPERSHIFT,6,     movetoworkspace,6
bind = SUPERSHIFT,7,     movetoworkspace,7
bind = SUPERSHIFT,8,     movetoworkspace,8
bind = SUPERSHIFT,9,     movetoworkspace,9
bind = SUPERSHIFT,0,     movetoworkspace,10
bind = SUPERSHIFT,comma, movetoworkspace,r-1
bind = SUPERSHIFT,period,movetoworkspace,r+1
bind = SUPERSHIFT,K,     movetoworkspace,empty

# Special workspace
bind = SUPER,     slash,togglespecialworkspace
bind = SUPERSHIFT,slash,movetoworkspace,special

# Screen locking
bind  = SUPER,     grave, exec,loginctl lock-session && sleep 0.5 && hyprctl dispatch dpms off $dpmsExtra
bind  = SUPERSHIFT,grave, exec,systemctl suspend
bindl = SUPER,     escape,exec,sleep 0.5 && hyprctl dispatch dpms off $dpmsExtra
bindl = SUPERSHIFT,escape,exec,sleep 0.5 && hyprctl dispatch dpms on $undpmsExtra

# Screenshots
bind =      ,print,exec,hyprshot --clipboard-only -m region
bind = SHIFT,print,exec,hyprshot --clipboard-only -m window
bind = CTRL ,print,exec,hyprshot --clipboard-only -m output

# Media controls
bindl = ,xf86audioplay, exec,playerctl play-pause
bindl = ,xf86audiopause,exec,playerctl play-pause
bindl = ,xf86audioprev, exec,playerctl previous
bindl = ,xf86audionext, exec,playerctl next

# Brightness
bindle = ,     xf86monbrightnessdown,exec,brightnessctl set 1000-
bindle = SHIFT,xf86monbrightnessdown,exec,brightnessctl set 100-
bindle = ,     xf86monbrightnessup,  exec,brightnessctl set +1000
bindle = SHIFT,xf86monbrightnessup,  exec,brightnessctl set +100

# Notifications
bind = SUPER,     Q,exec,makoctl dismiss
bind = SUPERSHIFT,Q,exec,makoctl dismiss --all
bind = SUPERALT,  Q,exec,makoctl restore

# Applications
bindr = SUPER,Super_L,exec,$run $LAUNCHER
bindr = SUPER,Super_R,exec,$run $LAUNCHER
bind  = SUPER,return ,exec,alacritty msg create-window || $run alacritty

# Submap for focus-or-open
bind = SUPER,O,submap,applications

submap = applications

bind = ,B,exec,$run hyprland-focus-or-open zen-alpha zen
bind = ,B,submap,reset
bind = ,K,exec,[size 80% 80%] $run keepassxc
bind = ,K,submap,reset
bind = ,M,exec,alacritty msg create-window --class ncmpcpp -e ncmpcpp || $run alacritty -e ncmpcpp --class ncmpcpp
bind = ,M,submap,reset
bind = ,G,exec,$run hyprland-focus-or-open signal signal-desktop
bind = ,G,submap,reset
bind = ,W,exec,$run hyprland-focus-or-open WebCord webcord
bind = ,W,submap,reset
bind = ,catchall,submap,reset

submap = reset

# Emacs submap
bind = SUPER,F,submap,emacs

submap = emacs

bind = SUPER,F,exec,$run emacsclient -c -a 'emacs'
bind = SUPER,F,submap,reset

bind = ,E,exec,$run emacsclient -c -e '(mu4e)'
bind = ,E,submap,reset
bind = ,A,exec,$run emacsclient -c -e '(org-agenda)'
bind = ,A,submap,reset
bind = ,P,exec,$run emacsclient -c -e "(call-interactively ##'project-switch-project)"
bind = ,P,submap,reset
bind = ,catchall,submap,reset

submap = reset

# Window rules
windowrulev2 = float,       class:org.keepassxc.KeePassXC
windowrulev2 = center,      class:org.keepassxc.KeePassXC

windowrulev2 = float,       class:info.mumble.Mumble,title:Talking UI
windowrulev2 = pin,         class:info.mumble.Mumble,title:Talking UI

windowrulev2 = float,       class:ncmpcpp
windowrulev2 = size 80% 80%,class:ncmpcpp
windowrulev2 = center,      class:ncmpcpp

windowrulev2 = float,class:emacs,title:MINIBUFFER
windowrulev2 = workspace special:minibuffer silent,class:emacs,title:MINIBUFFER
windowrulev2 = size 80% 80%,class:emacs,title:MINIBUFFER

windowrulev2 = immediate,class:(tetrio-desktop)

# Blur widgets
layerrule = blur,bar

# Workspace rules
workspace = w[tg1],gapsout:0,border:2,rounding:0

# Startup applications
exec-once = $run swaybg -m fill -i ~/nc/pictures/wallpapers/0014.png
exec-once = $run eww open bar --size "40x$(hyprctl monitors -j | jq -r '(.[0].height / .[0].scale) - 16')"
exec-once = [workspace special silent] $run alacritty
exec-once = [float] $run keepassxc
exec-once = $run mpd-mpris
exec-once = $run playerctld daemon
exec-once = $run gnome-keyring-daemon --start

# Plugins
windowrulev2 = plugin:chromakey,fullscreen:0

plugin {
    chroma {
        color      = 0x1d1f21
        alpha      = 0.85
        similarity = 0.0

    dynamic-cursors {
        enabled = true
        mode    = tilt
        tilt {
            limit = 4000

    hyprfocus {
        enabled                 = yes
        animate_floating        = yes
        animate_workspacechange = yes
        focus_animation         = flash

        flash {
            flash_opacity = 0.7
            in_speed = 0.8
            in_bezier = linear
            out_speed = 1.0
            out_bezier = linear
    scroller {
        column_default_width             = twothirds
        window_default_height            = one
        column_widths                    = onethird onehalf twothirds one
        window_heights                   = onethird onehalf twothirds one

        jump_labels_color                = 0xc5c8c6ff
        jump_labels_scale                = 0.4
        jump_labels_keys                 = arstneio

        gestures_workspace_switch_prefix = r



With mouse_move_focuses_monitor = false, windows always open on the monitor with keyboard focus, rather than the monitor that the mouse is on (follow_mouse = 3), as expected. However, Fuzzel always opens on the monitor that the mouse is on; I would expect it to open on the monitor with keyboard focus as well. Also tested with Rofi, same issue.

How to reproduce

  1. Set mouse_move_focuses_monitor = false and follow_mouse = 3.
  2. Leave keyboard focus on monitor A while moving the cursor to monitor B.
  3. Open a window. Observe that the window opens on monitor A, as expected.
  4. Open Fuzzel. Observe that Fuzzel opens on monitor B instead.

Crash reports, logs, images, videos

No response

@skissue skissue added the bug Something isn't working label Nov 30, 2024
@vaxerski vaxerski added this to the 0.46.0 milestone Dec 3, 2024
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bug Something isn't working
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2 participants