The process we are following to start the consumer chains is as follows:
- Initialize the consumer chain genesis file
- Generate a hash for the consumer chain binary and genesis file.
- Submit a consumer addition proposal using these hashes. See the proposals folder for examples from the Game of Chains testnet.
gaiad tx gov submit-proposal consumer-addition <proposal JSON file> --from <account name or address>
- Once the proposal passes, wait for the spawn time and collect the CCV (Cross Chain Validation) state in the provider chain.
- If the spawn time is set to a time before the voting period ends, the CCV state will be available as soon as the proposal passes.
- The
query will fail if the spawn time has not been reached.
gaiad query provider consumer-genesis <consumer chain ID> -o json > ccvconsumer_genesis.json
- Update the consumer chain genesis file.
Insert the CCV state generated by the provider chain.
jq -s '.[0].app_state.ccvconsumer = .[1] | .[0]' <consumer genesis without CCV state> ccvconsumer_genesis.json > <consumer genesis file with CCV state>
- Run the consumer chain binary.
- Set up IBC connections and channels between the provider chain and the consumer chain.
- Using Hermes:
hermes create connection --a-chain <consumer chain ID> --a-client 07-tendermint-0 --b-client <client assigned by provider chain> hermes create channel --a-chain <consumer chain ID> --a-port consumer --b-port provider --order ordered --a-connection connection-0 --channel-version 1 hermes start
The diagram below illustrates this process.