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141 lines (91 loc) · 4.46 KB

##Quickstart with hydna for Unity##

Our Unity plugin works with Unity Free as well as Unity Pro on all platforms. Visit for full spec of our API. This plugin is based on the hydna .NET bindings, see for more info.

###Step by step###

  1. Create a free account at and then create yourself a free hydna domain.

  2. Place the Hydna.Net.dll in your projects plugin folder Yourprojectname/Assets/Plugins

  3. In your project create an empty gameobject and add a new script to it called HydnaChat and choose CSharp as the language.

  4. Replace the stub code in your newly created HydnaChat script with the below script also found in HydnaChat.cs.

  5. Finally replace "" with the domain you created in step 1.

C# example:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using Hydna.Net;

public class HydnaChat : MonoBehaviour {

    public bool show = false;

    private Channel conn;
    private bool hasSentEnter = false;
    private string input_txt = "";
    private string message_buffer = "";

    private Vector2 scrollPosition;

    void Start () {

        conn = new Channel();

        conn.Connect ("", ChannelMode.ReadWrite);

        conn.Open += delegate(object sender, ChannelEventArgs e) {

            message_buffer += "* Connected to channel";

        conn.Data += delegate(object sender, ChannelDataEventArgs e) {

            message_buffer += "\n" + e.Text;

            scrollPosition.y = Mathf.Infinity;


        conn.Closed += delegate(object sender, ChannelCloseEventArgs e) {

            message_buffer += "\n * Disconnected from channel";


    void Send (){

        if(conn.State == ChannelState.Open && input_txt.Length > 0){
            conn.Send (input_txt);

        input_txt = "";

    void Toggle(){
        if (show) {
            show = false;
        } else {
            show = true;
            scrollPosition.y = Mathf.Infinity;

    void OnGUI (){

        int window_w = Screen.width; 
        int window_h = Screen.height;
        int padding = 20;
        int margin = 10;

        int box_width = window_w - (padding * 2);
        int box_height = window_h - (padding * 2);

        int submit_width = 80;
        int submit_height = 24;

        int input_width = box_width - ((margin * 2) + submit_width + margin);
        int input_height = submit_height;

        int chat_width = box_width - (margin * 2);
        int chat_height = box_height - (submit_height + (padding * 2) + (margin * 2));

        if (show) {

            GUI.Box (new Rect (padding, padding, box_width, box_height), "Let's have a chat");

            GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(padding+margin, (padding * 2) + (margin * 2), chat_width, chat_height));
            scrollPosition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPosition);
            GUILayout.Label (message_buffer);


            Event e = Event.current;        
            if (e.type == EventType.KeyDown && e.keyCode == KeyCode.Return) {       
                    hasSentEnter = true;

            if (e.type == EventType.KeyUp && e.keyCode == KeyCode.Return) {  
                hasSentEnter = false;

            input_txt = GUI.TextField (new Rect (padding + margin, window_h - (padding + margin + input_height), input_width, input_height), input_txt, 200);

            if(GUI.Button (new Rect (input_width + padding + (margin * 2), window_h - (padding + margin + input_height), submit_width, submit_height), "Send")) {

                Send ();

            if(GUI.Button (new Rect (padding+margin, padding+margin, submit_height, submit_height), "x")) {
                Toggle ();


            if(GUI.Button (new Rect (padding, padding, submit_width, submit_height), "Chat")) {
                Toggle ();