These are the official Java bindings for the Hydna Platform (
The product is currently in beta. It is well tested, but please report any issue that may occur.
Please see usage examples in "src/main/java/com/hydna/examples".
Please note, this implementation is NOT thread-safe
The library and examples can be built using make
$ make
Verify by running the "Hello world" demo:
$ make hello
##Examples This software includes the four examples, "HelloWorld", "Listener", "MultipleChannels" and "Signals".
A simple "send, wait and receive" example.
Sets up a receive-loop that waits for data and signals.
Sets up two channels and waits for data.
Pings the server and waits for a "pong". Please note that your behavior need to answer with a "pong" for this demo to work.
Please use Githubs issue system at
Hydna AB (c) 2010-2013