- Java 11
- database of your choice: Oracle, MySQL, MariaDB, HSQLDB, H2, PostgreSQL
You may use precompiled binary for release version available on GithHub Releases page.
Or build the application directly from sources:
cd src
mvn clean package
The minimal configuration is to provide datasource details:
spring.datasource.username =
spring.datasource.password =
in application.properties
file which should be placed next to jar (or other locations described in Spring Boot documentation
java -jar mokka*.jar
cd src/mokka
mvn spring-boot:run # (use -Pdev if in development mode)
- http://localhost:8081 - login page
- http://localhost:8081/bluemedia?ServiceID=123123111&OrderID=11&Amount=0.00&[email protected]&Hash=b05bc1f89b61d68b57eacf83d28f79b6f9dc7e9b20e77b0d3f676475721f7 - exemplary payment page
- http://localhost:8081/files - serving files from directory on local file system
Logback is used as logging framework. By default logs are redirected to FILE (/tmp/mokka.log).
HTTP header is added to mock response to allow easy identification of related mock configuration