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Go modules support in Visual Studio Code

Ramya Rao edited this page Mar 17, 2019 · 42 revisions

This wiki page tracks the status of Go modules support in the Go extension for Visual Studio Code

As you already know, the Go extension depends on various Go tools from the community to provide language support. Some of these tools support Go modules already, and others don't. Therefore, you will see that some features of the Go extension will work and others won't when using Go modules. is the issue used by the Go tools team to track the update of Go modules support in various Go tools.

To get Go module support in VS Code, ensure that you have the latest Go extension and you have run Go: Install/Update Tools to update all the relevant tools. If you are missing any of the tools, you will get prompted to install them.


Can I use the language server when using Go modules?

The language server from Sourcegraph doesn't support Go modules. Some of our users have found the bingo language server to work well. The language server from Google called gopls is also known to work with modules. Our plan is to eventually move to using the language server from Google which is currently a work in progress.

Run go get -u or go get -u to install either bingo or gopls respectively. Add the below in your settings to tell the Go extension to use one of these language servers instead of the one from Sourcegraph

  "go.alternateTools": {
    "go-langserver": "gopls", // or bingo
  "go.languageServerExperimentalFeatures": {
    "format": true,
    "autoComplete": true
  "go.useLanguageServer": true

Why is code navigation and code completion slow when using Go modules?

This is mostly due to the limitation of the tools that power these features. The Go tools team at Google are working on improving them and also working on a language server which will be the long term solution for all language features.

For slowness in code completion, log an issue in the gocode repo. For slowness in code navigation, log an issue in the godef repo or if you chosen to gogetdoc in your settings, then log an issue in the gogetdoc repo

Updates as of 0.9.0

  • Module support is now available in the main repo for godef and so we no longer rely on its fork. As a result, you will no longer need godef-gomod. You will be prompted to update your version of godef though.
  • Go to definition with sub modules will now work when the main module is opened in VS Code. Note: The second jump from sub-modules still won't work and this is being tracked in
  • goimports now supports formatting with modules. Change your go.formatTool setting to goimports and use Go: Install/Update Tools to update it to ensure you have the latest changes.

Features that work as of v0.6.91

Apart from what we have already achieved in v0.6.90, the below are available in the current beta version

  • Code Coverage
  • Clickable links in the test output to files where tests are failing.

Features that work as of v0.6.90

  • Go to definition, symbol info on hover and Signature Help
    • These features will work as expected when the setting go.docsTool is set to gogetdoc.
    • You will be prompted to update gogetdoc
  • Go to definition feature
    • If you havent changed the go.docsTool setting, you will be prompted to install a fork of godef that we are testing.
    • Note: This feature may be slower than usual because the fork depends on go list which itself is slower when using modules.
  • Auto-completion.
    • You will be prompted to install a fork of gocode that we are testing as well as to update the gopkgs tool.
    • Currently it only works if the package is already imported and used atleast once.
    • Note: This feature may be slower than usual because the fork depends on go list which itself is slower when using modules.
  • Go: Add Import & Go: Browse Packages commands
    • These commands will show the appropriate packages from the current module instead of GOPATH
  • Formatting
    • goimports and goreturns do not support Go modules yet. So, to get the formatting feature, add "go.formatTool": "gofmt" in your settings.

To ensure you have the latest Go tools with the Go modules support, and follow the prompts to install/update the required tools.

Features not affected in the first place:

  • Build : The build on save features as well as the Go: Build ... commands
  • Test : Running tests via the Go: Test commands as well as the "run tests" codelens.
  • Generating of tests using the Go: Generate ... commands
  • File Outline: Either via the Outline view in the explorer or using the command Cmd+Shift+O or Ctrl+Shift+O
  • Modify tags on struct fields: Go: Add tags to struct fields & Go: Remove tags from struct fields commands
  • Code snippets
  • Debugging

Features that arent working yet

These are tracked as issues and have the label go-modules