update to 1.0.3
[feature] You can focus on a view by double click or right click menu. (Thanks to @Hares from Github.)
[feature] You can print debug description of a view in right click menu. (Thanks to @Hares.)
[feature] You can use the direction keys on the keyboard to control the view structure displayed in left panel. (Thanks to @Hares.)
[remove] We have removed two features that are rarely used by users to reduce maintenance complexity: Delay Reload and Method Trace.
[新功能] 你可以通过双击或右键菜单来聚焦一个图层(感谢来自 Github 的 @Hares 的代码贡献)
[新功能] 你可以通过右键菜单来打印一个图层的 Debug Description 信息。(感谢 @Hares)
[新功能] 你可以通过键盘的方向键来操作左侧面板的图层结构。(感谢 @Hares)
[移除] 我们移除了两个几乎没什么人用的功能以降低维护复杂度:“延迟 5 秒刷新”和“方法追踪”。