class Solution {
data class Tile(val x: Int, val y: Int) {
fun move(di: Direction): Tile {
return copy(x = x + di.x, y = y + di.y)
fun isInside(m: Int, n: Int): Boolean {
return x >= 0 && x < m && y >= 0 && y < n
enum class Direction(val x: Int, val y: Int) {
Up(-1, 0), Right(0, 1), Down(1, 0), Left(0, -1)
private var result = 0
private var tileCount = 0
fun uniquePathsIII(grid: Array<IntArray>): Int {
var start: Tile? = null
// traverse
grid.forEachIndexed { x, rGrid ->
rGrid.forEachIndexed { y, value ->
// mark total have-to-visit-tile count.
if (value == 0) tileCount ++
// set start location
if (value == 1) start = Tile(x, y)
dfs(grid, start!!, 0)
return result
private fun dfs(grid: Array<IntArray>, tile: Tile, walked: Int) {
// if tile is already visited route or obstacle, return.
if (grid[tile.x][tile.y] < 0) return
// if tile is ending and walkthrough-distance is tileCount + 1, add endCount
if (grid[tile.x][tile.y] == 2 && walked == tileCount + 1) {
// temporary set to visited for current dfs-trace.
val value = grid[tile.x][tile.y]
grid[tile.x][tile.y] = -2
Direction.values().forEach { di ->
// if next tile is in grid, trace route.
val next = tile.move(di)
if (next.isInside(grid.size, grid[0].size)) {
dfs(grid, next, walked + 1)
// recover grid for other dfs-trace.
grid[tile.x][tile.y] = value