Hash Table
Prefix Sum
class Solution {
fun subarraysDivByK(nums: IntArray, k: Int): Int {
// container for each mod-result counts
val modGroups = IntArray(k)
var sum = 0
// iterate
for (i in 0 until nums.size) {
// p[i] - p[j] = k * (a - b) + (r1 - r2)
// => if divisible by K, r2 must be same with r1
// get each passed-summation and mod it by k.
sum += nums[i]
var group = sum % k
// if passed-summation is negative, pull up to positive by adding k.
if (group < 0) group += k
// add mod-count for each possible division.
var total = 0
// pick nC2 to made p[i] = p[j] pair from each mod groups
modGroups.forEach { n -> total += n * (n-1) / 2 }
return modGroups[0] + total