link 6. Zigzag Conversion
class Solution {
fun convert(s: String, numRows: Int): String {
if (numRows == 1) return s
// jumpSize means each Zigzag loop-gap
val len = s.length
var jumpSize = 2 * (numRows - 1)
val answer = CharArray(len)
// answer Index
var index = 0
// iterate
for (i in 0 until numRows) {
var cursor = i
if (i == 0 || i == numRows - 1) {
// if first or last row, get each ziazag loop's seil and floor
while (cursor < len) {
answer[index++] = s[cursor]
cursor += jumpSize
} else {
// marker for next-loop-seil
var time = jumpSize
while (cursor < len) {
answer[index++] = s[cursor]
// current row's trail number's index is (next-loop-seil - rowNumber)
val trail = time - i
// if trail index is in given string, add to answer
if (trail < len) answer[index++] = s[trail]
cursor += jumpSize
time += jumpSize
return String(answer)