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classSolution {
enumclassDirection(valx:Int, valy:Int) {
Up(0, -1),
Down(0, 1),
Left(-1, 0),
Right(1, 0);
privatelateinitvar image:Array<IntArray>
privatevar color:Int=0privatevar starting:Int=0funisInside(dx:Int, dy:Int): Boolean {
return dx >=0&& dx < image.size && dy >=0&& dy < image[0].size
/* flood fill condition ( in order ) 1) current pos is inside 2) current pos is same as starting color 3) current pos is not yet colored*/funfloodFill(image:Array<IntArray>, sr:Int, sc:Int, color:Int): Array<IntArray> {
this.image = image
this.color = color
this.starting = image[sr][sc]
fillBFS(sr, sc)
// fillDFS(sr, sc)returnthis.image
// process dfs with recursivefunfillDFS(x:Int, y:Int) {
if (isInside(x, y) && image[x][y] == starting && image[x][y] != color) {
image[x][y] = color
for (di inDirection.values()) {
fillDFS(x + di.x, y + di.y)
// process bfs with processing queuefunfillBFS(sr:Int, sc:Int) {
val fillQ = mutableListOf<Pair<Int,Int>>(Pair(sr, sc))
while (!fillQ.isEmpty()) {
val c = fillQ.get(0)
val x = c.first
val y = c.second
if (image[x][y] == color) continue
image[x][y] = color
for (di inDirection.values()) {
val dx = x + di.x
val dy = y + di.y
if (isInside(dx, dy) && image[dx][dy] == starting) fillQ.add(Pair(dx, dy))
695. Max Area of Island
classSolution {
enumclassDirection(valx:Int, valy:Int) {
Up(-1, 0),
Down(1, 0),
Left(0, -1),
Right(0, 1);
privatelateinitvar map:Array<IntArray>
privatevar group:Int=2funisInside(x:Int, y:Int): Boolean {
return x >=0&& x < map.size && y >=0&& y < map[0].size
funmaxAreaOfIsland(grid:Array<IntArray>): Int {
map = grid
var result =0// find partial-island from all map tilesfor (x {
for (y[0].size-1) {
if (map[x][y] ==1) {
// count each groups' number of island// group will distinguish island if i already checkedval tmp = trackIsland(x, y)
result =Math.max(result, tmp)
return result
funtrackIsland(x:Int, y:Int): Int {
// if is not inside or tile is (already checked or not island) count 0if (!isInside(x, y) || map[x][y] !=1) return0// coloring tile with group number and process 4-direction
map[x][y] = group
trackIsland(x +Direction.Up.x, y +Direction.Up.y) +
trackIsland(x +Direction.Down.x, y +Direction.Down.y) +
trackIsland(x +Direction.Left.x, y +Direction.Left.y) +
trackIsland(x +Direction.Right.x, y +Direction.Right.y)