diff --git a/frontend/js/player3d1.js b/frontend/js/player3d1.js
index a3dc00e..dd7a8f7 100644
--- a/frontend/js/player3d1.js
+++ b/frontend/js/player3d1.js
@@ -1,75 +1,637 @@
function showPlayer3d1Page(){
console.log("pong 3d1 page");
- let container;
- let renderer, scene, camera;
- let ball, paddle1, paddle2, mainLight;
- let WIDTH = 700, HEIGHT = 500;
- let FIELD_WIDTH = 1200, FIELD_LENGTH = 3000;
- function init() {
- container = document.getElementById('container');
- scene = new THREE.Scene();
- setupRenderer();
- setupCamera();
- addLights();
- addObjects();
- window.addEventListener('mousemove', handleMouseMove);
- render();
- }
+// --------------------------------------------- //
+// ------- 3D PONG built with Three.JS --------- //
+// -------- Created by Nikhil Suresh ----------- //
+// -------- Three.JS is by Mr. doob ----------- //
+// --------------------------------------------- //
- function setupRenderer() {
- renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ antialias: true });
- renderer.setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
- renderer.setClearColor(0x9999bb, 1);
- container.appendChild(renderer.domElement);
- }
+// ------------------------------------- //
+// ------- GLOBAL VARIABLES ------------ //
+// ------------------------------------- //
- function setupCamera() {
- camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(45, WIDTH / HEIGHT, 0.1, 10000);
- camera.position.set(0, 100, FIELD_LENGTH / 2 + 500);
- camera.lookAt(new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0));
- }
+// scene object variables
+var renderer, scene, camera, pointLight, spotLight;
- function addLights() {
- mainLight = new THREE.HemisphereLight(0xffffff, 0x003300);
- scene.add(mainLight);
- }
+// field variables
+var fieldWidth = 400, fieldHeight = 200;
- function addObjects() {
- const fieldGeometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(FIELD_WIDTH, 5, FIELD_LENGTH);
- const fieldMaterial = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({ color: 0x003300 });
- const field = new THREE.Mesh(fieldGeometry, fieldMaterial);
- field.position.set(0, -50, 0);
- scene.add(field);
+// paddle variables
+var paddleWidth, paddleHeight, paddleDepth, paddleQuality;
+var paddle1DirY = 0, paddle2DirY = 0, paddleSpeed = 3;
- paddle1 = addPaddle(FIELD_LENGTH / 2);
- paddle2 = addPaddle(-FIELD_LENGTH / 2);
+// ball variables
+var ball, paddle1, paddle2;
+var ballDirX = 1, ballDirY = 1, ballSpeed = 2;
- const ballGeometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(20, 16, 16);
- const ballMaterial = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({ color: 0xcc0000 });
- ball = new THREE.Mesh(ballGeometry, ballMaterial);
- scene.add(ball);
- }
+// game-related variables
+var score1 = 0, score2 = 0;
+// you can change this to any positive whole number
+var maxScore = 7;
- function addPaddle(zPosition) {
- const paddleGeometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(200, 30, 10);
- const paddleMaterial = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({ color: 0xcccccc });
- const paddle = new THREE.Mesh(paddleGeometry, paddleMaterial);
- paddle.position.z = zPosition;
- scene.add(paddle);
- return paddle;
- }
+// set opponent reflexes (0 - easiest, 1 - hardest)
+var difficulty = 0.2;
+// ------------------------------------- //
+// ------- GAME FUNCTIONS -------------- //
+// ------------------------------------- //
+function setup()
+ // update the board to reflect the max score for match win
+ document.getElementById("winnerBoard").innerHTML = " Who gets " + maxScore + " points first wins!";
+ // now reset player and opponent scores
+ score1 = 0;
+ score2 = 0;
+ // set up all the 3D objects in the scene
+ createScene();
+ // and let's get cracking!
+ draw();
+function createScene() {
+ // set the scene size
+ var WIDTH = 640,
+ HEIGHT = 360;
+ // set some camera attributes
+ var VIEW_ANGLE = 50,
+ NEAR = 0.1,
+ FAR = 10000;
+ var c = document.getElementById("gameCanvas");
+ // create a WebGL renderer, camera
+ // and a scene
+ renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
+ camera =
+ new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(
+ FAR);
+ scene = new THREE.Scene();
+ // add the camera to the scene
+ scene.add(camera);
+ // set a default position for the camera
+ // not doing this somehow messes up shadow rendering
+ camera.position.z = 320;
+ // start the renderer
+ renderer.setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
+ // attach the render-supplied DOM element
+ c.appendChild(renderer.domElement);
+ // set up the playing surface plane
+ var planeWidth = fieldWidth,
+ planeHeight = fieldHeight,
+ planeQuality = 10;
+ // create the paddle1's material
+ var paddle1Material =
+ new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({
+ color: 0x1B32C0
+ });
+ // create the paddle2's material
+ var paddle2Material =
+ new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({
+ color: 0xFF4045
+ });
+ // create the plane's material
+ var planeMaterial =
+ new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({
+ color: 0x4BD121
+ });
+ // create the table's material
+ var tableMaterial =
+ new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({
+ color: 0x111111
+ });
+ // create the pillar's material
+ var pillarMaterial =
+ new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({
+ color: 0x534d0d
+ });
+ // create the ground's material
+ var groundMaterial =
+ new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({
+ color: 0x888888
+ });
+ // create the playing surface plane
+ var plane = new THREE.Mesh(
+ new THREE.PlaneGeometry(
+ planeWidth * 0.95, // 95% of table width, since we want to show where the ball goes out-of-bounds
+ planeHeight,
+ planeQuality,
+ planeQuality),
+ planeMaterial);
+ scene.add(plane);
+ plane.receiveShadow = true;
+ var table = new THREE.Mesh(
+ new THREE.BoxGeometry(
+ planeWidth * 1.05, // this creates the feel of a billiards table, with a lining
+ planeHeight * 1.03,
+ 100, // an arbitrary depth, the camera can't see much of it anyway
+ planeQuality,
+ planeQuality,
+ 1),
+ tableMaterial);
+ table.position.z = -51; // we sink the table into the ground by 50 units. The extra 1 is so the plane can be seen
+ scene.add(table);
+ table.receiveShadow = true;
+ // // set up the sphere vars
+ // lower 'segment' and 'ring' values will increase performance
+ var radius = 5,
+ segments = 6,
+ rings = 6;
+ // // create the sphere's material
+ var sphereMaterial =
+ new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({
+ color: 0xD43001
+ });
+ // Create a ball with sphere geometry
+ ball = new THREE.Mesh(
+ new THREE.SphereGeometry(
+ radius,
+ segments,
+ rings),
+ sphereMaterial);
+ // // add the sphere to the scene
+ scene.add(ball);
+ ball.position.x = 0;
+ ball.position.y = 0;
+ // set ball above the table surface
+ ball.position.z = radius;
+ ball.receiveShadow = true;
+ ball.castShadow = true;
+ // // set up the paddle vars
+ paddleWidth = 10;
+ paddleHeight = 30;
+ paddleDepth = 10;
+ paddleQuality = 1;
+ paddle1 = new THREE.Mesh(
- function handleMouseMove(event) {
- var mouseX = (event.clientX / window.innerWidth) * 2 - 1;
- paddle1.position.x = THREE.MathUtils.lerp(-FIELD_WIDTH / 2, FIELD_WIDTH / 2, mouseX + 0.5);
+ new THREE.BoxGeometry(
+ paddleWidth,
+ paddleHeight,
+ paddleDepth,
+ paddleQuality,
+ paddleQuality,
+ paddleQuality),
+ paddle1Material);
+ // // add the sphere to the scene
+ scene.add(paddle1);
+ paddle1.receiveShadow = true;
+ paddle1.castShadow = true;
+ paddle2 = new THREE.Mesh(
+ new THREE.BoxGeometry(
+ paddleWidth,
+ paddleHeight,
+ paddleDepth,
+ paddleQuality,
+ paddleQuality,
+ paddleQuality),
+ paddle2Material);
+ // // add the sphere to the scene
+ scene.add(paddle2);
+ paddle2.receiveShadow = true;
+ paddle2.castShadow = true;
+ // set paddles on each side of the table
+ paddle1.position.x = -fieldWidth / 2 + paddleWidth;
+ paddle2.position.x = fieldWidth / 2 - paddleWidth;
+ // lift paddles over playing surface
+ paddle1.position.z = paddleDepth;
+ paddle2.position.z = paddleDepth;
+ // we iterate 10x (5x each side) to create pillars to show off shadows
+ // this is for the pillars on the left
+ for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ var backdrop = new THREE.Mesh(
+ new THREE.BoxGeometry(
+ 30,
+ 30,
+ 300,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1),
+ pillarMaterial);
+ backdrop.position.x = -50 + i * 100;
+ backdrop.position.y = 230;
+ backdrop.position.z = -30;
+ backdrop.castShadow = true;
+ backdrop.receiveShadow = true;
+ scene.add(backdrop);
+ // we iterate 10x (5x each side) to create pillars to show off shadows
+ // this is for the pillars on the right
+ for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ var backdrop = new THREE.Mesh(
+ new THREE.BoxGeometry(
+ 30,
+ 30,
+ 300,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1),
+ pillarMaterial);
- function render() {
- requestAnimationFrame(render);
- // Spiellogik-Updates hier einfügen
- renderer.render(scene, camera);
+ backdrop.position.x = -50 + i * 100;
+ backdrop.position.y = -230;
+ backdrop.position.z = -30;
+ backdrop.castShadow = true;
+ backdrop.receiveShadow = true;
+ scene.add(backdrop);
- init();
+ // finally we finish by adding a ground plane
+ // to show off pretty shadows
+ var ground = new THREE.Mesh(
+ new THREE.BoxGeometry(
+ 1000,
+ 1000,
+ 3,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1),
+ groundMaterial);
+ // set ground to arbitrary z position to best show off shadowing
+ ground.position.z = -132;
+ ground.receiveShadow = true;
+ scene.add(ground);
+ // // create a point light
+ pointLight =
+ new THREE.PointLight(0xF8D898);
+ // set its position
+ pointLight.position.x = -1000;
+ pointLight.position.y = 0;
+ pointLight.position.z = 1000;
+ pointLight.intensity = 2.9;
+ pointLight.distance = 10000;
+ // add to the scene
+ scene.add(pointLight);
+ // add a spot light
+ // this is important for casting shadows
+ spotLight = new THREE.SpotLight(0xF8D898);
+ spotLight.position.set(0, 0, 460);
+ spotLight.intensity = 1.5;
+ spotLight.castShadow = true;
+ scene.add(spotLight);
+ renderer.shadowMap.enabled = true;
+function draw()
+ // draw THREE.JS scene
+ renderer.render(scene, camera);
+ // loop draw function call
+ requestAnimationFrame(draw);
+ ballPhysics();
+ paddlePhysics();
+ cameraPhysics();
+ playerPaddleMovement();
+ opponentPaddleMovement();
+function ballPhysics()
+ // if ball goes off the 'left' side (Player's side)
+ if (ball.position.x <= -fieldWidth/2)
+ {
+ // CPU scores
+ score2++;
+ // update scoreboard HTML
+ document.getElementById("scores").innerHTML = score1 + "-" + score2;
+ // reset ball to center
+ resetBall(2);
+ matchScoreCheck();
+ }
+ // if ball goes off the 'right' side (CPU's side)
+ if (ball.position.x >= fieldWidth/2)
+ {
+ // Player scores
+ score1++;
+ // update scoreboard HTML
+ document.getElementById("scores").innerHTML = score1 + "-" + score2;
+ // reset ball to center
+ resetBall(1);
+ matchScoreCheck();
+ }
+ // if ball goes off the top side (side of table)
+ if (ball.position.y <= -fieldHeight/2)
+ {
+ ballDirY = -ballDirY;
+ }
+ // if ball goes off the bottom side (side of table)
+ if (ball.position.y >= fieldHeight/2)
+ {
+ ballDirY = -ballDirY;
+ }
+ // update ball position over time
+ ball.position.x += ballDirX * ballSpeed;
+ ball.position.y += ballDirY * ballSpeed;
+ // limit ball's y-speed to 2x the x-speed
+ // this is so the ball doesn't speed from left to right super fast
+ // keeps game playable for humans
+ if (ballDirY > ballSpeed * 2)
+ {
+ ballDirY = ballSpeed * 2;
+ }
+ else if (ballDirY < -ballSpeed * 2)
+ {
+ ballDirY = -ballSpeed * 2;
+ }
+// Handles CPU paddle movement and logic
+function opponentPaddleMovement()
+ // Lerp towards the ball on the y plane
+ paddle2DirY = (ball.position.y - paddle2.position.y) * difficulty;
+ // in case the Lerp function produces a value above max paddle speed, we clamp it
+ if (Math.abs(paddle2DirY) <= paddleSpeed)
+ {
+ paddle2.position.y += paddle2DirY;
+ }
+ // if the lerp value is too high, we have to limit speed to paddleSpeed
+ else
+ {
+ // if paddle is lerping in +ve direction
+ if (paddle2DirY > paddleSpeed)
+ {
+ paddle2.position.y += paddleSpeed;
+ }
+ // if paddle is lerping in -ve direction
+ else if (paddle2DirY < -paddleSpeed)
+ {
+ paddle2.position.y -= paddleSpeed;
+ }
+ }
+ // We lerp the scale back to 1
+ // this is done because we stretch the paddle at some points
+ // stretching is done when paddle touches side of table and when paddle hits ball
+ // by doing this here, we ensure paddle always comes back to default size
+ paddle2.scale.y += (1 - paddle2.scale.y) * 0.2;
+// Handles player's paddle movement
+function playerPaddleMovement()
+ // move left
+ if (Key.isDown(Key.A))
+ {
+ // if paddle is not touching the side of table
+ // we move
+ if (paddle1.position.y < fieldHeight * 0.45)
+ {
+ paddle1DirY = paddleSpeed * 0.5;
+ }
+ // else we don't move and stretch the paddle
+ // to indicate we can't move
+ else
+ {
+ paddle1DirY = 0;
+ paddle1.scale.z += (10 - paddle1.scale.z) * 0.2;
+ }
+ }
+ // move right
+ else if (Key.isDown(Key.D))
+ {
+ // if paddle is not touching the side of table
+ // we move
+ if (paddle1.position.y > -fieldHeight * 0.45)
+ {
+ paddle1DirY = -paddleSpeed * 0.5;
+ }
+ // else we don't move and stretch the paddle
+ // to indicate we can't move
+ else
+ {
+ paddle1DirY = 0;
+ paddle1.scale.z += (10 - paddle1.scale.z) * 0.2;
+ }
+ }
+ // else don't move paddle
+ else
+ {
+ // stop the paddle
+ paddle1DirY = 0;
+ }
+ paddle1.scale.y += (1 - paddle1.scale.y) * 0.2;
+ paddle1.scale.z += (1 - paddle1.scale.z) * 0.2;
+ paddle1.position.y += paddle1DirY;
+// Handles camera and lighting logic
+function cameraPhysics()
+ // we can easily notice shadows if we dynamically move lights during the game
+ spotLight.position.x = ball.position.x * 2;
+ spotLight.position.y = ball.position.y * 2;
+ // move to behind the player's paddle
+ camera.position.x = paddle1.position.x - 100;
+ camera.position.y += (paddle1.position.y - camera.position.y) * 0.05;
+ camera.position.z = paddle1.position.z + 100 + 0.04 * (-ball.position.x + paddle1.position.x);
+ // rotate to face towards the opponent
+ camera.rotation.x = -0.01 * (ball.position.y) * Math.PI/180;
+ camera.rotation.y = -60 * Math.PI/180;
+ camera.rotation.z = -90 * Math.PI/180;
+// Handles paddle collision logic
+function paddlePhysics()
+ // if ball is aligned with paddle1 on x plane
+ // remember the position is the CENTER of the object
+ // we only check between the front and the middle of the paddle (one-way collision)
+ if (ball.position.x <= paddle1.position.x + paddleWidth
+ && ball.position.x >= paddle1.position.x)
+ {
+ // and if ball is aligned with paddle1 on y plane
+ if (ball.position.y <= paddle1.position.y + paddleHeight/2
+ && ball.position.y >= paddle1.position.y - paddleHeight/2)
+ {
+ // and if ball is travelling towards player (-ve direction)
+ if (ballDirX < 0)
+ {
+ // stretch the paddle to indicate a hit
+ paddle1.scale.y = 15;
+ // switch direction of ball travel to create bounce
+ ballDirX = -ballDirX;
+ // we impact ball angle when hitting it
+ // this is not realistic physics, just spices up the gameplay
+ // allows you to 'slice' the ball to beat the opponent
+ ballDirY -= paddle1DirY * 0.7;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // if ball is aligned with paddle2 on x plane
+ // remember the position is the CENTER of the object
+ // we only check between the front and the middle of the paddle (one-way collision)
+ if (ball.position.x <= paddle2.position.x + paddleWidth
+ && ball.position.x >= paddle2.position.x)
+ {
+ // and if ball is aligned with paddle2 on y plane
+ if (ball.position.y <= paddle2.position.y + paddleHeight/2
+ && ball.position.y >= paddle2.position.y - paddleHeight/2)
+ {
+ // and if ball is travelling towards opponent (+ve direction)
+ if (ballDirX > 0)
+ {
+ // stretch the paddle to indicate a hit
+ paddle2.scale.y = 15;
+ // switch direction of ball travel to create bounce
+ ballDirX = -ballDirX;
+ // we impact ball angle when hitting it
+ // this is not realistic physics, just spices up the gameplay
+ // allows you to 'slice' the ball to beat the opponent
+ ballDirY -= paddle2DirY * 0.7;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+function resetBall(loser)
+ // position the ball in the center of the table
+ ball.position.x = 0;
+ ball.position.y = 0;
+ // if player lost the last point, we send the ball to opponent
+ if (loser == 1)
+ {
+ ballDirX = -1;
+ }
+ // else if opponent lost, we send ball to player
+ else
+ {
+ ballDirX = 1;
+ }
+ // set the ball to move +ve in y plane (towards left from the camera)
+ ballDirY = 1;
+var bounceTime = 0;
+// checks if either player or opponent has reached 7 points
+function matchScoreCheck()
+ // if player has 7 points
+ if (score1 >= maxScore)
+ {
+ // stop the ball
+ ballSpeed = 0;
+ // write to the banner
+ document.getElementById("scores").innerHTML = "Player wins!";
+ document.getElementById("winnerBoard").innerHTML = "Refresh to play again";
+ // make paddle bounce up and down
+ bounceTime++;
+ paddle1.position.z = Math.sin(bounceTime * 0.1) * 10;
+ // enlarge and squish paddle to emulate joy
+ paddle1.scale.z = 2 + Math.abs(Math.sin(bounceTime * 0.1)) * 10;
+ paddle1.scale.y = 2 + Math.abs(Math.sin(bounceTime * 0.05)) * 10;
+ }
+ // else if opponent has 7 points
+ else if (score2 >= maxScore)
+ {
+ // stop the ball
+ ballSpeed = 0;
+ // write to the banner
+ document.getElementById("scores").innerHTML = "CPU wins!";
+ document.getElementById("winnerBoard").innerHTML = "Refresh to play again";
+ // make paddle bounce up and down
+ bounceTime++;
+ paddle2.position.z = Math.sin(bounceTime * 0.1) * 10;
+ // enlarge and squish paddle to emulate joy
+ paddle2.scale.z = 2 + Math.abs(Math.sin(bounceTime * 0.1)) * 10;
+ paddle2.scale.y = 2 + Math.abs(Math.sin(bounceTime * 0.05)) * 10;
+ }
+window.addEventListener('keyup', function(event) { Key.onKeyup(event); }, false);
+window.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) { Key.onKeydown(event); }, false);
+var Key = {
+ _pressed: {},
+ A: 65,
+ W: 87,
+ D: 68,
+ S: 83,
+ SPACE: 32,
+ isDown: function(keyCode) {
+ return this._pressed[keyCode];
+ },
+ onKeydown: function(event) {
+ this._pressed[event.keyCode] = true;
+ },
+ onKeyup: function(event) {
+ delete this._pressed[event.keyCode];
+ }
+ setup();
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diff --git a/frontend/views/player3d1.html b/frontend/views/player3d1.html
index eb4de33..6ff46fd 100644
--- a/frontend/views/player3d1.html
+++ b/frontend/views/player3d1.html
@@ -1 +1,16 @@
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