Latest version:
Mark Cowlishaw, Microsoft
Kirthi Krishnamraju, Microsoft
Asir Selvasingh, Microsoft
Johan Stenberg, Microsoft
Amar Zavery, Microsoft
This document defines a Swagger checklist for Microsoft Azure, along with clarifications, refinements, interpretations and amplifications of the Swagger specification to promote interoperability and usability in tools and libraries.
This checklist is for any software engineer or Azure service team who develops and offers a REST API for managing or accessing Azure resources.
This is a working draft.
If there are areas in this specification that could be clearer, or if errors or omissions are identified, Microsoft would like to be notified to provide the best possible checklist for authoring Swagger specifications.
Please direct feedback and kudos to [email protected].
Notational Conventions
Validation Tools for Swagger Checklist
Naming - Swagger Checklist
Operation Semantics [MUST]- Swagger Checklist
Operation Semantics [SHOULD] - Swagger Checklist
Operational - Swagger Checklist
Documentation - Swagger Checklist
Structural - Swagger Checklist
Appendix A: References
Appendix B: Acknowledgments
Appendix C: Revision History
This document defines a Swagger checklist for Microsoft Azure, along with clarifications, refinements, interpretations and amplifications of the Swagger specification to promote interoperability and usability in tools and libraries.
Each section addresses a dimension of Swagger authoring and its effectiveness for delivering the best Azure developer experiences through tools and libraries built using a Swagger specification.
This checklist is a current snapshot of requirements for developing Swagger specifications. The checklist will be continuously updated to reflect issues uncovered during Swagger specification reviews.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119.
Normative statements of the checklist are presented in the following manner:
- Mnnnn: checklist text here.
- Snnnn: checklist text here.
"M" stands for a 'MUST' or 'MUST NOT' requirement. "S" stands for a 'SHOULD' or 'SHOULD NOT' requirement. "nnnn" is replaced by a number that is unique among all of the "M" or "S" requirements in the checklist, thereby "Mnnnn" or "Snnnn" becomes a unique requirement identifier.
Today, there are tools available for validating a sizable portion of this checklist. Please install these tools on your development machine and use them to validate your Swaggers as you build them.
AutoRest Linter – Linter statically analyzes a Swagger for errors and violations of requirements outlined in this checklist. Linter should be run when Swaggers are created or updated. Linter will be continously updated to validate newer requirements. NOTE: This checkmark ( ✅ ) indicates that rule is covered by AutoRest linter tool.
Swagger Model Validator - Model Validator validates models defined for body parameters and responses, and matches them against the expected input and output of an operation. To make this real, test examples are required to be specified in a Swagger for every operation defined in a Swagger. Test examples are integrated into a Swagger using the "x-ms-examples" extension, which will be used to test against the defined models. Sample test examples for this extension can be found in the Redis Cache Swagger.
The Azure Developer Experience team will continue to deliver rich tools to validate this checklist.
M1000: Plural names in parameters and model properties MUST only be used to represent collections.
M1001: ✅ Each operation MUST contain an OperationId of the form "RESOURCE_METHOD" a.k.a "NOUN_VERB", where "RESOURCE" represents the resource or object the operation addresses, and METHOD is a short name for the operation being performed "Get, Start, Delete, Create, List", etc.
M1002: If the NOUN in the OperationId "NOUN_VERB" matches with the name of the Model definition then the NOUN in the operationId MUST use the plural form of NOUN to avoid collision in the namespace.
M1003: List operations MUST be prefixed with "List" and MUST NOT be named as "GetXXXX" operations.
M1004: List operations MUST use consistent names and semantics. List operations MUST NOT use any other names. Consistent names and semantics are:
- lists all resources under a subscription.ListByResourceGroup()
- list all resources in a resource group within a subscription.ListByParent()
- where "Parent" is a context specific suffix. It lists all resource under a parent.
M1005: ✅ GET operations MUST use the METHOD name "Get" or the METHOD name must start with "List"
M1006: ✅ PUT operations MUST use the METHOD Name "Create"
M1007: ✅ PATCH operations MUST use the METHOD Name "Update"
M1008: POST operations MUST use a METHOD Name that matches the semantic operation on the resource, for example "Start" or "Stop"
M1009: ✅ DELETE operations MUST use the METHOD Name "Delete"
M1010: Terminology in Swagger and Azure Portal MUST be the same.
M1011: Resource Model name MUST be same as singular form of the resource type. Like for virtualMachines resource type it should be VirtualMachine.
M1012: Parameter names in the apis MUST be name of the resource like virtualMachines{virtualMachine} or virtualMachines{virtualMachineName} both are good example but virtualMachines{vm} is bad example.
M1013: Any action name MUST be same as what is defined in the Rest APIs, like regenerateAdminKeys should be regenerateAdminKeys in the Swagger as well, where as regenerateKeys is bad example.
M2000: A Swagger specification MUST be accompanied with a document that describes end-to-end management scenarios that can be realized using operations described in the Swagger.
M2001: Read only parameters of the model properties MUST be labeled as
"readOnly": true
in Swagger. -
M2002: Boolean parameters MUST be represented as boolean in Swagger. Boolean parameters MUST NOT be represented as strings. Similarly, this requirements applies to other primitive data types such as integer, float and double. These primitive data types MUST be represented using Swagger primitive data types.
M2003: ✅ If a format is specified along with a type, it MUST be from one of the supported formats - "int64", "int32", "float", "decimal", "double", "byte", "base64url", "unixtime", "date", "date-time", "duration", "date-time-rfc1123", "uuid", otherwise in codegeneration the artifact will be of the specified type and not as per the desired format.
M2004: ✅ Long running (asynchronous) operations MUST be modeled as long running operations in Swagger.
M2005: ✅ A long-running operation MUST have a terminal success status code. At least
- 200 or 201 for PUT/PATCH
- 200, 201 or 204 or all of the aforementioned for POST
- 204 or 200 or both for delete. This will indicate the code generator, how to deserialize the final success response after the polling is done. If the response has a response body then it MUST be modeled in the terminal status code.
M2006: Required parameters MUST be accurately labeled as
"required": true
in Swagger. -
M2007: Required properties of a model definition MUST be accurately labeled as
"required": [ "propertyName1" ]
in Swagger. -
M2008: ✅ Mutability of properties MUST be marked up using
extension. -
M2009: Error definitions MUST be abstracted, modeled and reused.
M2010: A Swagger spec MUST NOT define operations or properties or parameters for functionalities that are not currently supported by the service in the given api-version. The primary goal of the spec is that it MUST correctly and completely represent the underlying REST API.
M2011: A collection model in Swagger MUST support adding more than one element to the collection.
For example, NetworkInterface.ipConfigurations is described as a collection. However, it does not support adding more than one IP configuration.
M2012: Operations that are exposed through private previews MUST NOT be described in the public GitHub repository. They MUST be described in the private GitHub repository instead.
M2013: The value of the "x-ms-client-name" and "x-ms-discriminator-value" MUST NOT be the same as the model property or the model name, otherwise the purpose is defeated.
M2014: For specifications describing the Management Plane of ARM, "subscriptionId" & "api-version" MUST always be defined in the global parameters section.
M2015: For a Given Resource, GET/PUT/PATCH MUST return the same "Resource" Model.
M2016: For PATCH operation, every property in the model for the request body MUST be optional and the property MUST NOT provide any default value. The absence of default values applies recursively to complex properties in the model definition.
M2017: A PUT operation request body schema should be the same as its 200 response schema, to allow reusing the same entity between GET and PUT. If the schema of the PUT request body is a superset of the GET response body, there must be a PATCH operation to make the resource updatable.
M2018: A parameter or a model property having an
"enum": []
constraint, MUST have an "x-ms-enum" extension and the extension's "modelAsString" property MUST be set tofalse
where applicable. -
M2019: Every "Resource" Model MUST be tagged with "x-ms-azure-resource". This will indicate Autorest to make the Resource model inherit from the Resource definition in the client runtime.
M2020: A "Resource" model definition MUST have "id", "name" and "type" properties marked as
"readOnly": true
in its model hierarchy. -
M2021: The "location" property of "Resource" model definition in ARM, MUST have "x-ms-mutability": ["create", "read"] extension. Usually the "location" property is also a required property of the model definition.
M2022: Every operation in the swagger specification MUST have an "x-ms-examples" extension applied with scenarios that provide the MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM properties of the request and response payload. Please feel free to provide more example scenarios for a particular operation.
M2023: a Swagger specification MUST use
"x-ms-codegeneration-settings": { "name": "<ServiceName>Client" }
for providing a better name to the generated client. -
M2024: Operations that return a single page and have the response schema {"value": [Array of items] }, MUST apply the "x-ms-pageable" with it's
property explicitly set to"null"
. This will ensure that value property gets unwrapped into an IEnumerable. -
M2025: If the
property of the "x-ms-pageable" extension is defined with a value, then the Model definition MUST also have a property named with the same value for nextLink. -
M2026: Model types (request body, response body, complex model properties) MUST NOT be defined inline. They MUST be defined explicitly in the
"defintions: { . . . }
section of the swagger specification. -
M2027: If a property or a parameter has an
"enum": []
constraint and it also has a"default"
value then the default value MUST be one of the values specified in the enum. It is RECOMMENDED that the default value be the first element in the "enum" array. -
M2028: The value of
extension MUST NOT be an empty string, because it will be used as the identifier of the artifact in the generated client. -
M2029: Every path in the
"paths": { . . . }
object MUST be unique and MUST NOT be equivalent./paths/path1/{param1}
are equivalent paths and are NOT allowed.
M2030: Properties that are marked as
MUST exist in theproperties: { }
object of the model definition (Schema Object) or one of its ancestors. -
M2031: Every model defined in the definitions section of the swagger specification MUST have a
property. The list of supported data types in 2.0 swagger specification can be found here. -
M2032: Operations MUST NOT have both a
parameter and aformData
parameter. -
M2033: Operations MUST have exactly one
parameter. -
M2034: Operations MUST have unique (name + in combination) parameters.
M2035: Operations MUST have a unique operationId in the swagger specification.
M2036: Path parameters declared in the path string MUST have matching parameter definitions (either at the path-level or the operation) and vice-versa (extra definitions or declarations are NOT allowed).
M2037: Path parameter declarations MUST NOT allow empty names (/path/{} is not valid).
M2038: Paths MUST have unique (name + in combination) parameters.
M2039: Any local (model or parameter) reference MUST start with
. Example"#/parameters/subscriptionId"
. -
M2040: Any external (model or parameter) reference, whether a relative or absolute file or URL reference MUST adhere to the JSON pointer reference syntax.
"<(absolute|relative) (file|url) path>#<(definitions|parameters|or any other key that needs to be accessed in the json object at that location)"
. The pointer reference traverses ahead with a forward slash. Example:"$ref": "./spec2.json#/definitions/Model1"
. -
M2041: Circular composition/inheritance for Schema Objects MUST NOT be present. A specification can have circular references everywhere except in composition/inheritance.
M2042: The items property for Schema Objects, or schema-like objects (non-body parameters), MUST be required when type is set to array. More details can be found here.
M2043: The schemes array in the swagger spec for any HTTP protocol based Azure REST service MUST only have "https" as the supported scheme. It MUST be
"schemes": ["https"]
M2044: A swagger specification MUST NOT have any operation with an HTTP verb outside this (case-insensitive) list ["DELETE", "GET", "PUT", "PATCH", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "POST"].
M2045: An example specified in a specification as per the swagger specification for a response MUST be in the response object keyed on the "MIME-TYPE". More details can be found here.
M2046: An example specified in a specification as per the swagger specification for a model in the request body MUST be specified in the free-form example property of that model definition. More details can be found here.
M2047: A parameter object MUST have a
property defined with a non-empty string as its value. -
M2048: A parameter object MUST have an
property defined with a non-empty string. The value can be one of "query", "header", "path", "body", "formData". -
M2049: Every operation MUST have a "default" status code in the "responses" section. The "default" corresponds to the error returned by the operation.
M2050: "externalDocs" property MUST have both "url" and "description" accurately provided. More details can be found here.
M2051: Odata parameters like "$filter" MUST document the properties on which the object can be filtered on and the supported operators in the description.
M2052: Odata parameters like "$filter" MUST have an externalDocs that provides good examples of how the "$filter" parameter can be used.
M2053: Parameters or properties that can only accept one value MUST be marked as "required" and they MUST have an "enum" array constraint with one valid value in it.
M2054: Every swagger spec MUST have a "securityDefinitions" object accurately defined. An example can be found over here.
M2055: An operationId in the swagger spec MUST NOT be split by more than one underscore. Please use the "tags" array for adding extra names.
M2056: If the service (in Azure) only supports PATCHING tags on a Resource in the PATCH operation and has a PUT on the same resource which is named as "CreateOrUpdate", then it MUST NOT expose the "PATCH" operation in the swagger spec.
✅ M2057: A Sku object must have a property 'name' of type 'string'. It may also have the following properties: 'tier', 'size','family' and 'capacity'.
✅ M2058: Paths in x-ms-paths must overload a normal path in the paths section, i.e. a path in the x-ms-path must either be same as a path in the paths section or a path in the paths sections followed by additional parameters.
✅ M2060: x-ms-pageable operations must have a 200 response defined. Implemented as rule "PageableExtensionRule".
✅ M2061: URLs should have parameterized resource type values instead of defaults. Implemented as rule "ProvidersPathValidation" in which all odd positions in the URL path followed by
are considered as resource type values -
✅ M2062: ARM specifications PUT operations return resource models. Validation rule "PutResponseResourceValidation" validates that these response models have the
extension set to true. -
✅ M2063: Operation Id Nouns must not be named the same as any of the model definition names in the spec. Nouns should instead be expressed in their plural forms in the OperationId. Implemented as "OperationIdNounPluralizedFormValidation"
✅ M2064: A long running PUT operation's 200/201 response MUST reference a model schema.
S2000: If a parameter or a model property indicates that it is some "kind/type" of an artifact that can have a value from set of possible values, then it SHOULD have an
"enum": ["Array of possible values"]
constraint on that entity. It MUST also use the "x-ms-enum" extension. If creating an enum is not possible, then the values need to be documented in description. If the number of allowed values is huge, add a link to some kind of external documentation in the description, where those values are defined. -
S2001: If a model is nested more than one level deep then "x-ms-client-flatten" extension MUST be applied. This is mostly applicable while defining Resource Models in Azure Resource Manager where Resource Provider specific properties are present inside the "properties" property bag. TODO: SHOULD or a MUST? Exception if the model has a polymorphic discriminator.
S2002: Parameters that are common to most of the operations (example: resourceGroupName) SHOULD be defined in the global parameters section and they MUST have the extension
"x-ms-parameter-location": "method"
applied on them. This will make sure that they do not end up being properties on the generated client. -
S2002: Property
of the"Resource"
model SHOULD NOT be required and it must be marked as readOnly. The name of the Resource is specified as a path parameter. There is no need to require the customer to specify it in the body parameter as well. -
S2003: If a swagger specification has a "fully" pageable operation and a "single-page" only operation then the generated code in C# will generate Page1.cs and Page.cs. They will differ on nextLink. To avoid this it is best advised that all the operations SHOULD defined as "fully" pageable in the specification.
S2004: Produces and Consumes global arrays SHOULD have "application/json" as the supported MIME-TYPE. If the operation needs to have a different one then it can override it.
M3000: Swagger authoring MUST NOT be assigned to engineers who do not have an intimate knowledge of a service endpoint and its developer experience to avoid feeding inefficiencies into teams that focus on Azure developer experiences and the rest of the Azure eco-system.
M3001: Each operation described in a Swagger specification MUST be tested prior to opening a pull request against the preview/master branch of the Azure REST API Specs GitHub repo.
M4000: Every operation, model definition, model property, parameter, response status codes MUST have accurate and meaningful description about it in the description property of that entity. It MUST NOT be over or under described.
M4001: Descriptions MUST NOT contain spelling errors, grammatical errors, run off sentences and dummy texts.
Here are some basic rules for public documentation:
M4002: Every description MUST start with a capital letter and end it with a period (".").
M4003: The description/summary MUST use correct English spelling and grammar.
M4004: One MUST NOT use the API's code-symbol capitalization style for acronyms. For example, use "URL", NOT "Url"; and use "ID", NOT "Id".
M4005: The description for every operation MUST start with a verb phrase.
M4006: The HTTP status codes returned by every REST operation MUST be documented.
M4007: The documentation of model properties MUST NOT start with the phrase "Gets or sets ..", "Gets ..", "Sets .."
M4008: The "title" and "description" property of the "info" object in the swagger specification MUST NOT have the phrase client or .NET in it. The specification is used for different purposes and is used for generating REST clients in different languages.
M4009 The description MUST specify the units of quantifiable properties/parameters. Example properties like size MUST specify the units (bytes, MB, GB, etc.)
M4010: All the negative response status code descriptions MUST be defined in the description of the "default" status code (if the intention is for documentation purpose only). Example:
"description": "'404' - 'Not found'.\n'400' - 'Bad request'.\n'500': 'Internal Server Error'."'
M5000: The
in Swagger specification MUST be exactly the same (case-sensitive) as the Api-version folder in path. Example the info.version and "/azure-rest-api-specs/arm-storage/<api-version>/swagger/storage.json" in this path MUST be the same (ex: "2016-01-01"). -
M5001: Every specification MUST have a swagger folder in its file path.
M5003: Examples provided using the "x-ms-examples" extension MUST be present in the examples folder under the api-version folder. Example:
. -
M5004: The top level property of a specification that describes the version of the swagger specification that the specification adheres to, MUST be set to
"swagger": "2.0"
. -
M5005: All the management plane swagger specifications MUST have the base folder name in the format
and the data plane swagger specifications MUST have the base folder name in the format"<service-name>/"
Swagger 2.0 - OpenAPI Specification
Creating Swagger (Reference Documentation)
Authoring Good Descriptions in Swagger 2.0
Supported Extensions for Swagger 2.0
This checklist is prepared and will be approved by Microsoft. Contributors to the checklist are:
- Doug Erickson, Microsoft
- Tamra Myers, Microsoft
Date | Version | Description |
12-15-2016 | 0.1 | First draft |