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OpenAPI Specifications Authoring - Automated Guidelines

This document lists the set of automated rules that can be validated against OpenAPI(swagger) spec by running validation tools. Please visit here for Manual guidelines.

It is a requirement to conform to all manual and automated rules with severity "Error" before sending a pull request for review.

We request OpenAPI(Swagger) spec authoring be assigned to engineers who have an intimate knowledge of a service endpoint and its developer experience to avoid feeding inefficiencies into teams that focus on Azure developer experiences and the rest of the Azure eco-system.

Error vs Warning

  • Rules with severity "Error" have to be addressed for the OpenAPI(swagger) spec to be approved by the reviewers. If there is a strong reason for why the rule cannot be addressed in an OpenAPI(swagger) spec it will be a permanent exception, then suppression process must be followed.

  • Rules with severity "Warning" are either strong recommendations made by Azure developer experience team for better SDK/Documentation experience or they point out something to evaluate, for example, the warning for booleans asks the user to evaluate whether the property should be a boolean or not.

Automated Rules

RPC Violations

RPC Errors

Id Rule Name Output Message Severity
M3012 APIVersionPattern API Version must be in the format: yyyy-MM-dd, optionally followed by -preview, -alpha, -beta, -rc, -privatepreview. Error
M3019 ARMResourcePropertiesBag Top level property names should not be repeated inside the properties bag for ARM resource '{0}'. Properties [{1}] conflict with ARM top level properties. Please rename these. Error
M3016 BodyPropertiesNamesCamelCase Property named: "{0}", must follow camelCase style. Example: "{1}". Error
M3016 DefinitionsPropertiesNamesCamelCase Property named: "{0}", for definition: "{1}" must follow camelCase style. Example: "{2}". Error
M3006 BodyTopLevelProperties Top level properties should be one of name, type, id, location, properties, tags, plan, sku, etag, managedBy, identity. Extra properties found: "{0}". Error
M3008 CollectionObjectPropertiesNamingValidation Collection object {0} returned by list operation {1} with 'x-ms-pageable' extension, has no property named 'value'. Error
M2044 HttpVerbValidation Permissible values for HTTP Verb are delete,get,put,patch,head,options,post. Error
M3023 OperationsAPIImplementationValidation Operations API must be implemented for '{0}'. Error
M3007 PutGetPatchResponseValidation {0} has different responses for PUT/GET/PATCH operations. The PUT/GET/PATCH operations must have same schema response. Error
M3003 RequiredPropertiesMustExist Required property does not appear in the list of properties Error
M3001 ResourceModelValidation Model definition '{0}' must have the properties 'name', 'id' and 'type' in its hierarchy and these properties must be marked as readonly. Error
M3027 TrackedResourceGetOperationValidation Tracked resource '{0}' must have a get operation Error
M3026 TrackedResourcePatchOperationValidation Tracked resource '{0}' must have patch operation that at least supports the update of tags Error
M2059 UniqueResourcePaths Multiple resource providers are not allowed in a single spec. More than one the resource paths were found: '{0}'. Error
M3013 DeleteMustNotHaveRequestBody 'Delete' operation must not have a request body. Error
M2016 PatchBodyParametersSchemaValidation Properties of a PATCH request body must not be {0}. PATCH operation: '{1}' Model Definition: '{2}' Property: '{3}' Error
M2062 PutResponseResourceValidation The 200 response model for an ARM PUT operation must have x-ms-azure-resource extension set to true in its hierarchy. Operation: '{0}' Model: '{1}'. Error
M3027 TrackedResourceListByResourceGroup The tracked resource, '{0}', must have a list by resource group operation. Error
M3027 TrackedResourceListBySubscription The tracked resource, '{0}', must have a list by subscriptions operation. Error

RPC Warnings

Id Rule Name Output Message Severity
M2061 ProvidersPathValidation Type values "{0}" have default value(s), please consider parameterizing them Warning
M3018 BooleanPropertyNotRecommended Booleans are not descriptive and make them hard to use. Instead use string enums with allowed set of values defined. Warning
M3017 GuidValidation Guid used at the #/Definitions/{1}/.../{0}. Usage of Guid is not recommanded. If GUIDs are absolutely required in your service, please get sign off from the Azure API review board. Warning
M2057 SkuModelValidation Sku Model is not valid. A Sku model must have 'name' property. It can also have 'tier', 'size', 'family', 'capacity' as optional properties. Warning
M3010 TrackedResourceListByImmediateParent The child tracked resource, '{0}' with immediate parent '{1}', must have a list by immediate parent operation. Warning

SDK Violations

SDK Errors

Id Rule Name Output Message Severity
M2026 AvoidAnonymousTypes, AnonymousBodyParameter Inline/anonymous models must not be used, instead define a schema with a model name in the "definitions" section and refer to it. This allows operations to share the models. Error
M2014 OperationParametersValidation Parameter "subscriptionId" is not allowed in the operations section, define it in the global parameters section instead Error
M2027 DefaultMustBeInEnum The default value is not one of the values enumerated as valid for this element. Error
M1009 DeleteOperationNameValidation 'DELETE' operation '{0}' must use method name 'Delete'. Error
M1005 GetOperationNameValidation 'GET' operation '{0}' must use method name 'Get' or Method name start with 'List' Error
M1004 ListByOperationsValidation Operation must be one of List() - lists all resources under a subscription. ListByResourceGroup() - list all resources in a resource group within a subscription. ListByParent() - where ""Parent"" is a context specific suffix. It lists all resource under a parent. Error
M1003 ListOperationNamingWarning Since operation '{0}' response has model definition '{1}', it should be of the form "_list" Error
M1001 OperationIdNounInVerb Per the Noun_Verb convention for Operation Ids, the noun '{0}' should not appear after the underscore. Error
M2055 OneUnderscoreInOperationId Only 1 underscore is permitted in the operation id, following Noun_Verb conventions. Error
M1007 PatchOperationNameValidation 'PATCH' operation '{0}' must use method name 'Update'. Error
M1006 PutOperationNameValidation 'PUT' operation '{0}' must use method name 'Create'. Error
M2014 ServiceDefinitionParameters Parameter "{0}" is referenced but not defined in the global parameters section of Service Definition Error
M2043 SupportedSchemesWarning Azure Resource Management only supports HTTPS scheme. Error
M2003 ValidFormats '{0}' is not a known format. Error
M2005 LongRunningResponseValidationRule A '{0}' operation '{1}' with x-ms-long-running-operation extension must have a valid terminal success status code {2}. Error
M2008 MutabilityWithReadOnlyRule When property is modeled as "readOnly": true then x-ms-mutability extension can only have "read" value. When property is modeled as "readOnly": false then applying x-ms-mutability extension with only "read" value is not allowed. Extension contains invalid values: '{0}'. Error
M2025 NextLinkPropertyMustExist The property '{0}' specified by nextLinkName does not exist in the 200 response schema. \nPlease, specify the name of the property that provides the nextLink. If the model does not have the nextLink property then specify null. Error
M2028 NonEmptyClientName Empty x-ms-client-name property Error
M2060 PageableRequires200Response A response for the 200 HTTP status code must be defined to use x-ms-pageable Error
M2019 ResourceIsMsResourceValidation A 'Resource' definition must have x-ms-azure-resource extension enabled and set to true. Error
M2013 XmsClientNameParameterValidation, XmsClientNamePropertyValidation Value of 'x-ms-client-name' cannot be the same as '{0}' Property/Model. Error
M2058 XmsPathsMustOverloadPaths Paths in x-ms-paths must overload a normal path in the paths section, i.e. a path in the x-ms-paths must either be same as a path in the paths section or a path in the paths sections followed by additional parameters. Error
M2047 ParameterNameValidation Parameter Must have the "name" property defined with non-empty string as its value Error
M2062 RequiredReadOnlyPropertiesValidation Property '{0}' is a required property. It should not be marked as 'readonly'. Error
M2054 SecurityDefinitionsStructureValidation An OpenAPI(swagger) spec must have security definitions and must adhere to the specific structure. Error
M2022 XmsExamplesProvidedValidation Please provide x-ms-examples describing minimum/maximum property set for response/request payloads for operations.{0} Error

SDK Warningss

Id Rule Name Output Message Severity
M4000 ModelTypeIncomplete This definition lacks the property 'description', which is required for model types Warning
M4000 ParameterDescriptionRequired, OperationDescriptionRequired {0} lacks 'description' property. Consider adding a 'description' element. Accurate description is essential for maintaining reference documentation. Warning
M4000 DescriptiveDescriptionRequired The value provided for description is not descriptive enough. Accurate and descriptive description is essential for maintaining reference documentation. Warning
? AvoidMSDNReferences For better generated code quality, remove all references to "". Warning
S2001 AvoidNestedProperties Consider using x-ms-client-flatten to provide a better end user experience Warning
S2004 NonAppJsonTypeWarning Please make sure that media types other than 'application/json' are supported by your service. Warning
M2063 BodyParametersValidation A body parameter must be named 'parameters'. Warning
M2017 PutRequestResponseValidation A PUT operation request body schema should be the same as its 200 response schema, to allow reusing the same entity between GET and PUT. If the schema of the PUT request body is a superset of the GET response body, make sure you have a PATCH operation to make the resource updatable. Operation: '{0}' Request Model: '{1}' Response Model: '{2}' Warning