[a conversation in the North Pole kitchenette on the morning of December 4th between Santa and the head elf, Bernard]
[Bernard] This is bullshit, Kris. I've been leading the Elves for 200+ years. Don't you trust that I know what I'm talking about?? WE NEED TO GROW THE TEAM. We're running a skeleton-crew here.
[Santa] Remember, we're like a family here; we all make sacrifices! We're still a startup!
[Bernard] I swear to you. I think if I hear another hussle-culture quip from you... I think my little elf head will explode.
[Santa] If you can stick to it now and get us through one more year, there will definitely be rewards down the line.
[Bernard] I don't know why I even bothered asking...
Clearly, Bernard is a bit disgruntled. Can you blame him? Alas, there's still more work to do. Bernard walks away and mutters to himself:
[Bernard] Guess it's time to drag myself through another pointless TypeScript type challenge with no practical application.
Poor Bernard. Let's help him out.
Today's task is to craft a type (PresentDeliveryList
) that takes an object type as an input and then replaces the values at each property with an Address
. We don't know in advance what properties will be provided, which is why it needs to be a generic type. Otherwise Bernard would probably just copy/pasta it to get through the day.
type Address = {
address: string
city: string
type MixedBehaviorList = {
john: { behavior: 'good' }
jimmy: { behavior: 'bad' }
sara: { behavior: 'good' }
suzy: { behavior: 'good' }
chris: { behavior: 'good' }
penny: { behavior: 'bad' }
type MixedBehaviorDeliveryList = PresentDeliveryList<MixedBehaviorList>
john: Address
jimmy: Address
sara: Address
suzy: Address
chris: Address
penny: Address
type Unrelated = {
hello: { hello: 'hello' }
world: { world: 'world' }
type UnrelatedDeliveryList = PresentDeliveryList<Unrelated>
hello: Address
world: Address
Prompt by Dimitri Mitropoulos of MiTS.