Botkit CMS is a dialog CMSfor bot builders. Botkit Studio will substantially ease the development and deployment of a Bot, help to avoid common coding pitfalls, and provide a valuable management interface for the bot's dialog content and configuration. Botkit Studio is a product of, the creators of Botkit.
This is useful for bot developers who have existing apps but would benefit from features like bot-specific content management.
Install the SDK from npm:
npm install --save botkit-studio-sdk
Argument | Description |
input_text | This is the input string you want to evaluate for possible triggers. |
user_id | A unique user id representing the user whose input is being evaluated |
This function uses Botkit Studio's trigger API to test input text against all of a bots configured triggers. If a trigger is matched, the matching script will be returned as a JSON object. Otherwise, an empty object will be returned.
Function returns a promise.
var BKS = require('botkit-studio-sdk');
var bks_client = new BKS({
studio_token: 'studio token from botkit studio goes here'
bks_client.evaluateTrigger('hello how are you', user_id).then(function(script_object) {
// will always return a script_object.
// if it couldnt find a script the script_object will be an empty object
if (script_object.command) {
// a trigger was matched, do something...
// ... interpret the script object
} else {
// no matching trigger
}).catch(function(err) {
// an error occured while using the BKS API
Argument | Description |
script_name | The name of a script that exists in Botkit Studio |
user_id | A unique user id representing the user whose input is being evaluated |
Returns a promise that, when resolved, receives a JSON object representing the script identified by script_name.
var BKS = require('botkit-studio-sdk');
var bks_client = new BKS({
studio_token: 'studio token from botkit studio goes here'
bks_client.getScript('thanks', user_id).then(function(script_object) {
// will always return a script_object.
// if it couldnt find a script the script_object will be an empty object
// interpret script object
if (script_object.command) {
// a trigger was matched, do something...
// ... interpret the script object
} else {
// no matching trigger
}).catch(function(err) {
Argument | Description |
script_id | The id of a script that exists in Botkit Studio |
user_id | A unique user id representing the user whose input is being evaluated |
Returns a promise that, when resolved, receives a JSON object representing the script identified by script_id.
var BKS = require('botkit-studio-sdk');
var bks_client = new BKS({
studio_token: 'studio token from botkit studio goes here'
bks_client.getScriptById('5a7381d85d49c200142ed7bf', user_id).then(function(script_object) {
if (script_object.command) {
// a trigger was matched, do something...
// ... interpret the script object
} else {
// no matching trigger
}).catch(function(err) {
Returns a promise that, when resolved, receives a JSON array containing all of the currently available scripts.
Optionally specify a tag value. If specified, only scripts with the specified tag will be returned.
var BKS = require('botkit-studio-sdk');
var bks_client = new BKS({
studio_token: 'studio token from botkit studio goes here'
bks_client.getScripts().then(function(script_list) {
// script_list contains an array
}).catch(function(err) {
Response to getScripts will be in the format:
name: "script name",
description: "script description",
triggers: [
type: "string",
pattern: "foo"
Create a simple script in Botkit Studio with a single trigger and one reply.
Returns a promise that, when resolved, receives an object representing the new script.
A script JSON object from Botkit Studio API should look something like this:
"description":"Respond when a human says hello!",
"Hello Human!",
"How do you do?",
"Nice to meet you Human.",
"How’s it going?",
"Hey there!",
"G`day human!",
"You can edit it to customize my behaviors."