- Ghidra tutorial pt0
- Ghidra tutorial pt1
- The Ghidra Book
- Intel code table
- OMU training - GCC 2022
- crackmes.one
- Compiler explorer
- Rizin/cutter
- GDB GEF extensions
- analysing compiled code (e.g. protocols)
- finding vulnerabilities
- exploiting vulnerabilities
- malware analysis
- forensics
- software is HUGE, it’s easy to get lost
- RE is about finding the right place – not about understanding everything
- searching for strings
- finding entrypoints
- understanding disassembly
- debugging code
- fetch-decode-execute cycle
- instruction set cheatsheet
- tutorial: ARM buffer overflow explitation
- e.g. JVM/Java, Python etc.
- bytecode maps more directly to source language
- easier decompilation: Ghidra, Mocha
- e.g. .NET/CLR, Dalvik/Java etc.
- infinite number of registers available, unlike real CPUs
- also easy to decompile: dotPeek, JEB
CS: For pwn.college, optionally do the introduction Dojo to get accustomed with starting the VSCode- and Desktop workspace. With these workspaces you’ll be ready to hack away without having to download Ghidra or setting up VMs. For RE exercises, use Ghidra in the desktop workspace.
- PWN college
- IOLI crackmes
- HackTheBox (requires VIP subscription) Reversing track and Exploitation track