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288 lines (179 loc) · 13.4 KB

File metadata and controls

288 lines (179 loc) · 13.4 KB


Version 9.5.0

Fields to be obfuscated in audits of outbound (http-verbs) calls can be customised with httpclient.audit.fieldMaskPattern configuration.

Version 9.0.0

  • Cross built for Scala 3 and 2.13. Scala 2.12 has been dropped.

  • Long deprecated classes have been removed. These have just changed packages, so the functionality is still available. Apart from the following, which can just be removed from configuration:

    play.http.filters = ""
    play.http.filters = ""
  • supports asynchronous rendering.

    It will need an ExecutionContext injecting and the standardErrorTemplate and notFoundTemplate functions now return Futures. If you're not rendering asyncronously, you can just wrap the previous implementation in Future.success

    The request param now takes RequestHeader rather than Request[_] since the request body is not actually available. This may require similar changes in view templates. exists to ease the upgrade, since it can simply be extended instead. However it is deprecated, and will eventually be removed.

  • HttpVerbs has been bumped to 15.0.0 where HttpClient has been deprecated in favour or HttpClientV2. This will need enabling with

    play.modules.enabled += ""

    See http-verbs README

Version 8.6.0

  • application-json-logger.xml has been included. Since it is customised by configuration (by LoggerModule) it is no longer required in services.

Version 8.5.0

  • JsonErrorHandler has been updated to allow downgrading log the level of 401 status code error messages from ERROR to WARN with the bootstrap.errorHandler.warnOnly.statusCodes configuration.

Version 8.4.0

  • AuthRedirects has been removed from Play 2.9/3.0 builds. You will need to inline anything that is still needed.

Version 8.3.0

  • Injected RegistryMetrics is ensured to be the same as Metrics.defaultRegistry. Previously it would be a new one created on demand, meaning clients would have to inject Metrics instead.

Version 8.0.0

  • Supports Play 2.8, Play 2.9, Play 3.0
  • Play 3.0:
    • Uses instead of akka.
    • The artefact organisation has changed from to org.playframework - use this to register the plugin sbt-plugin.
  • Drops kenshoo metrics-play and uses an inline version of MetricsFilter.
    • If you need to access com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry then inject this directly, rather than injecting and calling defaultRegistry.
    • The following route can be removed.
      GET /admin/metrics
      It is not used for deployed services, the metrics are collected by the Graphite integration.
  • Updates playframework for play-28 to 2.8.21

Version 7.22.0

  • Deprecate SafeRedirectUrl public constructor

Version 7.20.0

  • Updates playframework to 2.8.20

Version 7.16.0

  • Updates the Allowlist Filter
    • removes all references to Akamai
    • provides a allowlist filter implementation and no longer extends the play-allowlist-filter library
    • new error handling and logging for configuration errors.
    • updated config values
      • bootstrap.filters.allowlist.destination is now obsolete use bootstrap.filters.allowlist.redirectUrlWhenDenied instead
      • bootstrap.filters.allowlist.ips is now an array
      • bootstrap.filters.allowlist.excluded is now an array
      • exclusions can, optionally, be defined with http methods in config, for example, METHOD:/path
      • exclusions now support a trailing wildcard, for example, /path/* excludes everything below /path
      • frontend.conf includes a /ping/ping exclusion at bootstrap.filters.allowlist.excluded[0]

Version 7.15.0

  • Updates default configuration in frontend.conf and backend.conf.

    The following modules are enabled by default:


    They can be disabled by adding to play.modules.disabled if required.

  • play.filters.csp.directives for frontends

    • Tightens the play defaults slightly by removing 'unsafe-eval' from script-src
    • Adds report-uri
  • Improves default values for microservice.metrics.graphite

Version 7.11.0

Updates http-verbs to fix case insensitivity of returned headers for Scala 2.13.

Version 7.9.0

Updates playframework to 2.8.18

Version 7.8.0

More MDC data loss fixes.

Version 7.5.0

The AllowlistFilter is added by default but now requires explicit enabling.

You will need to replace play.filters.enabled += "" with bootstrap.filters.allowlist.enabled = true

Version 7.4.0

  • SessionIdFilter is enabled in frontend.conf by default.

Any explicit addition of this filter can now be removed.

It's position by default ensures the sessionId is available to all auditing in the first request, something which isn't true if the filter is added manually at the end of the filter chain.

  • MDCFilter is now a trait. FrontendMdcFilter and BackendMdcFilter will be bound accordingly to ensure the the data is populated consistently.

  • http-verbs and play-auditing have been updated to fix some MDC data loss.

Version 7.0.0


Crypto has been updated to version 7.0.0.

If clients are using json-encryption, they should ensure they are using at least version 5.0.0, or crypto-play-xx instead for compatibility.

See crypto.

Note, commons-codec is no longer provided as a transitive dependency, and will need adding explicitly if clients require it.

form bindings

WithDefaultFormBinding has been removed. WithUnsafeDefaultFormBinding should be used instead.

Version 6.0.0


Http-verbs has been updated to version 14.0.0, which adds HttpClientV2. See http-verbs for details.

Auditing of truncated payloads

http-verbs's HookData has been updated to identify when audit data has been truncated. This should have little impact on clients as long as they rely on bootstrap-play to provide compatible versions of http-verbs and play-auditing.

AuditFilters have been updated to identify when audit data has been truncated. Most clients will be using the provided AuditFilters and should not be impacted.

Version 5.24.0

Builds update dependencies to Play 2.8.15 and Jackson 2.12.6. Also drops support for using bindFormRequest with application/json and application/multipart content types - if this is required, add with WithUrlEncodedAndMultipartFormBinding or with WithDefaultFormBinding to your controller.

Note, that in unit tests, you will need to use withFormUrlEncodedBody rather than withJsonBody. And also ensure you are setting the correct HTTP Method, otherwise you may fall foul of CORS checks. e.g.

FakeRequest().withMethod("POST").withFormUrlEncodedBody("username" -> username)

Please speak to PlatOps if you have issues.

Version 5.21.0

Builds for Scala 2.13 in addition to 2.12

Version 5.20.0

Adds the following configuration for JsonErrorHandler:

  • bootstrap.errorHandler.suppress4xxErrorMessages
  • bootstrap.errorHandler.suppress5xxErrorMessages

It is expected that suppression will be disabled for at least development, since they provide valuable feedback, but verbose messages can be suppressed if required.

Version 5.19.0

Drops support for Play 2.6 and Play 2.7. Only Play 2.8 is supported.

Version 5.18.0


This has been enabled by default in backend.conf and frontend.conf, but it can be disabled with play.modules.disabled += "" in your application.conf if required.

The LoggerModule will pick up logger.$loggername configuration (e.g. = DEBUG) in any configuration file, not just in The configuration will be applied, regardless of whether they have been defined in your logback file.

e.g. default values will suffice in your logback file without preping to use a System property:

<logger name="" level="${}"/>

can be replaced with

<logger name="" level="WARN"/>

And to enable a bespoke logger, not present in the logback file, you can just turn on with configuration. e.g. will set logger to DEBUG without having to make a new build with updated logback file first.

Version 5.0.0


Added Identity Verification (IV) CL250 support via auth-client 5.6, see May 2021 Tech Blog Post on this.

Version 4.0.0


Http-verbs has been bumped to major version 13.0.0. See http-verbs for details.


The following configuration has been renamed, the previous keys are invalid and will need to be updated.

Invalid config key Should now be
auditing.auditExtraHeaders auditing.auditSentHeaders


FrontendFilters and BackendFilters have been deprecated. The preferred way to set filters is via play.filters.enabled.

The motivation for this is to allow configuration of default Play filters via play.filters.enabled as per the Play documentation, and improve visibility of which filters are actually being used.

If you are using play.http.filters =, you will only need to remove this setting, since backend.conf has defined play.filters.enabled to the same filters.

If you are using play.http.filters =, you will need to remove this setting, but also change the following configurations:

Deprecated config key Change
security.headers.filter.enabled=true Just remove - this is the default
security.headers.filter.enabled=false Replace with play.filters.disabled += "play.filters.headers.SecurityHeadersFilter"
bootstrap.filters.csrf.enabled=true Just remove - this is the default
bootstrap.filters.csrf.enabled=false Replace with play.filters.disabled += "play.filters.csrf.CSRFFilter"
bootstrap.filters.sessionId.enabled=true Replace with play.filters.enabled += ""
bootstrap.filters.sessionId.enabled=false Just remove - this is the default
bootstrap.filters.allowlist.enabled=true Still required
bootstrap.filters.allowlist.enabled=false Just remove - this is the default

If you have set play.http.filters to a custom filter, we recommend that you remove this, and use play.filters.enabled instead. You can append extra filters with play.filters.enabled += or remove filters with play.filters.disabled += .

If you are using a custom filter which injects the play.api.http.EnabledFilters, or are already using the default play.api.http.EnabledFilters, then pay extra attention since the default play.filters.enabled has now been defined differently by bootstrap.

Version 3.0.0


Http-verbs has been bumped to major version 12.0.0. See http-verbs for details.


The following configuration has been renamed, the previous keys are invalid and will need to be updated.

Invalid config key Should now be
httpHeadersWhitelist bootstrap.http.headersAllowlist
bootstrap.filters.whitelist.enabled bootstrap.filters.allowlist.enabled
bootstrap.filters.whitelist.destination bootstrap.filters.allowlist.destination
bootstrap.filters.whitelist.excluded bootstrap.filters.allowlist.excluded
bootstrap.filters.whitelist.ips bootstrap.filters.allowlist.ips
auditing.auditExtraHeaders auditing.auditSentHeaders

From bootstrap-play-26

RunMode was removed

run.mode configuration will now have no effect.

Bootstrap configuration which previously supported a RunMode prefix now should be specified without the prefix. These are:

Invalid Prod/Dev/Test prefix Should now be
Prod.microservice.metrics microservice.metrics
Prod.auditing auditing

This applies to application.conf and any configuration overrides

Note: Environment.Mode still works as before, and some libraries may still use that as a prefix in their keys.

CSRFExceptionsFilter was removed

It was deprecated in 2017, and the original use-cases no longer appear valid.

If you still need the functionality offered by this filter, please copy the code from bootstrap-play-26 into your own codebase (including the tests) and take ownership of it.