- #849 - Firewall: Do not install firewalld package on Ubuntu
- #842 - Firewall: Do not require kubernetes_master and kubernetes_node components
- Filebeat (Ubuntu): Installing auditd sometimes fails in post-inst
- Filebeat (Ubuntu): Restarting auditd service sometimes fails with error: "Job for auditd.service failed because a timeout was exceeded"
- Repository (RHEL/CentOS): Add second try for skopeo to avoid random error on Azure: "pinging docker registry returned: Get https://k8s.gcr.io/v2/: net/http: TLS handshake timeout"
- #860 - Prometheus: K8s packages and their dependencies are installed on prometheus host
#820 - Firewall: OS level firewall setup (firewalld)
#381 - Add AWS EC2 Root Volume encryption
#782 - All disks encryption documentation - AWS
#782 - All disks encryption documentation - Azure
#784 - Switch to Open Distro for Elasticsearch
#755 - Create Ansible playbook to install Apache Ignite as a service on VM
#749 - Deploy stateless Apache Ignite on K8s
#831 - Build artifacts encryption (Kubernetes config) using ansible vault