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518 lines (350 loc) · 21.8 KB

F4MiniMenu - v1.42

A F4 Menu program for Total Commander to open selected file(s) in editor(s).
(and experimental/rudimentary support for Windows Explorer, Double Commander, XYPlorer, and Everything - only when activated).

It is a standalone program which runs separatly from Total Commander. See Getting Started.


  • Open selected files in defined Editor(s) - on a first come, first serve basis
  • Optional: Show menu with:
    a. All Editors (full menu)
    b. Matching Editors based on extension (filtered menu)
  • Various methods to open selected files: "regular", "Drag & Drop", Filelist, cmdline
  • Document Templates to create new files for file types other than "text" - DocumentTemplates README
  • Open source - written in AutoHotkey (v1.1)



F4 is the shortcut key used in Total Commander - a file manager for Windows - for opening selected files in a pre-defined editor. In TC only one program can be assigned to F4 making it impossible to define or select other editors for different file types. Several tools have been made to solve this problem, these include:

While the original F4Menu[1] has quite a few options, this "clone" started out as a minimalistic program with only the basic functionality: opening multiple file types in various editors.

There are various methods to open selected files: regular, "Drag & Drop", Filelist or by making use of a cmdline option.

There is a helper script to use F4MiniMenu settings as the "internal editor" defined in Total Commander and use so called DocumentTemplates for creating new files. See F4TCIE.

There are two foreground menus:

  1. Show all programs in the menu
  2. Show matching programs (filtered): only show those programs which match the extensions of the selected files. Access the full menu by using the 'full menu' option that is shown in this filtered menu. The default editor will remain the first menu entry. If a matching program can not be found, the full menu is shown instead. (See settings)

Passive mode, F4MiniMenu doesn't have to remain in memory for it to work, see passive.

First come, first serve

F4MiniMenu will open a file in the first editor it finds a match for based on the extension. If there is no match, it will open the file(s) in the default editor. The default editor is the first editor listed in the Configure editors window and in the configuration file (XML or INI) it will be the first entry. To open the file(s) in another program use the Foreground menu option. See screenshot below.

Add or modify editors via the tray menu or by bringing up the Foreground menu. %Commander_Path% and other variables can be used in the path(s) to the editors and icons.


In principle F4Menu (or other tools) and F4MiniMenu can be run side by side as long as there are no conflicting keyboard shortcuts. In case of the same hotkey setup, F4MiniMenu will take precedence. Set the F4MiniMenu shortcuts via the tray menu, right click, Settings option.

In general: be careful opening with opening large numbers of files at once, programs can crash and your computer could become unstable requiring a reboot.

Do not edit the F4MiniMenu.xml or F4MiniMenu.ini settings file while the script is running, any changes made will be overwritten when the script exits. A backup is made at startup and saved as F4MiniMenu.xml.bak or F4MiniMenu.ini.bak


Use at your own risk.

Getting Started

Start F4MiniMenu.ahk (or F4MiniMenu-64.exe, F4MiniMenu-32.exe, available in Releases).

Note that F4MiniMenu is a program that runs on its own and sits in the tray menu waiting for Total Commander windows (and others if set up) to be Active and the defined hotkeys to be pressed to take action (e.g. Edit files, default: F4; or Show a menu default: Esc+F4). Access the settings and define(d) editors via the tray menu or foreground menu - Esc+F4.

No changes to the TC settings are required, although there is a helper script (program), see F4TCIE, which does need to be defined as editor in the TC Settings for working with files in archives and FTP.

Once F4MiniMenu is started, the Global settings and new editors with a variety of options (as outlined below) can be changed and added.

(Additional information in the "Setup" section below.)


Global configuration

  • Menu
    • Position of Menu
    • Accelerator key for full menu when using the filtered menu
    • Show Menu or Edit file directly when using the filtered menu
  • Files (Maximum number of files to be opened, will ask for confirmation if more are selected)
  • WinWait -- see below
  • Total Commander
    • TC Start (Start Total Commander when F4MM is started, or not)
    • TC Path, TC INI Path (for F4Edit settings, see "Use elsewhere in TC")
    • Close F4MM options (Exit F4MM when Total Commander closes)
  • Hotkeys
    • Background
    • Foreground menu
    • Filtered menu
  • Other programs
    • Explorer, Double Commander, XYPlorer, Everything.
  • Use elsewhere in TC
    • Lister(1), Find Files, QuickView(2)

(1) If Lister setting is active and F4Edit>1 in wincmd.ini: close Lister window - See F4Edit= options in TC help file on how to handle F4 in lister via wincmd.ini (Introduced in TC v11.03).

(2) QuickView is experimental:
[x] when checked, it will try to open the file that is currently open in the QuickView panel, even if multiple files are selected in the active TC panel and the focus is NOT on the QuickView panel it self. The foreground and filtered menus can be opened in the QuickView panel, but here also only the one "viewed" file will be opened.
[ ] when unchecked all selected files will be opened even when QuickView is being used.

WinWait Set the maximum time in seconds to wait for the selected program window to appear before applying the selected Window Mode (Normal, Maximized, Minimized -- see Editor configuration). This should also prevent any unexpected "waiting" in case a program launch failed (crash, very slow program start etc).
As soon as the window appears it will continue to apply the Window mode and no longer wait. It may not be possible to edit (open) a new document during this defined waiting period.

Editor configuration

The following options can be set for each editor:

  • Path to Program executable. See Path variables.
  • Extensions as a comma separated list
  • Parameters to pass on -- if any, see Parameters/Options.
  • Start directory (if any)
  • Method (normal, drag & drop, filelist, cmdline) -- see Methods below
  • Window Mode (Normal (often last used window size and position), Maximized, Minimized)
  • Icon to use in the menu as alternative to program's icon (if any)
  • Name to use in the menu as alternative to the program.exe (if any)
  • Drag & Drop delay in millisecond (time to wait before sending drag & drop command so program can start)
  • Open delay in milliseconds (time to wait before opening the first file so program can start)

Path variables

All path variables should be wrapped in % signs, examples:

  • %Commander_Path%\tools\lister.exe
  • %WinDir%\write.exe
  • %A_ScriptDir%\..\..\Portable\CudaText\cudatext.exe

TC Environment variable:

  • Commander_Path

AutoHotkey path variables:

  • A_ScriptDir
  • A_ComputerName
  • A_UserName
  • A_WinDir
  • A_ProgramFiles
  • A_AppData
  • A_AppDataCommon
  • A_Desktop
  • A_DesktopCommon
  • A_StartMenu
  • A_StartMenuCommon
  • A_Programs
  • A_ProgramsCommon
  • A_Startup
  • A_StartupCommon
  • A_MyDocuments

Environment path variables:

  • ComSpec
  • WinDir
  • ProgramFiles
  • ProgramFiles(x86)
  • ProgramW6432

From the AutoHotkey documentation:

The Program Files directory (e.g. C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86)). This is usually the same as the ProgramFiles environment variable.

On 64-bit systems (and not 32-bit systems), the following applies:

  • If the executable (EXE) that is running the script is 32-bit, A_ProgramFiles returns the path of the "Program Files (x86)" directory.
  • For 32-bit processes, the ProgramW6432 environment variable contains the path of the 64-bit Program Files directory. On Windows 7 and later, it is also set for 64-bit processes.
  • The ProgramFiles(x86) environment variable contains the path of the 32-bit Program Files directory.


There are four methods to start a program and open the selected file(s).


This works in many cases and is similar to opening a file in TC by pressing enter or double click (or traditional F4). When multiple files are selected and the program(s) needs to be started first, a delay per editor can be set before attemping to open the second and other files: Delay for Open. A similar delay can be set for Drag & Drop. Normal is the default method.

Drag & Drop

When the program is already running F4MM attempts to Drag & Drop the selected files into the application. If the program is not running, it is started using the normal method for the first file, then subsquent files are Drag & Dropped. In order to give the application some time to start, before D&D the second and other files a delay can be set per editor - Delay for Drag & Drop. A simlar delay can be set for Normal.

Many programs support Drag & Drop, but not all programs will respond well to the Drag & Drop method used in this script. If it does not seem to work with a particular program, try the Normal or cmdline method(s).


Some programs can open files which are listed in a (temporary) file. In Total Commander there is something similar in the Button bar and in the Start Menu where a file list -- the %L parameter -- can be used to create a list with the names of the selected files and directories, one file per line. F4MiniMenu can do the same. A temporary file named $$f4mtmplist$$.m3u is created which is passed on to the target program.

Example Filelist usage:

Program: C:\Program Files\XnView\xnview.exe
Parameters: -filelist
Method: 3 - Filelist

Result: Selected files will be opened in the XnView browser.

Program: C:\Program Files\IDMComp\UltraEdit\uedit64.exe
Parameters: /f
Method: 3 - Filelist

Result: Selected files will be opened in UltraEdit. /f is the command line parameter required for UltraEdit.


To pass the selected files to the program on the command line "program.exe" "file1" "file2" "etc". Paths to the program and files are quoted automatically.

Examples cmdline usage:

Program: C:\Program Files\Meld\Meld.exe
Method: 4 - cmdline

Result: Selected files will be opened in Meld (diff program) Discussion

Program: c:\tools\mp3wrap\mp3wrap.exe
Parameters: ?output.mp3
Startdir: %p
Method: 4 - cmdline

Result: Selected MP3 files will be merged into one larger MP3 file asking the user for a filename (output.mp3 would be default)

Program: c:\Portable\vscodium\VSCodium.exe
Parameters: -filelist
Method: 3 - Filelist

Result: Selected files will be opened in VSCodium (works the same for Microsoft Visual Studio Code)


  • The reason for the .m3u extension is simple: it enables playlist support for WinAmp: Select multiple music files and press the hotkey to play the selected files. If the temporary file didn't have the .m3u extension WinAmp wouldn't recognize it as a playlist.
  • The temporary file $$f4mtmplist$$.m3u is not deleted directly after use to avoid problems with slow programs. It is deleted when F4MiniMenu starts or closes.


(The TC file manager has two file panels side by side referred to as Source and Target)

Parameter Meaning
%P insert the source path into the command line, including a backslash \ at the end.
%T insert the current target path, including a backslash \ at the end. (TC only, see notes)
%O places the current filename without extension into the command line.
%E places the current extension (without leading period) into the command line.
? as the first parameter causes a Dialog box to be displayed before starting the program, containing the parameters that follow. This allows the parameters to be changed before starting the program or prevent the programs execution.
%N places the filename under the cursor into the command line.
%M places the current filename in the target directory into the command line.
%$DATE:placeholders% See TC help, "Environment variables". Valid placeholders: y,Y,M,D,h,H,i1,i,m,s.
F4MM specific options: -------
%f41 placeholder to alter position of filenames on the command line. (see notes and example below)
%$DATE:placeholders|Value|TimeUnits% if Value and TimeUnits are present, these parameters allow for "Date & Time Math" to add or substract TimeUnits. TimeUnits can be either Seconds, Minutes, Hours, or Days. See TimeUnits of the command.


  1. More %f4 fields may be added in the future.
  2. %T for other file managers %T will use the same value as %P

Example: %f41

F4MiniMenu starts programs as follows:

ProgramName.exe Parameters File(s) Startdir

But for some programs the parameter(s) - the additional command(s) that need to be passed on to the program - have the come AFTER the File(s). So by using %f41 as a placeholder in the parameters field it will instruct F4MiniMenu where to place the files on the "command line"

Program: pdftk.exe
Parameters: %f41 burst

So the program now starts as pdftk.exe file.pdf burst (instead of pdftk.exe burst file.pdf)

Example: %$DATE:placeholders|Value|TimeUnits%

%$DATE:Y-M-D|7|Days% -> A week from now e.g. add 7 Days ahead. -7 would be last week.

Helper script: F4TCIE.ahk

Use F4TCIE for editing files in:

  • an Archived file (e.g. ZIP panel)
  • FTP connection
  • Create new file (Shift+F4)

Rename the script or exe to to end with an "i" to an INI setup, e.g. F4TCIEi.ahk or F4TCIEi.exe. (see 'XML or INI')

Setup F4TCIE

When F4MiniMenu sees the selected files are in an archive or in an FTP panel, it uses the default Total Commander Edit command. It will only use the first file if multiple files have been selected in the archive or FTP panel.

To configure Total Commander to use F4TCIE.ahk:

TC, Configuration, Edit/View, Editor (xml):
drive:\path-to\F4TCIE.ahk "%1"

TC, Configuration, Edit/View, Editor (ini):
drive:\path-to\F4TCIEi.ahk "%1"

Note: if both AutoHotkey v1.1 and v2 are installed you may receive an error message (from the AutoHotkey launcher). In that case include the full path of the AutoHotkey v1.1 executable before the drive:\path-to\F4TCIE.ahk like so:

TC, Configuration, Edit/View, Editor:
c:\program files\autohotkey\autohotkey.exe drive:\path-to\F4TCIE.ahk "%1"



F4TCIE-64i.exe -> F4TCIE-amd64i.exe
F4TCIE-32i.exe -> F4TCIE-x86i.exe

then use

drive:\path-to\F4TCIE-%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%.exe "%1"

If for some reason the configuration can not be opened, an attempt is made to start the editor for the file type associated in Windows (so for txt -> notepad, for bmp,jpg -> MS Paint etc). When there is no editor for the file type found notepad.exe is started.

Reference: see also #13


F4TCIE can also make use of DocumentTemplates when creating New files in Total Commander using the shift+f4 shortcut.

More information can be found in the DocumentTemplates README



  • AutoHotkey 1.1+ (Ansi or Unicode)
  • Total Commander (or some other file managers)



Download the source as a ZIP from GitHub here and unpack. To start it simply run F4MiniMenu.ahk. Setup F4MiniMenu using the tray menu options for Settings and Configure editors.

Once the shortcuts have been setup access Settings and Configure editors via the Foreground menu options by pressing the shortcut (press Esc+F4 by default). See screenshots below.


  1. Compile the script to a standalone executable using AHK2Exe. Documentation
  2. Or see (32 & 64 bit versions of both F4MiniMenu and F4TCIE)

XML or INI - There are two versions:

  1. F4MiniMenu.ahk (and F4TCIE.ahk) use(s) XML to store its settings (F4MiniMenu.xml)
  2. To store settings in the INI format (F4MiniMenu.ini) simply rename the (compiled) script(s) so it ends with an i (letter i) so rename or copy F4MiniMenu.ahk to F4MiniMenui.ahk (and F4TCIE.ahk to F4TCIEi.ahk).

Closing F4MiniMenu

Use tray menu, exit.

Automatically close F4MiniMenu using the following options (available via Settings):

  1. Close F4MM when all copies of TC close: this waits until all running copies of Total Commander are closed, then exit F4MiniMenu.
  2. Close F4MM when TC closes started by F4MM: If (a new) Total Commander was started via F4MiniMenu, wait until that specific Total Commander instance closes, then exit F4MiniMenu.


Important Do not use passive mode when F4MiniMenu is already running.

First parameter must be the file list which contains the selected files in Total Commander or Double Commander (refer to file manager documentation for further information).

Optional parameters are /P1, /P2, /M1, and /M2


Command:    F4MiniMenu.ahk
Parameters: %L

Command:    F4MiniMenui.ahk
Parameters: %L /P1 /M1

Command:    F4MiniMenu.exe
Parameters: %L /P2 /M2
Parameter Meaning
%L List file in the TEMP directory with the names of the selected files to be processed by F4MiniMenu (by file manager)
/P1 Menu position at Mouse cursor (useful to have it show at button bar location)
/P2 Menu position Centered in window
/M1 Full menu
/M2 Filtered menu
/ED Open Editors, ignore all other options
/SET Open Settings, ignore all other options

Other programs

File managers

The foreground and background menu should work with Explorer, Double Commander, XYPlorer, and Everything.

Not supported:

  • Starting and Closing of these file managers and/or F4MiniMenu
  • DocumentTemplates
  • Positioning of the menu - defaults to "Centered in window"

Each file manager has to be (de)activated in the settings.

To enable:

  • for Explorer and Everything: tick the checkbox (on)
  • for Double Commander and XYPlorer set the hotkey (Double Commander default: Ctrl+Shift+c, XYPlorer default: Ctrl+p)
  • save the settings (OK) - F4MiniMenu should reload automatically and now work with the activated file managers.

To disable:

  • for Explorer and Everything: tick the checkbox (off)
  • for Double Commander and XYPlorer delete the hotkey(s) (press DEL)
  • save the settings (OK)

As support for these other file managers is not thoroughly tested, unexpected behaviour may occur.


Foreground menu

Foreground menu

Confirm maximum

Confirm maximum

General program settings

General program settings

Configure editors

General program settings

Editor configuration

Editor configuration

TODO - Known issues

  1. TOFIX: If the order of the editors is changed first and then a new one is added, the order is set back to the initial order.

  2. INFO: Two options for delay:
    2.1 Drag & Drop delay gives program to start up before trying to drop the files - you may need to apply trail and error.
    2.2 Open delay, pauses X ms to open first file.


Used AHK Functions & Libraries



[1] Based on original idea from F4Menu by Shao Shanny - Backup links for the program can be found on the Total Commander forum