Command line utility for querying Trello for common data.
Currently only has options for querying cards based on due date.
More to come.
lein deps
lein uberjar
You need to set ENV variables for your Trello auth key and token. The two environment vars to set are
export TRELLO_KEY="mykey"
export TRELLO_TOKEN="mytoken"
Public Key: visit this link while logged in Trello.
With these values visit this other link (Replacing, of course <PUBLIC_KEY> for the public key value obtained). ** If you need read/write access, add the following to the end of the prior URL: &scope=read,write
Authorice MyApp to read the application
List overdue cards
java -jar trello-get-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar -o
List cards due tomorrow
java -jar trello-get-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar -T
Copyright © 2012 FIXME
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.