Name files with camelCase
or pascalCase
. E.g. Accordion.tsx
, MyControl.tsx
, utils.ts
, map.ts
+-- exampleComponent
+-- package.json
+-- tsconfig.json
+-- src
+-- components
+-- InternalExampleComponent
+-- InternalExampleComponent.tsx
+-- index.ts
+-- utils
+-- getSomething.ts
+-- hooks
+-- useExampleComponent.ts
+-- useExampleComponent.types.ts
+-- useExampleComponent.constants.ts
+-- index.ts
+-- docs
+-- ExampleComponent.stories.ts
+-- Description.mdx
+-- AnyDoc.mdx
+-- styles
+-- default.module.css
+-- size.module.css
+-- any.module.css
+-- __image_snapshots__
+-- test-snapshot.png
+-- any-snapshot.png
+-- __snapshots__
+-- ExampleComponent.test.tsx.snap
+-- __tests__
+-- ExampleComponent.test.tsx
+-- exampleComponent.screenshots.test.tsx
+-- ExampleComponent.mock.ts
+-- ExampleComponent.tsx
+-- ExampleComponent.types.ts
+-- ExampleComponent.constants.ts
+-- index.ts
Each package or module should export the default entity according to a particular package or module. Other elements such as types, utils, or any helpers of the package or module should be exported as a named export.
function ExampleComponent() {
return ...
export default ExampleComponent;
export interface ExampleComponentProps {
export interface ExampleComponentInterface {
export { default } from './ExampleComponent';
export * from './ExampleComponent.types.ts';
import ExampleComponent, {
} from '@heycar-uikit/ExampleComponent';
Use the filename as the component name.
For example, ExampleComponent.tsx
should have a reference name of ExampleComponent
However, for root components of a directory, use index.ts
as the filename and use the directory
name as the component name:
// bad
import ExampleComponent from './ExampleComponent/ExampleComponent';
// bad
import ExampleComponent from './ExampleComponent/index';
// good
import ExampleComponent from './ExampleComponent';