Allows use of standard babel JSX tools with virtual-dom/h
I wanted to use virtual-dom's "hyperscript" but write it using regular JSX syntax.
Standard Babel plugins as of 6.0+ have great tools for JSX, including the ability to specify a "pragma" to use instead of React.createElement
(which is the default). You simply npm install babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx
and specify the pragma. Docs for that are here.
I assumed I could just specify h
as a pragma and be done.
Only issue is React.createElement
expects child elements as addtional arguments: React.createElement('div', null, childOne, childTwo)
while h
expects h('div', null, [childOne, childTwo])
(note the last argument is an array of children.
This is a babel plugin to be ran after the "official" one that simply replaces any instance of a "callExpression" that has a name of h
and has three or more arguments, with a version that gathers the children
as an array passed as the third argument.
Note that this is not exensively tested and it's a naive and simple replacement. Any h()
call with more than 3 arguments is affected whether it's actually virtual dom's h
or not.
That's it!
It's kind of odd to have to import h from 'virtual-dom/h'
at the top of a file containing JSX, especially if you then never actually use it within your file. So, as of version 1.1.0+
this plugin will also automatically insert that import statement for you if the file contains JSX and doesn't have h
defined at the module level.
npm install both of them:
npm install babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx babel-plugin-h-children-fix
Now if your .babelrc
file looks like this:
"presets": ["es2015"],
"plugins": [
["transform-react-jsx", {"pragma": "h"}],
The babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx
firt turns this:
export default () => (
into something roughly like this:
export default () => (
h('ul', null, h('li', null, 'one'), h('li', null, 'two'))
and this plugin subsequently turns the above, into:
export default () => (
h('ul', null, [
h('li', null, 'one'),
h('li', null, 'two')
npm install babel-plugin-h-children-fix
If you like this follow @HenrikJoreteg on twitter.
auto importh
if not defined, added basic test, now uses standard style and enforcement thereof.1.0.1
doc update1.0.0
initial release