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- 第二届RISC-V中国峰会正在火爆进行中!
B站直播: 主会场及分会场A: https://live.bilibili.com/10339607 主会场及分会场B: https://live.bilibili.com/22275404
电子发烧友直播: 主会场及分会场A: https://t.elecfans.com/live/2096.html 主会场及分会场B: https://t.elecfans.com/live/2097.html
微信视频号: 主会场及分会场A: 半导体行业观察 主会场及分会场B: AI观察站
- C++ 中文周刊 第76期 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/555730322
针对编译Linux kernel module的尝试性改进,同学的邮件写得很得体 LoongArch: add model attribute https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2022-August/600144.html
Pinski本来是Arm64后端的老兵,看来Marvel也在押注RISC-V [PATCH 00/10] [RISCV] Fix/improve the RISCV backend https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2022-August/599990.html
[PATCH 0/3] [RISCV] Improve bswap for ZBB https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2022-August/600046.html
[PATCH] Add support for floating point endpoints to frange. https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2022-August/600131.html
[PATCH 0/3] Improvements to __ibm128 on PowerPC https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2022-August/599983.html
Nick对readelf不支持LLVM字节码文件的解释 RFC: readelf: Explain why LLVM bitcode files cannot be read https://sourceware.org/pipermail/binutils/2022-August/122506.html
Tsukasa对RISC-V反汇编器的改进 [PATCH v7 0/5] RISC-V: Fix address printer on the disassembler https://sourceware.org/pipermail/binutils/2022-August/122552.html
恭喜Caiyin。计算所基于LoongArch这个平台,可有效培养底层软件人才,未来可期 Appointing an official maintainer for LoongArch. https://sourceware.org/pipermail/libc-alpha/2022-August/141576.html
LoongArch和AArch64同步kernel头文件 Add NT_LOONGARCH_* from Linux 5.19 to elf.h https://sourceware.org/pipermail/libc-alpha/2022-August/141482.html
Add AArch64 HWCAP2_* constants from Linux 5.19 https://sourceware.org/pipermail/libc-alpha/2022-August/141479.html
[PATCH 0/2] LoongArch: Fix ptr mangling/demangling features https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2022-August/600144.html
本节内容来自 LLVM Weekly 第 451 期, Alex Bradbury 大哥持续稳定输出。
- 因本周小编团队需要组织RISC-V中国峰会所以有点草率。
想去,同时也更想能够有 CN LLVM Dev Meeting: Registration is now open for the 2022 US LLVM Developers' Meeting.
有兴趣可以看看,这位是学术大佬: John Regehr posted a summary of short/medium-term directions for llvm-reduce.
收藏先: The recording from the last Open MLIR meeting covering the proposal for a high-level ML dialect in MLIR is now available. See also Chris Lattner's recent post and the posts that precede it in in the high-level ML dialect thread discussing whether such an effort should go through LLVM's incubator process (with Chris arguing that it should).
做CI的同学看看: Konrad Kleine provided statistics and charts for LLVM's buildbots.
LLVM GPU News #40 is out.
MC layer support was added for the RISC-V Zca extension. 515ece1.
Software single stepping now works for LLDB RISC-V. 4fc7e9c.
- 因本周小编需要组织RISC-V中国峰会跳过一次。
- 因本周小编需要组织RISC-V中国峰会跳过一次。
- 从RISC-V中国峰会现场报道出来的新闻非常多,已经无法罗列了。刷刷朋友圈肯定可以看到一些。
- 因本周小编需要组织RISC-V中国峰会跳过一次。
- 因本周小编需要组织RISC-V中国峰会跳过一次。
- 开源实习:算能科技招募AI开源工具链开发(TPU-MLIR项目)
- DynamoRIO RISC-V 移植开发实习生招聘(PLCT实验室)
- PLCT实验室开始招募 Mono 系统开发实习生,负责 RISC-V 移植及优化
- PLCT实验室长期招募安卓系统(AOSP)开发实习生,升级和维护 AOSP for RISC-V 开源项目
- 瀚博半导体---编译器岗(AI/GPU类)火热开放中
- Intel 招聘 Compiler Engineer 和 Compiler Validation Engineer(上海)
- 大疆芯片部门招募编译器、模拟器、调度框架方向高级工程师
- PLCT实验室 libcxx-simd 项目实习生招聘
- 地平线-编译器研发工程师(北京/上海)
- RISC-V操作系统团队招聘测试工程师
- (远程/上海)Marvell DPU 部门招聘编译器研发
- (上海) 编译器开发工程师 - 芯旺微电子
- 平头哥AI芯片部编译及工具链团队招聘 - 校招+社招
- (腾讯)编译器高级研发工程师 (北京/上海/杭州/深圳)