点击「查看原文」跳转到 GitHub 上对应文件,链接就可以点击了。
- C++ 中文周刊 第71期 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/542158174
重要的一步终于迈出 RISC-V: Public review for Non-ISA Specification: psABI https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc/2022-July/239091.html
[PATCH] arm: add -static-pie support https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2022-July/598573.html
一步一个脚印,LoongArch的将来会更好 [PATCH v1 0/2] LoongArch: Modify the method of obtaining symbolic addresses. https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2022-July/598545.html
[PATCH] Revert "[PATCH] RISC-V: Use new linker emulations for glibc ABI." https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2022-July/598430.html
[PATCH 0/1 V4] RISC-V: Support Zmmul extension https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2022-July/598205.html Zmmul是RISC-V技术委员会今年批准的第一个ISA相关的SPEC,实现不带除法的m extension,设计的初衷参见: “For many microcontroller applications, division operations are too infrequent to justify the cost of divider hardware, the RISC-V Zmmul extension will benefit simple FPGA soft cores in particular.”
[PATCH,V5 00/10] Definition and Implementation of CTF Frame format https://sourceware.org/pipermail/binutils/2022-July/121839.html
[PATCH v3 0/3] RISC-V: Add 'Zmmul' extension https://sourceware.org/pipermail/binutils/2022-July/121810.html
[PATCH v5 00/15] basic linker namespace support https://sourceware.org/pipermail/gdb-patches/2022-July/190760.html
[PATCH v2 00/29] Step over thread clone and thread exit https://sourceware.org/pipermail/gdb-patches/2022-July/190708.html
GLIBC社区的 patch review meeting 真好,大大加快patch合入的速度 Monday Patch Queue Review update (2022-07-18) https://sourceware.org/pipermail/libc-alpha/2022-July/140788.html
[PATCH v7 00/13] GLIBC LoongArch PATCHES, almost there! https://sourceware.org/pipermail/libc-alpha/2022-July/140794.html
本节内容来自 LLVM Weekly 第 446 期, Alex Bradbury 大哥持续稳定输出。
这是啥?不知道: What LLVM merchandise would you like to see? Take part in the survey.
收藏收藏: Another talk from EuroLLVM is now available (I believe the final one). Jan Svoboda presents "Implicitly discovered, explicitly built Clang modules".
LLVM 15 要来了么: As a reminder, LLVM 15.x will branch on July 26th.
诶? The first meeting about creating an MLIR based Clang IR will take place on Friday July 22nd.
修了好几次了? Stella Laurenzo provided detailed notes on the recent MLIR C/Python API registration overhaul.
有用么? Kazu Hirata proposed deprecating
, instead recommending the use ofhas_value/value/value_or
which matches thestd::optional
interface. -
终于! Kito Cheng shared that the RISC-V psABI public review period has now started.
做C++前端估计头大: Sheng posted an RFC focused on implementing C++20 P0960R3, for initialising aggregated with a parenthesised list of values.
龙芯加油: LoongArch codegen functionality was further expanded, with support for FP conversions and atomics. 1df96ce, e147a0f, 47f3dc6.
Topper太勤勉了: A RISC-V specific CodeGenPrepare pass was added, looking for opportunities for replacing zero-extension with sign-extension on RV64. 1a8468b.
[PATCH] roms/opensbi: Upgrade from v1.0 to v1.1, https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/qemu-riscv/2022-07/msg00115.html
[PATCH] RISC-V: Allow both Zmmul and M, https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/qemu-riscv/2022-07/msg00121.html
[PATCH 0/1] Fix pointer masking functionality for RISC-V, https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/qemu-riscv/2022-07/msg00123.html
[PATCH] target/riscv: Support SW update of PTE A/D bits and Ssptwad extension, https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/qemu-riscv/2022-07/msg00128.html
[PATCH V3 0/6] Improve the U/S/H extension related check, https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/qemu-riscv/2022-07/msg00137.html
- RISC-V 中国峰会正在如火如荼的筹备中。
- 明天会有第40次东亚时区RISC-V双周会议。
- 【AI简报20220715期】吉利自研4nm AP芯片、一块硅芯片上造出15万量子比特
- RT-Thread 夏令营正式开营,录取了36位同学,开展为期3周的学习和讲座,期待最后的成果展示。
- TVM准备 Release v0.9 apache/tvm#12103
- DynamoRIO RISC-V 移植开发实习生招聘(PLCT实验室)
- PLCT实验室开始招募 Mono 系统开发实习生,负责 RISC-V 移植及优化
- PLCT实验室长期招募安卓系统(AOSP)开发实习生,升级和维护 AOSP for RISC-V 开源项目
- 瀚博半导体---编译器岗(AI/GPU类)火热开放中
- Intel 招聘 Compiler Engineer 和 Compiler Validation Engineer(上海)
- 大疆芯片部门招募编译器、模拟器、调度框架方向高级工程师
- PLCT实验室 libcxx-simd 项目实习生招聘
- 地平线-编译器研发工程师(北京/上海)
- RISC-V操作系统团队招聘测试工程师
- (远程/上海)Marvell DPU 部门招聘编译器研发
- (上海) 编译器开发工程师 - 芯旺微电子
- 平头哥AI芯片部编译及工具链团队招聘 - 校招+社招
- (腾讯)编译器高级研发工程师 (北京/上海/杭州/深圳)
作者: 吴晓波
推荐: 小编1号
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