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上周日OSDT社区举办了 GSoC 经验讨论和准备会议。视频回放预计本周上传。
- C++ 动态新闻推送 第【50】期 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/469305073
[PATCH, AARCH64] Add compiler support for Shadow Call Stack https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2022-February/590602.html
[PATCH v4 00/12] ARM/MVE use vectors of boolean for predicates https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2022-February/590732.html
[PATCH 0/8] OpenMP 5.0: C++ "declare mapper" support (plus struct rework, etc.) https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2022-February/590582.html
[Patch] nvptx: Add -mptx=6.0 + -misa=sm_70 https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2022-February/590553.html
[PATCH 0/3] disassembler syntax highlighting in objdump (via libopcodes) https://sourceware.org/pipermail/binutils/2022-February/119792.html
Noted slowness in profile loading with binutils 2.37 https://sourceware.org/pipermail/binutils/2022-February/119701.html
GDB 12 preparation -- 2022-02-20 update https://sourceware.org/pipermail/gdb-patches/2022-February/186026.html
[PATCH v2] Linux: Consolidate auxiliary vector parsing (redo) https://sourceware.org/pipermail/libc-alpha/2022-February/136461.html
AArch64 BTI讨论继续: Enable BTI for the executable as well as the interpreter https://sourceware.org/pipermail/libc-alpha/2022-February/136554.html
本节内容来自 LLVM Weekly 第 425 期, Alex Bradbury 大哥持续稳定输出。
论文: A new paper Compiler Support for Sparse Tensor Computations in MLIR discusses adding support to MLIR for generating sparse code automatically from a sparsity-agnostic definition of computation.
论文: Learning Branch Probabilities in Compiler from Datacenter Workloads presents an approach to use machine learning to estimate branch probabilities.
宋教授: Fangrui Song started a thread to discuss speeding up LLD through parallel input file parsing and the changes that would be needed to support this.
GSoC准备中: Tanya Lattner shared notes and next steps from a recent meeting about Outreachy and GSoC internships.
Matthias Gehre kicked off an RFC discussion on adding support for division of large
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Anton Korobeynikov created a pinned topic providing guidance on LLVM in GSoC 2022.
宋教授x2: Fangrui Song proposed changing the behaviour of Clang searching for multiarch include and library paths in the presence of
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套娃? A new llvm-libgcc folder was added, containing files to allow building libunwind as a libgcc "front" that can be used to replace
, andlibgcc_s.so
(see the commit message for more details). c5a20b5.
[PATCH v4 0/2] riscv: Add support for Zicbo[m,z,p] instructions. https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/qemu-riscv/2022-02/msg00114.html
[PATCH 0/5] RiscV cleanups for user-related life cycles. https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/qemu-riscv/2022-02/msg00123.html
[PATCH v5 00/12] Improve PMU support. https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/qemu-riscv/2022-02/msg00133.html
[PATCH v10 0/5] QEMU RISC-V AIA support. https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/qemu-riscv/2022-02/msg00147.html
[PATCH v4 0/6] Privilege version update. https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/qemu-riscv/2022-02/msg00171.html
- 【线上活动】嵌入式系统解决方案技术研讨会 暨项目芯片选型咨询会(春季),本周四RT-Thread联合芯片合作伙伴举办嵌入式系统解决方案技术研讨会直播,为嵌入式开发者解读系统解决方案,高效助力开发者选型,开发提效降本。同时将联合芯片厂商开设项目芯片选型咨询会,让工程师与芯片原厂一对一沟通项目需求,获取原厂最优芯片产品推荐。
- 【AI简报20220218期】 国产开源芯片“香山”终于调试成功!英特尔将开放x86授权!
- RT-Thread 微内核OS通过SGS三项最高等级功能安全认证,SGS为上海睿赛德电子科技有限公司自主研发的嵌入式安全操作系统 RT-Thread Smart for Safety 颁发了IEC 61508 SIL 3、ISO 26262 ASIL D、EN 50128 SIL 4 等级的功能安全产品认证证书,SGS)为上海睿赛德电子科技有限公司(以下简称睿赛德科技)自主研发的嵌入式安全操作系统 RT-Thread Smart for Safety 颁发了IEC 61508 SIL 3、ISO 26262 ASIL D、EN 50128 SIL 4 等级的功能安全产品认证证书。
- TVMCon 2021 视频回放来了: https://discuss.tvm.apache.org/t/tvmcon-2021-recordings/11902 国内有伙伴搬运到了B站,感谢: https://space.bilibili.com/34158794/channel/seriesdetail?sid=1968900
- 地平线-编译器研发工程师(北京/上海)
- RISC-V操作系统团队招聘测试工程师
- 考研结束,来拿一份offer吧!PLCT实验室RISC-V相关开发岗位春招继续
- (远程/上海)Marvell DPU 部门招聘编译器研发
- (上海) 编译器开发工程师 - 芯旺微电子
- 平头哥AI芯片部编译及工具链团队招聘 - 校招+社招
- (腾讯)编译器高级研发工程师 (北京/上海/杭州/深圳)
- 华为中央软件院编译器与编程语言软件精英与专家招募进行中!
- (上海) NVidia 招聘高级LLVM编译工程师
- (北京)IBM招聘编译器开发工程师
- PLCT实验室新开放方舟编译器开发实习生(NJ56)
- 阿里云下属神龙系统设计开发核心团队招聘编译器及相关工具链研发专家
- 快手招聘语言设计与编译器研发专家(深圳)-【基础架构中心】
- 寒武纪招聘AI编译器等职位
- Intel的新岗位
作者: [瑞典] 卡尔·贝内迪克特·弗雷
译者: 贺笑