点击「查看原文」跳转到 GitHub 上对应文件,链接就可以点击了。
- MaskRay - Archives and --start-lib https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1T44y1s7Me?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0
- 小乖他爹 - 聊聊最近阅读的编译器后端的论文 - 20220123 - OSDT Meetup https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1bq4y1C7uL
- C++ 动态新闻推送 第47期 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/461056971
AArch64 32-bit模式硬件bug,还好A-57和A-72已逐渐淡出 [committed 0/7] Arm: mitigation for AES erratum on Cortex-a57 and Cortex-A72 https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2022-January/588938.html
阿里的贡献[AARCH64] Add compiler support for Shadow Call Stack https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2022-January/589214.html https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2021-December/586204.html
Stack Protector Arm优化 [PATCH v6 0/1] implement TLS register based stack canary for ARM https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2022-January/588887.html
南京大学的编译从业人员研究,号召GCC开发人员义务参与 Recruitment Letter For compiler developers or maintainers https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc/2022-January/238104.html
LoongArch第五版GCC后端支持 [PATCH v5 00/12] Add LoongArch support https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2022-January/589072.html
[PATCH][GCC13?] RISC-V: Replace
smax' RTL patterns withfmin'/
fmax' https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2022-January/588955.html -
Difference between 32-bit SPARCv9 and SPARCv8+? https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2022-January/589026.html
[PATCH v2] Disable -fsplit-stack support on non-glibc targets https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2022-January/588973.html
Binutils: The 2.38 branch has been created. https://sourceware.org/pipermail/binutils/2022-January/119426.html
[PATCH] RISC-V: create new frag after alignment. https://sourceware.org/pipermail/binutils/2022-January/119412.html
GDB: [PATCH v5 00/15] FreeBSD target async mode and related refactoring https://sourceware.org/pipermail/gdb-patches/2022-January/185345.html
中科院LoongArch刷新GDB支持 GDB: [PATCH v2 0/5] gdb: Add basic support for LoongArch https://sourceware.org/pipermail/gdb-patches/2022-January/185318.html
AArch64 安全特性支持蛮活跃的 [PATCH v8 0/4] arm64: Enable BTI for the executable as well as the interpreter https://sourceware.org/pipermail/libc-alpha/2022-January/135641.html
ppc64le: gcc 12 vs -mabi=ibmlongdouble https://sourceware.org/pipermail/libc-alpha/2022-January/135647.html
[PATCH v3 0/3] Fixes for CVE-2021-3998 and CVE-2021-3999 https://sourceware.org/pipermail/libc-alpha/2022-January/135532.html
Yocto prelink status https://sourceware.org/pipermail/libc-alpha/2022-January/135520.html
[PATCH v11 0/4] Multiple rtld-audit fixes https://sourceware.org/pipermail/libc-alpha/2022-January/135623.html
Monday Patch Queue Review update (2022-01-17) https://sourceware.org/pipermail/libc-alpha/2022-January/135667.html
[PATCH v2 0/2] RISC-V: Add vector ISA support https://sourceware.org/pipermail/libc-alpha/2022-January/135416.html
本节内容来自 LLVM Weekly 第 421 期, Alex Bradbury 大哥持续稳定输出。
注意!注意:As a reminder, LLVM is moving to Discourse. LLVM Weekly is now being posted to the LLVM Discourse forum rather than llvm-dev (which is currently due to be shut to new posts from February 1st). I've also taken the bold step of renaming our regular "On the mailing lists" section to "On the forums".
收藏夹收藏夹: Michał Górny wrote up a summary of LLDB FreeBSD kernel debugging support.
收藏夹收藏夹: The January 2022 mailing of C++ papers is now available.
收藏夹收藏夹: Jessica Paquette started a new thread collecting beginner friendly resources for people new to LLVM.
收藏夹收藏夹: Slides and a recording are now available from the most recent Open MLIR meeting, about a data-centric dialect for MLIR.
顺带,国内有MLIR社群了: Mehdi Amini posted an MLIR RFC on adding support for IR versioning.
转正了: The now-ratified RVV related extensions are no longer marked as experimental, and support was added for the RISC-V zve extensions. 8eae99d, 3cf15af.
The 2021 LLVM Security Group transparency report was added. 4d82ae6.
JITLink有人看过么? RISC-V label subtraction and addition and R_RISCV_SET* and R_RISCV_32_PCREL relocations were added to JITLink. dc18c5f, f7d4caf.
有意思: A machine learning based register allocation eviction advisor was added. e67430c.
好消息: MC layer support was added for the RISC-V 'zbkb' and 'zbkc' scalar cryptography extensions. 7ee1c16, e796eaf.
- 香山开源RISC-V处理器,回片后成功点亮,Linux启动了!
RT-Thread 已经完成了PSE51的完整支持,还支持了一部分 非posix标准但是在unix环境下常用的函数 https://github.com/RT-Thread/rt-thread/blob/master/components/libc/posix-info.txt
- 风平浪静。
- 考研结束,来拿一份offer吧!PLCT实验室RISC-V相关开发岗位春招继续
- (远程/上海)Marvell DPU 部门招聘编译器研发
- (上海) 编译器开发工程师 - 芯旺微电子
- 平头哥AI芯片部编译及工具链团队招聘 - 校招+社招
- (腾讯)编译器高级研发工程师 (北京/上海/杭州/深圳)
- 华为中央软件院编译器与编程语言软件精英与专家招募进行中!
- (上海) NVidia 招聘高级LLVM编译工程师
- (北京)IBM招聘编译器开发工程师
- PLCT实验室新开放方舟编译器开发实习生(NJ56)
- 阿里云下属神龙系统设计开发核心团队招聘编译器及相关工具链研发专家
- 快手招聘语言设计与编译器研发专家(深圳)-【基础架构中心】
- 寒武纪招聘AI编译器等职位
- Intel的新岗位
刚开始挺震撼的,就像是预测了最近的科技进展和近未来的发展方向。但是后半部分看起来就有点不太刺激 —— 可能是看了三体系列和《自新大陆》之类就会很期待更大的世界观或者幻想体系 —— 总体感觉有点只是牵涉到了一个很小的切面,而且里面的人太柔和了,没有了什么残酷的冲突。当然这可能也是未来恐怖的一个地方。