by Alexandre Albore, Hector Palacios, Hector Geffner.
In the current directory are present the following files:
: Translator from Contingent Problem P to X(P) and X+(P)clg
: Closed Loop Greedy
: Script to run both the translator and the plannerdocs
: CLG paperCLG_benchmarks
: PDDLstest
: an exampe
The script is easy to use and to modify.
Syntax: -0/1 {-q N} domain.pddl problem.pddl
-0 off-line mode
-1 on-line mode
-q sensing probability, an int between 0--100 (on-line mode only)
NB: -q
is an optional parameter for on-line mode.
When performing a set of tests it is good to change it from different values between 0 and 100.
It indicates the probability to take the first option in a (boolean) sensing action.
./ -1 test/d.pddl test/p.pddl
./ -0 test/d.pddl test/p.pddl
./ -0 -q 50 test/d.pddl test/p.pddl
NB: Domain and problem description have to be in the binaries directory. Otherwise change the path for CLG option -p into the script.
Please, let me know any problem or suggestion.
Hector Palacios, [email protected],